
Do Exercise Regularly …. Have Excellent Health And Week Being Artikan​

do exercise regularly …. have excellent health and week being artikan​

biasakan berolahraga… memiliki badan sehat & bugar

10. Exercise regularly … have excellence health and well-being.

a. in order to
b. so that.
c. to


In Order To


Berolahragalah dengan-cara terencana supaya memiiliki kesehatan & kemakmuran yg prima.

Kata sambung disini artinya semoga.

√Semoga bermanfaat apabila balasan ini menurutnya abang benar & menolong jangan lupa jadikan yg terbaik dgn cara memecet bintang .

Note : Koreksi jikalau ada kesalahan & semangat terus kak ^_^

do exercise regularly …have excellent health and weel being Tolong bantu kk​

do exercise regularly and you will have excellent health and well-being
balasan-nya: and you will

Do exercise regulary …have excellent health and well- being.

A in order not to

B in order to

C because

D so that

Tolong dijawab yg bnr mksii

B. In order to

Do exercise regulary (in order to) have excellent health and well-being.

Semoga membantu ya!

do exercise regularly..have excellent health and well being order not to order to
d. so that​


b. In order to
