Reported Speech: Pemahaman, Rumus, Dan Teladan Soal

Kita semua niscaya pernah memberikan kembali perkataan yang diucapkan oleh orang lain.

Jika dalam bahasa Indonesia kita menggunakan kalimat tak eksklusif, maka dalam bahasa Inggris kita harus memakai reported speech untuk mengungkapkan hal tersebut.

Reported speech disebut juga sebagai indirect speech yang memiliki arti kalimat tak eksklusif.

Kalimat ini umumnya mengalami beberapa perubahan dari bentuk orisinil (kalimat eksklusif). Pelajari pembahasan lengkap tentang indirect speech berikut ini.

Pengertian Reported Speech

Apa yang dimaksud dengan reported speech?

Reported speech atau indirect speech yakni kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sesuatu yang telah disampaikan oleh orang lain.

Dalam penerapannya, kalimat mengalami beberapa pergantian sehingga menjadi lebih jelas bagi pendengar.

Kalimat langsung (direct speech) yang mampu berubah menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech) antara lain:

  • Pernyataan (statement)

Kalimat yang berbentuk pernyataan (statement) mengalami perubahan dengan ditambahi kata ‘say/said’ atau ‘tell/told’.

Agar kalimat menjadi lebih mengalir dan gampang dipahami, kata ‘that’ mampu dipakai selaku penghubung. Simak contoh berikut:

“I plan to visit my uncle next month,” John says → John said that he planned to visit his uncle the month later.

  • Perintah (command), usul (invitation), permintaan (request)

Kalimat imperative dapat berupa perintah, ajakan, maupun usul. Indirect speech jenis ini umumnya menggunakan ‘to’ atau ‘not to’. Simak acuan di bawah ini:

“Don’t talk to me!” à She told me not to talk to her.

  • Pertanyaan ya/tidak (yes/no question)

Direct speech berbentukyes/no question dapat diubah menjadi reported speech dengan menambahkan kata if atau whether. Berikut misalnya:

“Do you enjoy the dinner?” → He asked me if I enjoyed the dinner.

  • Pertanyaan informasi (information question)

Kalimat tanya yang menggunakan 5W+1H dapat diubah menjadi indirect speech dengan memindahkan auxiliary/modal ke belakang subyek. Simak teladan berikut.

“Where is the post office?” → She asked me where the post office was.

Baca juga Degree of Comparison.

Rumus Reported Speech

Tidak seperti ketika kita mempelajari tenses, tidak ada rumus khusus untuk mengubah kalimat langsung menjadi tidak pribadi.

Namun ada beberapa cara yang bisa dijalankan untuk mengubah kalimat eksklusif menjadi tak langsung, di antaranya ialah:

  • Menghilangkan tanda kutip
  • Mengubah huruf kapital pada permulaan kalimat langsung menjadi aksara kecil
  • Mengubah pronoun menjadi bentuk orang ketiga
  • Menggunakan ‘that’
  • Menggunakan whether atau if, khususnya untuk pertanyaan des/no
  • Mengubah time refence
  • Mengubah tenses

Terkait perubahan (tenses) dan time reference, simak klarifikasi lengkap berikut ini:

1. Perubahan tenses

Bentuk kata kerja (tenses) yang terdapat dalam direct speech mesti diubah menjadi bentuk lain semoga indirect speech biar mudah diterima oleh pendengar.

Perhatikan perubahan tenses berikut ini.

  • Present tense → past tense
  • Present continuous → past continuous
  • Present perfect → past perfect
  • Simple future → past future
  • Simple past → past perfect tense
  • Past continuous → past perfect continuous
  • Will → would
  • Have to → had to
  • May → could, might
  • Can → could

2. Perubahan time reference

Selain kata kerja, time reference juga mengalami pergantian. Berikut pedoman yang perlu kamu perhatikan.

  • Here → there
  • Last month → the month before
  • Next month → the month later
  • Now → at that time
  • Today → that day
  • Yesterday → the day before
  • Tomorrow → a day later
  • Two days ago → two days before

Baca juga Preposition.

Contoh Reported Speech

  • “I always wake up at 5 am,” she says → She said that she always woke up at 5 am.
  • “I don’t like to eat banana and apple,” he said → He said that he did not like to eat banana and apple.
  • “My daughter is listening to the radio,” mother says → Mother said that her daughter was listening to the radio.
  • “We saw your boyfriend yesterday,” they said → They told that they had seen my boyfriend the day before.
  • “Did you enjoy the party last night?” father asked → Father wanted to know whether I had enjoyed the party the night before.
  • “I have been waiting for an hour,” she says → She told that she had been waiting for an hour.
  • He said, “I will go to Bali on Sunday” → He said that he would go to Bali on Sunday
  • My mother said, “Throw your clothes to the washer” → My mother asked me to throw my clothes to the washer.
  • “When will the carnival begin?” → She asked me when the carnival would begin.

Sudah paham belum? kalo udah, yuk jawab soal reported speech di bawah ini untuk latihan.

Contoh Soal Reported Speech

Find the right reported speech from the sentences by choosing a, b, c or d!

1. “How can I get to the nearest bus station?”

  1. He asked me whether he could get to the nearest bus station
  2. He told me how he can get to the nearest bus station.
  3. He asked me how he could get to the nearest bus station.
  4. He wanted to know if he can get to the nearest bus station.

2. Jessica said, “I want to buy a new makeup kit.”

  1. Jessica said that she wanted to buy a new makeup kit.
  2. Jessica told me that she wants to buy a new makeup kit.
  3. Jessica asked me if she wanted to buy a new makeup kit.
  4. Jessica said that she want a new makeup kit.

3. “Don’t turn on the TV,” he said.

  1. He warned me to not turn on the TV.
  2. He warned me not to turn on the TV.
  3. He asked me to turn on the TV.
  4. He said that he wanted to turn on the TV.

4. “I have been reading for 30 minutes,” my brother said.

  1. My brother said that he has been reading for 30 minutes.
  2. My brother told me that he had read for 30 minutes.
  3. My brother asked if he has been reading for 30 minutes.
  4. My brother told me that he had been reading for 30 minutes.

5. “I went to the new department store yesterday,” she said.

  1. She said that she had gone to the new department store the day before.
  2. She said that she has gone to the new department store the day before.
  3. She said that she had gone to the new department store yesterday.
  4. She said that she went to the new department store yesterday.

Kunci jawaban:
1. C, 2. A, 3. B, 4. D, 5. A

Demikian pembahasan perihal reported speech mulai dari pengertian, rumus, dan contoh soal. Semoga dapat menambah pengetahuan wacana bahasa inggris sahabat sekalian.

Sekian dari rumus berilmu. Happy learning.

  √ Contoh Soal Simple Future Tense Kunci Balasan