Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

Cara menciptakan nasi goreng memakai bahasa inggris

First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.

Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.

Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.

Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes.

Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.

Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.

cara membuat nasi goreng dlm bahasa inggris??

Ingredients :
1.Fresh and cleaned chicken, cut into pieces
2.Spices : turmeric, pepper, and garlic
4.Vegetable oil

Steps :
First, grin the spices until they are mixed and soft.
Next, put the chicken in the bowl and pour fresh water into it and then put the ground spices on it. Stir well.
Then, after they are well stirred, boil the chicken until the flesh is cooked and its color turns white.
After that, fry the chicken using vegetable oil until the color become brownish.
Finally, serve your chicken with warm rice and chili. You can also garnish it with vegetables.



1.2 plate of White rice

2.2 Eggs

3. An enough Salt

  Kelompok Sosial

4.3 cloves of Onions

5. 2 cloves of Garlic

6. chili

7. Cooking oil

8.Soy sauce

9.Some complementary material which are
sausage and meatballs



1.       First, Prepare a frying pan and pour the
cooking oil according to your taste

2.       After the oil is hot, put the onion,
garlic, and chili. Stir all the materials until fragrant and ripe

3.       After that, Put the supplementary
materials according to your taste. Stir until evenly cooked

4.       Then, Put the eggs and scrambled until

5.       After that, Put the white rice and stir
until mixed with all the ingredients

6.       Next, Add soy sauce, salt until all those
materials are blended

7.       Finally, If you have smelt a fragrant and
your fried rice has already cooked, you have to serve on a plate. 
Your delicious fried rice is ready to serve

itu gue pake pula buat praktek kemaren. gampang-mudahan menolong


Materials needed:

     2 servings of white rice
     2 chicken eggs, beaten
     Cooking oil for frying

Fried rice seasoning (smoothed):

     5 red chilies
     3 spring onions
     4 cloves of garlic.

Condiments and seasonings:

     Salt to taste.
     Flavoring to taste.
     Soy sauce to taste.
     Fried onion, sprinkling

Supplementary Material:

     Sliced Cucumber / Pickles
     sliced Tomatoes
     chili shrimp paste

How To Make Fried Rice

     Heat the pan, put the beaten egg, then enter the waiting half-baked flavor that has been smoothed. Stir until the smell out.
     Enter the white rice, salt, flavoring and soy sauce to taste. Stir until all mixed and evenly. lift
     Serve on a plate, if necessary, add more fried eggs or omelet
     For the presentation do not forget the crackers and sliced cucumber / pickle though more palatable

  Prota PJOK Kelas 7 SMP/MTs

cara menciptakan nasi goreng dlm bahasa indonesia & bahasa inggris

Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Fried Rice is Indonesia traditional food. It is very popular food. It is easy to make it. It doesn’t take too long time to make. The ingredients are easy to get.

How to make Fried Rice? The following is the procedure text how to make fried rice.


2 cloves of Garlic2 onions cut into small pieces1 table spoon of vegetable oila plate of ricesome salt

Steps how to make it

First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 menit.Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve with a sunny-side up.

Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Cara menciptakan nasi goreng


Bawang putih.Bawang merah dipotong tipis-tipis.Minyak kelapa.Nasi.Garam.

Cara menjadikannya

Pertama, haluskan bawang putih & sedikit garam.Kedua, panaskan minyak di atas wajan.Ketiga, masukkan bawang putih & garam yg sudah dihaluskan & irisan bawang ke dlm minyak goreng yg sudah dipanaskan. Goreng sebentar.Keempat, masukkan satu piring nasi. Goreng & aduk selama 3 menit.Kelima, tambahkan sedikit garam. Lanjutkan menggoreng sampai nasi menjadi panas.Terakhir, pindahkan nasi ke dlm piring. Sajikan dgn telur mata sapi.