Dou You Agree With The Following Statement?

Dou you agree with the following statement?

Students should study together


apakah Anda baiklah dgn pernyataan berikut?

Siswa harus mencar ilmu bersama

do you agree with the statement that says rock is be come mainly the music of the youngters? give you reason

apa ananda oke dgn pernyataan yg mengatakan rock menjadi musik khususnya untuk anak muda? berikan sebab

^’ Do you agree with the statement that facebook to establish friendship why

i agree and disagree both i can say (it depends)
if you have good intention to make as many friends as possible through facebook it is positive but if you do the other way around it is absolutely negative

establishing friends is so far so good but dont you forget the obligation number one for student like you is to study. donot spend much of your time with any social media. be balance

do you agree with the statement that says rock is become mainly the music of the youngsters? give your rason.


Apakah Anda baiklah dgn pernyataan bahwa rock menjadi musik teristimewa anak anak muda? beri alasanmu

do you agree with the statement that says rock is become mainly the music of the youngsters ? give your reason “jawabannya ”

yes, i agree with our statement

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