There Is Not A Square Inch In The Whole Domain…

Top  Abraham Kuyper Quotes ( Update) - QuoteFancy

1. “More and more people imagine that Christ exists for our sake, while the much richer notion of our existence for the sake of Christ does not arise.” (Explanation: This quote challenges the idea that Christianity is solely about personal benefit. Kuyper argues that we are created to serve and glorify God.)

2. “God is honored not by those who close the second book of nature to ponder Scripture alone, but by those who in quiet obedience zealously study the two books of Scripture and nature.” (Explanation: Kuyper emphasizes that both the Bible and the natural world reveal God’s truth. Studying both is essential for a complete understanding.)

3. “What right does anyone have to restrict [the growth of the kingdom] to the spiritual realm alone?” (Explanation: This quote criticizes the separation of faith and daily life. Kuyper believes our Christian faith should influence all aspects of society.)

4. “We may never build a wall of separation between the kingdom of heaven and the lower orders of creation… Our King’s dominion must include all of creation…” (Explanation: Kuyper argues against a purely spiritual view of salvation. He believes God’s redemption extends to the entire creation, not just humanity.)

5. “A Christian school is not a school with a Christian atmosphere, but a Christian school is a school where the core is Christian.” (Explanation: This quote defines a Christian school. Kuyper argues it’s not just about the environment, but about a foundation built on Christian principles.)

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6. “The antithesis is not Christ or culture, but Christ and a pagan culture, and the antithesis is not culture or barbarism, but Christian culture and barbarian culture.” (Explanation: Kuyper challenges the idea that Christianity is opposed to culture. He argues for a Christian transformation of culture, not its rejection.)

7. “Every square inch of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” (Explanation: This powerful quote emphasizes God’s Lordship over every aspect of life. There is no domain where His influence shouldn’t extend.)

8. “The calling of the Christian is not to withdraw from the world, but to conquer the world for Christ.” (Explanation: Kuyper calls for Christians to be actively engaged in society. We are not meant to isolate ourselves, but to bring Christian values to the world.)

9. “If the world is not our oyster, what is it?” (Explanation: This metaphorical quote challenges Christians to see the world as a place of opportunity. We are called to use our talents and faith to make a difference.)

10. “Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is one of the elements of faith.” (Explanation: Kuyper offers a nuanced view of faith. Doubt and questioning can be part of a genuine and growing faith, not its enemy.)