Mendeskripsikan Pekerjaan Ayah Dan Ibu Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mendeskripsikan pekerjaan ayah & ibu dlm bahasa inggris

this is my Mather and my Father
work is my mather house wife and work is my father policeman

cara mendeskripsikan ayah & ibu dlm bahasa inggris

hi this is my father the name is bla bla he is work in the district office he is 24th years old
he has pointed nose,big eyes,round face,full lips,he is a seriously man about cherfull
the congclusion is he is good father

mendeskripsikan ibu & ayah dlm bahasa inggris

my mom : My mom is pretty . she can cook delicious food for me . She is simple and stylish. She also teach me things i don’t know how to do like cooking , homework.

my dad : My dad is the best dad in the world ! He is really kind to me ! He works so hard just to earn money for our family to eat ! He never gives up !

mendeskripsikan ibu dlm bahasa inggris & artinya

My Lovely Mom

My Mom is like superhero for me. Everytime when i need her, she always right here beside me. She never tried or lazy. My mom is a Wonder Woman.

In the morning, when all of my family still sleep. She wake up and make a breakfast in the kitchen. When all of my family workout, my mom cleaning my home, alone! she never tried.

  Francis William Aston - Penemu Spektrometri Massa

mom.. she is the people who can’t be forget for me. i love you mom

cara mendeskripsikan ibu & ayah dlm bahasa inggris

my mom is the best partner in my life. i love her. my mom alway keep me save. she’s really care with me.

my dad is my hero. he’s always do anything for my happiness. my dad is my everything. i love my dad like i love myself.

(something like that. i’m so sorry if it not really helpfull)