We Will Get

We will get
a discounted price for
the concert
in the news agency
if we can show our
student ID card Would
you like me to get your


Kita akan menerima

harga potongan harga untuk


di kantor berita

jika kami dapat menunjukkan kami

kartu identitas pelajar Apakah

Anda ingin aku menerima



maaf kalo salah

tolong lengkapi.. we will get a discounted price for the concert…… in the news agency if we can show oyr student ID card. would you like me to get your ticket?

tolong lengkapi.. we will get a discounted price for the concert...... in the news agency if we can show oyr student ID card. would you like me to get your ticket? we will get a discounted price for the concert…..of maher zain

We will get a discounted price for the concert

terjemahan= Kita akan mendapat harga potongan harga untuk konser

We will get a discounted price for the concert….on the news agency if we can show our student id card.would you like me to get your ticker?


  Puisi Cinta Galau | Masih Mencari Nyatamu

Ini terjemahan nya

Kami akan mendapatkan harga diskon untuk konser….di kantor info bila kami dapat memberikan kartu pelajar kami.apakah Anda ingin saya menerima ticker Anda?


Apakah ada klarifikasi untuk soal nya?

We will get
a discounted price for
the concert …
in the news agency
if we can show our
student ID card. Would
you like me to get your


Yes, i would love too!


Untuk to be ‘would’ itu biasannya jawabannya:

– Yes i would / Yes i’d love too ( Yes i would love too)

– No, i would not / No, i can’t / Sorry, i can’t