Jawaban 11. It Costs About Sixty Dollars To Have A Tooth__________

Jawaban 11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth__________ Jawaban: 11. it costs about sixty dollars to have a tooth filled. Penjelasan: Jawaban dicetak tebal & kalimat pada balasan di atas memakai bentuk Causative Have: (+) Subject + Have/Has/Had + Something + Verb-3 Semoga membantu ya. jawab dgn benar bahasa Inggris 1.I want … Read more

Pertanyaannya : 1. What Are Bayu, Riri, And Santi Discussing? 2. Who Already Have The Plan For The Weekend?

Pertanyaannya : 1. what are bayu, riri, and santi discussing? 2. who already have the plan for the weekend? ᗰᗩᑎᗩ Tᗴ᙭T ᑎYᗩ ? ᕼᗩᖇᑌՏ ᑭᗩKᗩI Tᗴ᙭T IᑎI ᒍՏᑎᘜᗩᑎ ᑕᑌᗰᗩ ՏOᗩᒪᑎYᗩ Տᗩᒍᗩ who already have the plan for the weekend I have some plans, I’m going to watch movie, read comics and sleep all day long… … Read more

Shall We Do Have A Meeting On Afternoon Saturday?

shall we do have a meeting on afternoon saturday? bolehkah kita mengadakan pertemuan di sabtu siang ? shall we do have a meeting on afternoon saturday tolong perbaiki dong! Shall we do a meeting on saturday in the afternoon Shall we do have a meeting on afternoon saturday Bisakah kita melaksanakan rapat di Sabtu sore? … Read more

We Have A Let Of Work Tomorrow You… Be Late​

we have a let of work tomorrow you… be late​ Penjelasan: kami mempunyai izin kerja besok Anda … terlambat ?? Rina : The meeting will be held in the morningRia : Really? We have a lot of work tomorrow.Rina : I will come before the schedule.A You mustn’t be lateB You musn’t drive aloneC You … Read more