
Definition and Characteristics of Social Structure

Sociologists have different opinions on how to define social structure. George C, Homans associates behaviours in daily lives, whilst talcott parsons argues that social structure is a human interaction. Another well-known sociologist, James S. Coleman, depicts social structure as a pattern of human interactions among people and groups of people. John C. Kornblum emphasises the … Read more

Functions and Forms of Social Structure

Functions and Forms of Social Structure – Generally, within social structure, there are some social behaviours that tend to remain constant and regular. Those acts are able to serve as delineation of behaviour among individuals and groups. Within a social structure, an individual or group show tendency to adjust their attitude to comply with their … Read more

Definition of Social Stratification

Definition of Social Stratification – God creates humankind with equal status. Nonetheless, reality within society shows that people with distinct abilities such as wealth, power, heredity, and education, are more respected than the others. By valuing certain groups more than others, leads to social division known as social stratification or social strata. In other words, … Read more

Factors Contributing to Social Stratification

Social stratification appears as the natural consequence of processes occurring in society. Factors contributing to social stratification are skill, age, physical nature, sex, originality of society membership, and wealth. For illustration, a person who has a strong built is able to protect a weaker person and a wise and capable person will be naturally appointed … Read more

Definition of Social Differentiation

What is social differentiation? We will unearth the answer through explanations below. Observe your surrounding where you live. It certainly is diverse, isn’t it? There are women and men. There are white, brown, and black people. Some convert to Islam, Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, and Buddha. Some work as doctor, teacher, university lecture, editor, labour, civil … Read more

Forms of Social Differentiation: Racial Differentiation

Forms of Social Differentiation: Racial Differentiation – Race is defined as a number of people who share the same physical features. If we mention a particular race, we thus describe ther physical features instead of their cultural characteristics. According to Ralph Linton, humankind are categorised  into three general racial types, notably Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid. … Read more