Read Again The Text , Then Write Down The Sentences In The Passive Voice Taken From The Text That Suitable With The Uses

read again the text , then write down the sentences in the passive voice taken from the text that suitable with the uses

1. To state the objects state the materials that make the objects state the functions of the objects

4.To state what happen/happened to the objects..


read again the text , then write down the sentences in the passive voice taken from the text that suitable with the uses

1. To state the objects state the materials that make the objects state the functions of the objects

4.To state what happen/happened to the objects..

makasih….<br />” title=”read again the text , then write down the sentences in the passive voice taken from the text that suitable with the uses</p>
<p>1. To state the objects</p>
<p> state the materials that make the objects</p>
<p> state the functions of the objects</p>
<p>4.To state what happen/happened to the objects..</p>
<p>makasih….<br />“/> </p>
<h2><span class=Active and Passive Voice

Bagaimana mengganti kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif?? Bentuk dasar semua tenses yg diubah ke Passive Voice yaitu BE + V3.

Contoh kalimat

————— ACTIVE —————> PASSIVE


I paint the wall —–> The wall is painted by me

I am painting the wall —–> The wall is being painted by me

I have painted the wall —–> The wall has been painted by me

I have been painting the wall —–> The wall has been being  painted by me


A thief stole my wallet —–> My wallet was stolen by a thief

A thief was stealing my wallet —–> My wallet was being stolen by a thief

A thief had stolen my wallet —–> My wallet had been stolen by a thief

The police had been watching a fugitive —–> A fugitive had been being watched by the police.


He will drive the car —–> The car will be driven by him

He will be driving the car —–> The car will be being driven by him

He will have driven the car —–> The car will have been driven by him

He will have been driving the car —–> The car will have been being driven by him

Ingat!!Pelaku atau subjek dr kalimat pasif mampu dihilangkan.


Someone stole my wallet — > My wallet was stolen.


Read again the text , then write down the sentences in the passive voice taken from the text that suitable with the uses

1. To state the objects

The name sasando is derived from the Rote dialect word “sasandu”, which means “vibrating” or “sounded instrument”.

2. To state the materials that make the objects

Surrounding the tube are several wooden pieces serving as wedges where the strings are stretched from the top to the bottom.

3. To state the functions of the objects

The stringed bamboo tube is surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried lontar or palmyra leaves (Borassus flabellifer), which functions as the resonator of the instrument.

The sasando is played with both hands reaching into strings of the bamboo tube through opening on the front.

4. To state what happen/happened to the objects

It was believed that the sasando had already been known to Rote people since the 7th century.

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Detail Jawaban

Kelas: XI

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Passive Voice (all tenses)

Kode: 11.5.8

Kata kunci: passive, voice, present, perfect, continuous, tenses, active, future

To state the object’s identities, materials that make the objects, function of the objects from fabrics


To state the object’s identities, materials that make the objects, function of the objects from fabrics

*The identity of an object is independent of its attributes or operations. So an object will retain its identity no matter what values its properties have. Identity is not what makes the object unique in terms of it’s state.


The identity of an object is independent of its attributes or operations.

Semoga menolong:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih the best><

Sebutkan teladan kalimat masing-masing 3 1. To state the objects identities 2 To state the materials that make the objects 3. To state the functions of the objects 4. To state what happen/happened to the objects


Sebutkan teladan kalimat masing-masing 3 1. Menyatakan identitas benda 2 Menyatakan bahan yg menciptakan benda 3. Menyatakan fungsi benda 4. Menyatakan apa yg terjadi / terjadi pada benda



To state the objects’ indentites, to state the materials that make the objects, to state the functions, and to state what happen/happened to the objects


untuk menyatakan indentites objek, untuk menyatakan bahan yg membuat objek, untuk menyatakan fungsi, & untuk menyatakan apa yg terjadi / terjadi pada objek

sentences in the passive voice to state the materials that make the objects (bukan tanya artinya)​


1. The chair is made of rattan.

2. The necklace is made of silver.

3. The toy car is made of plastic.

4. The cake is made of flour and butter.

5. The fruit salad is made of slices of apples, pears, grapes, watermellon and papayas topped with salad dressing.

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