My Pen Pals Have The Same Interest With Me, Which Is About

My pen pals have the same interest with me, which is about

writing. We sometimes send ____ (their/our) piece of writings

and I often give comments on____ (it/theirs).

jawabannya ………..

My pen pals have the same interest with me, which is about writing. We sometimes send ____ piece of writings and I often give comments on____.​


-We sometimes send our

-I often give comments on it

possessive pronouns:

my pen pals have the same interest with me,which is about writing .we sometimes send (their/our)​


kata ganti posesif:

sahabat pena saya mempunyai minat yg sama dgn saya, yaitu perihal menulis .kadang-kadang kami mengirim (mereka / kami)

artinya tetapi jwbn kurang tau kerena kurang jelas

My pen pals have the same interest with me. which is about writing. we sometimes sena…(their/our)plece of writings and i often give comments on…(it/their)

sahabat pena saya mempunyai minat yg sama dgn aku yaitu perihal menulis . kita kadang kadang menyaksikan .. ( mereka / kami ) sepotong tulisan & aku sering memberi komentar tentang … ( it/ their )

My pen pals have the same interest with me, which is about witing. we sometimes send …. (Their/our) piece of writings and i often give comments on …. (It/theirs)

We sometimes send OUR pece of writings and I often give comments on IT

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