What Is The Purpose Of Each Of The Dialog In Task 1?

what is the purpose of each of the obrolan in task 1?


apa tujuan dr masing masing dialog dlm peran 1?

agar berfaedah

what is the purpose of each of the obrolan…​

what is the purpose of each of the dialog...​


to ask for to speak john robert with mr. wibowo.


john robert meminta ajun pak wibowo untuk mengatakan dgn pak wibowo.

what is the purpose of the dialog above


apa maksud dr obrolan di atas?


maaf klo slh

what is the purpose of each of the obrolan in task 1?

what is the purpose of each of the dialog in task 1?


The purpose of the obrolan 1 is to speak to Mr. Wibowo. The caller wanted to give quick questions about deductions for her/his tax returns.

The purpose of the obrolan 2 is to apply for a loan to get some money.

The purpose of the obrolan 3 is to order some delivery pizzas.

The purpose of the dialog 4 is to get information about garbage and recycle collection work to City Utility Department.

The purpose of the obrolan 5 is to complain about a busy number.

The purpose of the obrolan 6 is to introduce themselves.


Untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas obrolan yaitu

The telephones calls are dialog 1 and obrolan 3.

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Peelajari lebih lanutt bahan acuan making telephone calls pada https://wargamasyarakat.co.id/peran/22432110


What is the purpose of the obrolan in task


A task dialog is a obrolan box that can be used to display information and receive simple input from the user
