Future Perfect Tense

Pengertian Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense ialah bentuk tense yg digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yg akan selesai di masa yg akan tiba. Tatkala kita menggunakan Tense ini, kita membawa diri kita ke masa yg akan datang & melihat kembali insiden yg akan simpulan pada dikala itu.

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Descriptive Text


Rumus Future Perfect Tense

Rumus Future Perfect Tense cukup sederhana yaitu will + have + Verb 3 (past participle). Rumus tersebut tak akan berganti walaupun kita menggunakan subjek tunggal atau jamak.

Berikut ini rumus Future Perfect Tense:

1. Rumus Kalimat Positif

Subject + will + have + Verb 3

Contoh kalimat:

  • I will have left.
  • I will have arrived.

2. Rumus Kalimat Negatif

Subject + will + not + have + Verb 3

Contoh kalimat:

  • I will not have left.
  • I will not have arrived.

Kita bisa menggunakan kependekan won’t untuk mengambil alih will not.

3. Rumus Kalimat Interogatif

Will + Subject + have + Verb 3?

Contoh kalimat:

  • Will I have left?
  • Will I have arrived?

4. Rumus Kalimat Interogatif Negatif

Will + not + Subject + have + Verb 3?

Contoh kalimat:

  • Will not I have left?
  • Will not I have arrived?

Kita pula bisa memakai akronim won’t untuk menggantikan will not pada jenis kalimat Interogatif Negatif ini.

Penggunaan Future Perfect Tense

Kapan Saat Menggunakan

Berikut ini penjelasan perbedaan Future Perfect Tense dgn Simple Future Tense.

  • Future Perfect Tense

Jason will have left at 10.00 o’clock.

Makna: Jason sudah pergi pada pukul 10.00.

  • Simple Future Tense

I will leave at 10.00 o’clock.

Makna: Jason menunggu jam 10.00 untuk pergi.

Kedua Tense tersebut memberikan makna yg berbeda antara satu dgn yg yang lain. Namun, penggunaan Future Perfect Tense seringkali mampu digantikan dgn Simple Future Tense. Tidak ada perbedaan makna pada dua contoh kalimat ini:

  • Future Perfect Tense

I will have left before Sarah arrives.

  • Simple Future Tense

I will leave before Sarah arrives.

Namun, tanpa Preposition seperti before atau by the time yg menjelaskan urutan peristiwa, kita mesti memakai Future Perfect Tense untuk memperlihatkan insiden yg terjadi lebih dahulu.

Kapan Tidak Menggunakan

Tenses ini hanya digunakan untuk tindakan yg akan tamat sebelum titik tertentu masa yg akan tiba. Dengan kata lain, langkah-langkah yg kita bicarakan mesti mempunyai batas waktu. Jika kita tak menyebutkan tenggat waktunya, gunakan Simple Future Tense, bukan Future Perfect Tense. Contoh:

  • Jason wil leave. (benar)
  • Jason will have left. (salah)

Tenggat waktu bisa sangat spesifik (contohnya at 5.00 AM) atau mampu tak terperinci (misalnya next week). Bahkan bisa tergantung kapan uatu peristiwa lain terjadi (misalnya after Sarah arrives). Namun harus ada di  waktu masa depan.

Preposition yg Biasa Digunakan

Preposition Artinya
By this time Pada dikala ini
From now Dari kini
At Pada
Already Telah
By the time Pada dikala
When Ketika
Before Sebelum
As soon as Sesegera

Kata Kerja Umum

  • Regular Verb

Verb Positive Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative
Ask Will have asked Will not have asked Will I have asked…? Will not I have asked…?
Call Will have called Will not have called Will you have called…? Will not you have called…?
Use Will have used Will not have used Will they have used…? Will not they have used…?
Work Will have worked Will not have worked Will we have worked…? Will not we have worked…?

  • Irregular Verb

Verb Positive Negative Interrogative Negative Interrogative
Be Will have been Will not have been Will he have been…? Will not he have been…?
Have Will have had Will not have had Will she have been…? Will not she have been…?
Do Will have done Will not have done Will it have been…? Will not it have been…?
Say Will have said Will not have said Will I have said…? Will not I have said…?
Get Will have gotten Will not have gotten Will you have gotten…? Will not you have gotten…?
Make Will have made Will not have made Will they have made…? Will not they have made…?
Go Will have gone Will not have gone Will we have gone…? Will not we have gone…?
Take Will have taken Will not have taken Will he have taken…? Will not he have taken…?
See Will have seen Will not have seen Will she have seen…? Will not she have seen…?
Come Will have came Will not have came Will it have came…? Will not it have came…?


  • Hati-hati saat memakai kata kerja “to be” pada Future Perfect Tense. Konstruksinya mudah disalahartikan dgn Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
  • Bentuk Past Participle dr “to get” dlm bahasa Inggris Amerika yakni gotten. Sedangkan dlm bahasa Inggris British yakni got.

Sumber referensi:

Frodesen, J. & Eyring, J. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 4: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.

Thewlis, Stephen H. (2000). Grammar Dimensions 3: Form, Meaning, and Use. Boston: Hainle & Hainle.

Artikel: Future Perfect Tense – Pengertian, Rumus, Penggunaan, & Contoh Kalimat

Kontributor: Nanda Widya, S.Hum.

Alumni Sastra Inggris FIB UI

Materi Wargamasyarakat.org lainnya:

  1. Narrative Text
  2. Past Perfect Tense
  3. Present Continuous Tense

  √ Noun Clause – Pengertian, Rumus, Referensi Kalimat Fungsinya