Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 1

12. Look at the picture below!

Energy hasbeen used in the picture…

A. Wind

B. Electricity

C. Sunlight

D. Fire

Jawaban: d

13. My mother is ironing clothes. The energy used by mother is…

A. Wind

B. Electricity

C. Sunlight

D. Fire

Jawaban: b

14. “ Environment “ in Indonesian language is…

A. Makhluk hidup

B. Lingkungan

C. Tumbuhan

D. Hewan

Jawaban: b

15. We water the plants …

A. In the morning

B. In the afternoon

C. In the morning and afternoon

D. In the morning and evening

Jawaban: c

16. Plants that can become medicine is …

A. Ginger

B. Pine tree

C. Coconut tree

D. Jackfruit tree

Jawaban: a

17. “ Keberagaman “ in English language is…

A. Diversity

B. Benefit

C. Sentient

D. Environment

Jawaban: a

18. “ Rare “ in Indonesian language is…

A. Langka

B. Praktis dijumpai

C. Dipelihara

D. Diperjualbelikan

Jawaban: a

19. Which is a rare animal?





Jawaban: a

20. The picture shows an environmental damage, except…





Jawaban: c

21. The people who work fishing in the sea is …

A. Teacher

B. Doctor

C. Fisherman

D. Farmer

Jawaban: c 

22. Look at the picture below!

What is the job in the picture?

A. Doctor

B. Architect

C. Nurse

D. Police

Jawaban: b

23. Look at the picture belowe!

What is the job in the picture?

A. Doctor

B. Art worker

C. Nurse

D. Police

Jawaban: b

24. The person who educates us at school is…

A. Nurse

  Kunci Jawaban Tema 5 Kelas 4 Halaman 111 112 113 115, Subtema 3 Pembelajaran 3

B. Police

C. Teacher

D. Tailor

Jawaban: c

25. Mr. Udin was repairing a damaged motorcycle, Mr. Udin job is …

A. Driver

B. Teacher

C. Mechanic

D. Pilot

Jawaban: c

26. Look at the picture below!

What is the job in the picture?

A. Fisherman

B. Farmer

C. Pharmacist

D. Breeder

Jawaban: a

27. What is produced by farmers, except…

A. Rice

B. Peanuts

C. Vegetable

D. Fish

Jawaban: d

28. “ Pahlawan “ in english language is…

A. Hero

B. Figher

C. King

D. Queen

Jawaban: a

29. Sriwijaya kingdom is located in…

A. Lampung

B. Kediri

C. Kalimantan Tengah

D. Palembang

Jawaban: d

30. “ Candi “ in English Language is…

A. Complex

B. Temple

C. Culture

D. Art

Jawaban: b

31. Look at the picture below!

Who is the figure in the picture?

A. Sultan Hassanudin

B. Sultan Iskandar Muda

C. Hayam Wuruk

D. Raja Balaputradewa

Jawaban: b

32. Look at the picture below!

Who is the figure in the picture?

A. Diponegoro

B. Gajah Mada

C. Hayam Wuruk

D. Balaputradewa

Jawaban: a

33. Pattimura comes from…

A. Aceh

B. Yogyakarta

C. Maluku

D. Sulawesi Selatan

Jawaban: c

34. The first president in Indonesia is…

A. Soekarno

B. Muhammad Hatta

C. Megawati

D. Joko Widodo

Jawaban: a