Artikel Narkoba Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahan

postingan narkoba bahasa inggris & terjemahan


A term of drugs is very connected with a compound that gives the effect of addiction for users. Dangers of drugs not only impact on physical but it interferes mental or soul of the drug addicts, hence dealers and drug users must be eradicated.

For the addicts, dangers of drugs do not only emerge physical problems but mental disorder will also appear. Actually these drug psychotropic compounds are commonly used a doctor or hospital to anesthetize patients who want to surgery or as a remedy for a particular disease, but this perception is wrongly defined and use d out of its function and with a dose of that out of the provisions. If it is misused use, dangers of drugs can affect the arrangement of the neurons, resulting addiction and dependence. Moreover, the impact of mental , emotional , spiritual also will appear.

There are many impacts of drug misuse which will appear. The first is physical impact. The body biological adaptation will happen against drug use for long periods of time, especially with drugs which are in a group of downers. Even our body can be changed so much until our body cells and organs become dependent on the drug to be functioned normally. But, if the use of drugs is stopped, it will change all the arrangement and balance of the body chemical. There may be an excess of a type of certain neuron enzyme and lack of transmission. Suddenly, our body try to restore the balance.

Besides, the dependence of body cells, vital organs such as liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidney, and the brain also suffered damage due to long-term use of drugs. A lot of drug addicts end with leaky heart valve, the lungs that is hollow, kidney illness, as well as damaged liver. Moreover physical damage that appears due to a trend infection (hepatitis c and hiv and aids).

Second is mental impact. The mental impacts are more difficult to recuperate than physical impact. The suggestion is the dependence of mental, in the form of the emergence of to desire to get back taking drugs. This suggestion will not be lost when the body function normally.

Third is emotion impact. Addiction of drugs makes one loses control of his emotions. An addict often acts impulsively, follow the urge of any emotions that arise in him. The addict is often full by a feeling of guilt, feeling useless, and deep depression, which often made him think to commit suicide.

Fourth is spiritual impact. An addict will make drugs as the main priority in his life. Drug is the centre of his life. There is nothing more important than drugs. Drugs become far more important than a wife, the husband, a girlfriend, children, parents, the school, the work, etc. He stopped doing the usual activities he did before he drowned in the misuse of drugs. He no longer does his hobbies, routine activity such as schools, college, or work as usual. If he previously was diligent in praying, he will be away from this activity.

  1.makna Hormat Dan Patuh

Based on those arguments, we know many bad impacts of drugs misuse. It is very dangerous for us and we have to eradicate it.



Istilah obat sungguh terhubung dgn senyawa yg memperlihatkan imbas kecanduan bagi pengguna. Bahaya narkoba tak hanya berdampak pada fisik tetapi mengganggu mental atau jiwa pecandu, maka pengedar & pengguna narkoba pula mesti diberantas.

Untuk para pecandu, bahaya narkoba tak hanya timbul dilema fisik tetapi gangguan mental pula akan timbul. Sebenarnya senyawa psikotropika obat ini biasa dipakai dokter atau rumah sakit untuk membius pasien yg ingin operasi atau sebagai obat untuk penyakit tertentu, namun pandangan ini didefinisikan salah & dipakai keluar dr fungsi & dgn dosis yg keluar dr ketentuan. Jika disalahgunakan, ancaman narkoba dapat mempengaruhi susunan saraf, sehingga kecanduan & ketergantungan. Selain itu, pengaruh mental, emosional, spiritual pula akan timbul.

Ada banyak dampak penyalahgunaan narkoba yg akan timbul. Yang pertama ialah

teladan postingan berbahasa inggris wacana narkoba


A term of drugs is very connected with a compound that gives the effect of addiction for users. Dangers of drugs not only impact on physical but it interferes mental or soul of the drug addicts, hence dealers and drug users must be eradicated.

For the addicts, dangers of drugs do not only emerge physical problems but mental disorder will also appear. Actually these drug psychotropic compounds are commonly used a doctor or hospital to anesthetize patients who want to surgery or as a remedy for a particular disease, but this perception is wrongly defined and use d out of its function and with a dose of that out of the provisions. If it is misused use, dangers of drugs can affect the arrangement of the neurons, resulting addiction and dependence. Moreover, the impact of mental , emotional , spiritual also will appear.

There are many impacts of drug misuse which will appear. The first is physical impact. The body biological adaptation will happen against drug use for long periods of time, especially with drugs which are in a group of downers. Even our body can be changed so much until our body cells and organs become dependent on the drug to be functioned normally. But, if the use of drugs is stopped, it will change all the arrangement and balance of the body chemical. There may be an excess of a type of certain neuron enzyme and lack of transmission. Suddenly, our body try to restore the balance.

Besides, the dependence of body cells, vital organs such as liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidney, and the brain also suffered damage due to long-term use of drugs. A lot of drug addicts end with leaky heart valve, the lungs that is hollow, kidney illness, as well as damaged liver. Moreover physical damage that appears due to a booming infection (hepatitis c and hiv and aids).

  Contoh Pidato Bertema Mencari Ilmu Beserta Hadisnya,,???

Second is mental impact. The mental impacts are more difficult to recuperate than physical impact.  The suggestion is the dependence of mental, in the form of the emergence of to desire to get back taking drugs. This suggestion will not be lost when the body function normally.

Third is emotion impact. Addiction of drugs makes one loses control of his emotions. An addict often acts impulsively, follow the urge of any emotions that arise in him. The addict is often full by a feeling of guilt, feeling useless, and deep depression, which often made him think to commit suicide.

Fourth is spiritual impact. An addict will make drugs as the main priority in his life. Drug is the centre of his life. There is nothing more important than drugs. Drugs become far more important than a wife, the husband, a girlfriend, children, parents, the school, the work, etc. He stopped doing the usual activities he did before he drowned in the misuse of drugs. He no longer does his hobbies, routine activity such as schools, college, or work as usual. If he previously was diligent in praying, he will be away from this activity.

Based on those arguments, we know many bad impacts of drugs misuse. It is very dangerous for us and we have to eradicate it.

artikel opinion narkoba bahasa inggris & terjemahan

English Text :
Many indonesian people who already know the dangers of the drugs itsef, but 
there are still consume them. The spread and use of drugs is very worrying because many indonesian teenagers who try to consume them for various reason. I think the use of drugs in teenagers environment can be avoided by socializing the dangers of drugs. Socialization can be given by the school to his student so that the young generation of Indonesia is free from drugs. Parental concern is also very influental. Parents can also advise on the dangers of drugs and also parents can supervise the association of their children so as not to be wrong in associating.

Bahasa Text :
Banyak masyarakt Indonesia yg telah tau bahaya dr narkoba itu sendiri tetapi masih ada yg mengkonsumsinya. Penyebaran & penggunaan narkoba sudah sangat mengkhawatirkan karena banyak akil balig cukup akal Indonesia yg mencoba untuk mengkonsumsinya dgn banyak sekali alasan. Menurut saya penggunaan narkoba di lingkungan para remaja mampu dihindari dgn cara sosialisai bahaya narkoba. Sosialisai mampu diberikan oleh sekolah pada muridnya supaya generasi muda indonesia bebas dr narkoba. Perhatian orang bau tanah pula sungguh berpengaruh. Orang renta pula bisa memberikan pesan tersirat tentang ancaman narkoba & pula orang bau tanah mengawasi pergaulan anaknya semoga tak salah dlm bergaul

artikel narkoba bahasa inggris.


narcotic drugs are the only way to treat pain. However, by the time
pain-hardened individuals seek out doctors, serial narcotic monotherapy
is counterproductive. Behavioral, physical and social factors beg for
attention in combination with detox and other proven non-narcotic
regimens. Treating the whole patient is the key.

teladan postingan tentang narkoba dlm bahasa inggris


A term of drugs is very connected with a compound that gives the effect of addiction for users. Dangers of drugs not only impact on physical but it interferes mental or soul of the drug addicts, hence dealers and drug users must be eradicated.

For the addicts, dangers of drugs do not only emerge physical problems but mental disorder will also appear. Actually these drug psychotropic compounds are commonly used a doctor or hospital to anesthetize patients who want to surgery or as a remedy for a particular disease, but this perception is wrongly defined and use d out of its function and with a dose of that out of the provisions. If it is misused use, dangers of drugs can affect the arrangement of the neurons, resulting addiction and dependence. Moreover, the impact of mental , emotional , spiritual also will appear.

There are many impacts of drug misuse which will appear. The first is physical impact. The body biological adaptation will happen against drug use for long periods of time, especially with drugs which are in a group of downers. Even our body can be changed so much until our body cells and organs become dependent on the drug to be functioned normally. But, if the use of drugs is stopped, it will change all the arrangement and balance of the body chemical. There may be an excess of a type of certain neuron enzyme and lack of transmission. Suddenly, our body try to restore the balance.

Besides, the dependence of body cells, vital organs such as liver, the heart, the lungs, the kidney, and the brain also suffered damage due to long-term use of drugs. A lot of drug addicts end with leaky heart valve, the lungs that is hollow, kidney illness, as well as damaged liver. Moreover physical damage that appears due to a booming infection (hepatitis c and hiv and aids).

Second is mental impact. The mental impacts are more difficult to recuperate than physical impact.  The suggestion is the dependence of mental, in the form of the emergence of to desire to get back taking drugs. This suggestion will not be lost when the body function normally.

Third is emotion impact. Addiction of drugs makes one loses control of his emotions. An addict often acts impulsively, follow the urge of any emotions that arise in him. The addict is often full by a feeling of guilt, feeling useless, and deep depression, which often made him think to commit suicide.

Fourth is spiritual impact. An addict will make drugs as the main priority in his life. Drug is the centre of his life. There is nothing more important than drugs. Drugs become far more important than a wife, the husband, a girlfriend, children, parents, the school, the work, etc. He stopped doing the usual activities he did before he drowned in the misuse of drugs. He no longer does his hobbies, routine activity such as schools, college, or work as usual. If he previously was diligent in praying, he will be away from this activity.

Based on those arguments, we know many bad impacts of drugs misuse. It is very dangerous for us and we have to eradicate it.