Abstract Art Quotes

Inspirational Quotes for happy life — Lynette Melnyk • Creativity

1. “Art has a voice of its own. Let it speak.” – Arshile Gorky

Explanation: This quote emphasizes the power of abstract art to communicate emotions and ideas without relying on literal representation. The art itself takes center stage, inviting viewers to interpret its meaning.

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2. “Nobody is visually naive anymore. We are cluttered with images, and only abstract art can bring us to the threshold of the divine.” – Piet Mondrian

Explanation: Here, Mondrian argues that abstract art, by stripping away the familiar, allows us to experience something pure and essential. In a world saturated with imagery, abstraction becomes a gateway to a deeper understanding.

3. “I think what is important in abstract art is to forget about what the object may look like and use its plastic qualities to create a feeling with colors.” – Joan Miró

Explanation: Miró highlights the focus on form and color in abstract art. The goal is not to depict something recognizable, but to evoke emotions and sensations through the manipulation of these elements.

4. “The object itself is not so important… It is the connection of colors, the relationship between the different surfaces, the kind of emotion one can create on a flat surface.” – Henri Matisse

Explanation: Similar to Miró, Matisse emphasizes the importance of relationships between elements in abstract art. The focus is on how colors, shapes, and textures interact to create a unified and evocative composition.

5. “Great art picks you up and throws you against the wall with your eyes open.” – Jeff Wall (on abstract expressionism)

Explanation: This quote, though not from a purely abstract artist, captures the potential impact of abstract art. It can challenge viewers, disrupt their expectations, and force them to see the world in a new way.

6. “You don’t need to understand art, you just need to love it.” – Frank Gehry

Explanation: This quote applies broadly to art appreciation, but resonates particularly with abstract art. Abstract art doesn’t require intellectual decoding; it can be appreciated for its beauty, energy, or emotional resonance on a purely intuitive level.

7. “An abstraction is not an ‘other’ reality, but a hidden reality discovered by the artist, then revealed to us.” – Jean Arp

Explanation: Arp suggests that abstract art doesn’t invent a new world, but rather unveils aspects of reality that are often overlooked. It bypasses the surface and taps into deeper truths or emotions.

8. “The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.” – Auguste Rodin (on the essence of art)

Explanation: While Rodin speaks more generally about art, this quote applies to abstract art as well. Even without depicting recognizable figures or scenes, abstract art can evoke powerful emotions and connect with viewers on a deeply human level.

9. “It is not good to explain pictures, for the good ones explain themselves.” – Fernand Léger

Explanation: Léger suggests that abstract art should be experienced directly, without the need for elaborate explanations. The artwork itself conveys its message through the interplay of visual elements.

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10. “Abstraction allows for a space for the viewer to bring their own experiences and emotions to the work.” – Modern Artist (anonymous)

Explanation: Abstract art is open-ended and invites individual interpretation. Viewers can project their own thoughts and feelings onto the work, creating a unique and personal experience.
