Database Design
Overview of database design
– Understanding Database Fundamentals
– Exploration of Database Models
– Database Design Planning
– The Database Design Life Cycle
Business modeling is the process of evaluating and capturing the daily tasks performed by a business, and the origination of any database.
The foremost task in business modeling is taking time to talk to the individuals in the company who make decisions, those who work face to face with the data, and others who perform tasks that might or might not be related to the storage requirements of the database
When designing a database, the designers must understand the business as well as the users of the proposed database
Defining the mission statement & mission objectives
Mission Statement adalah ringkasan dari tujuan keseluruhan dari database yang disarankan.
Yang terlibat : Management, developers, and end users.
Mission Objectives akan dipakai untuk menyusun planning desain dan membangun milestones yang menandai progress pengembangan proyek.
The Traditional Design Method
Most methodologies used today stem from that of the traditional method. Three of the primary phases involved in the traditional method are as follows:
1. Requirements analysis
2. Data modeling
3. Normalization
Menurut IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Technology :
Suatu keadaan atau kesanggupan yang dibutuhkan oleh user untuk memecahkan persoalan atau meraih tujuan.
Suatu keadaan atau kesanggupan yang harus dipenuhi atau dimiliki oleh metode atau bagian sistem untuk menyanggupi persetujuan, standard, spesifikasi atau dokumen formal lain.
In general, normalization removes duplication and minimizes redundant of data.
The persoalan with the academic approach to normalization is that it seems to insist on always expecting a designer to apply every Normal Form layer in every situation