13+ Teladan Teks Recount Perihal Piknik Dan Pengalaman Eksklusif

Contoh Teks Recount – Pastinya, teks recount sudah tak gila lagi untuk didengar. Sebenarnya, para pengajar sering memberikan bahan tentang teks ini di jenjang SMP hingga SMA. Karena teks ini memiliki kegunaan sebagai subjek pembelajaran dlm bahasa Inggris.

Bahkan, kurikulum sekolah resmi memasukkan materi teks recount selaku contoh belajar siswa. Maka dr itu, sungguh penting untuk mengetahui pengertian & contoh teks recount untuk membuat lebih mudah proses pembelajaran nanti.

Kemudian, teks recount merupakan suatu teks yg disuguhkan dlm bahasa Inggris yg menceritakan kembali suatu pengalaman lampau yg pernah dialami. Di antara pengalaman tersebut, ada pengalaman pribadi atau kalangan.

Dalam kata lain, penulis menceritakan pada pembaca apa yg telah ia ataupun kelompoknya alami dgn tujuan memberi informasi atau hiburan. Nah, contoh teks recount ini mampu memberi ide para pembaca.

Selain itu, teks recount mampu ditemui dgn gampang alasannya adalah ciri-cirinya yg mampu membedakan diri dr teks bacaan bahasa Inggris yg lain. Lalu, jenis & struktur dr teks recount juga beragam.

Kemudian, sebelum menuju ke contoh teks recount, ada baiknya mengenal teks ini untuk membuat lebih mudah pemahaman. Selanjutnya, ada baiknya mengenali dulu struktur & jenis dr teks recount tersebut.

Ciri-ciri Teks Recount

Ciri Ciri Teks Recount

Selanjutnya, sehabis mengerti apa itu teks recount maka ke bagian selanjutnya. Umumnya, teks recount merupakan jenis teks yg menceritakan kembali pengalaman lampau yg pernah dialami penulisnya. Kemudian, dr kalimat itu saja, sudah tampakciri-ciri teks recount itu sendiri. Berikutnya, ada beberapa ciri-ciri teks recount yang dapat membedakannya dr teks lain.

1. Lebih Banyak Menggunakan Bentuk Kalimat Past Tense

Pertama, karena teks recount merupakan teks yg bercerita. Maka, sudah niscaya penyajiannya memakai bentuk kalimat past tense. Selanjutnya, kalimat yg identik dgn penggunaan verb II untuk menyatakan masa lampau ini sangat cocok dgn definisi dr teks recount sendiri.

Contohnya, beragam bentuk past tense. Seperti simple past, past continuous, perfect past, ataupun past perfect continuous.

Kemudian, banyak dr contoh teks recount lebih gampang memakai simple past tense. Akan tetapi, tatkala alur cerita itu maju mundur.  Maka dr itu, penulis perlu lebih jeli. Tak lupa juga, penulis mampu berimprovisasi dgn jenis past tense yg lain. Kesimpulannya, teks recount ini memang berisi past tense.

2. Menggunakan Latar Waktu Di Masa Lampau

Setelah itu, masih bekerjasama dgn penggunaan past tense. Berikutnya, jika diperhatikan latar waktu yg dipakai adalah peristiwa di masa lalu. Lalu, hal ini dapat ditandai dgn penggunaan kata-kata penunjukwaktu.

Contohnya, seperti last night, one weeks ago, on the second days, dan lain sebagainya. Nah, beberapa penulis menentukan menggunakan penanda waktu last, ago, atau merujuk pada tahun di masa lalu untuk memperjelas latar waktu.

Lantas, coba amati kembali contoh teks recount dr berbagai sumber. Lalu, penunjukwaktu ini menjadi sangat penting. Karena, dasar acuan tata bahasa dlm Bahasa Inggris ialah waktu. Maka, penggunaan past tense sudah menjadi panduan dlm menulis teks recount.

3. Berfokus Pada Satu Tokoh Cerita Yang Mengalami Kejadian

Berikutnya, teks recount yakni teks bacaan ringan yg menceritakan suatu pengalaman. Tak ketinggalan pula, dongeng yg dialami yaitu seputar pengalaman si pelaku cerita. Oleh alasannya itu, pada contoh teks recount lebih berkonsentrasi pada satu tokoh kisah yg mengalami peristiwa.

Maka, dapat dikatakan bahwa teks ini hampir senantiasa menggunakan sudut pandang orang pertama & orang ketiga. Tentunya, untuk beberapa insiden penulis lebih gampang memposisikan dirinya selaku orang pertama atau pelaku di dlm cerita tersebut.

Namun, tak sedikit pula penulis yg menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga biar bisa sungguh-sungguh menggambarkan suasana hati para tokoh dlm kisah tersebut.

4. Menggunakan Temporal Conjunction

Selanjutnya, alasannya adalah teks recount melibatkan suatu peristiwa dlm ceritanya. Maka dr itu, penggunaan konjungsi temporal sering dibutuhkan untuk menghubungkan kalimat-kalimatnya supaya padu. Selain itu, konjungsi ini sangat membantu pembaca dlm memahami alur cerita.

Kemudian, penulis sering menggunakan konjungsi temporal tertentu seperti kata next, furthermore dan masih banyak lagi. Selanjutnya, terdapat contoh lainnya seperti before, after, then, dan lain sebagainya. Lalu, amati pada contoh teks recount ya!

Oleh karena itu, temporal conjunction ini berfungsi selaku penanda runtutan kejadian yg akan diceritakan. Maka, niscaya dlm teks recount terdapat konjungsi waktu tersebut. Karena, selain memudahkan pembaca pula memudahkan penulis dlm menceritakan insiden di masa lampau.

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Drama

Struktur Teks Recount

Struktur Teks Recount

Selain itu, teks recount juga memiliki strukturnya sendiri biar gampang diidentifikasi layaknya teks bacaan yg lain. Berikut ini merupakan isi dr struktur kerangka recount. Nah, struktur tersebut terdiri dr :

1. Orientation (Pembukaan)

Bagian pertama ialah orientation. Di belahan ini, penulis memaparkan pengenalan yg berisi informasi biasa dr ceritanya. Contohnya, siapa yg mengalami, dimana kejadian berlangsung. Tak ketinggalan, hal terpenting dlm bagian ini yaitu kapan kejadian tersebut terjadi di masa lampau.

2. Events (Kejadian atau Peristiwa)

Lalu, serpihan kedua yakni events. Bagian ini bisa dikatakan selaku isi dr teks recount. Kemudian, penulis mampu menceritakan sebebas mungkin peristiwa yg terjadi. Umumnya, penulis akan memperhatikan urutan insiden.

Contohnya, mulai dr kehadiran, kegiatan apa saja yg dilalui, insiden apa yg terjadi selama kegiatan. Hingga dongeng selsai sampai penulis menyelesaikan aktivitasnya.

Menariknya, kerap kali dlm events ini terdapat pula masalah bahkan klimaks dr suatu kisah ini. Tak jarang, bagi orang-orang yg gemar bercerita akan menggaris bawahi momen yg tak terlalaikan sebagai inti dongeng ini. Sebagai informasi saja, inti dr cerita ini terletak pada momen yg tak terlalaikan bagi pemilik kisah.  

3. Reorientation (Kesimpulan)

Lalu, ada pula reorientation. Bagian ini merupakan penggalan terakhir pada struktur teks recount. Biasanya, belahan ini diisi dgn pengulangan kembali pembukaan di permulaan sebagai penegasan. Tak lupa juga, kesimpulan dr cerita yg disuguhkan. Kemudian, penulis pula dapat menyelipkan komentar atau kesan pesan mengenai dongeng untuk pembaca.

Jenis-jenis Teks Recount

Jenis Jenis Teks Recount

Setelah mengetahui ciri-ciri & struktur teks recount, mengetahui jenis-jenisnya pula sungguh penting. Karena hal tersebut memiliki kegunaan untuk mampu membedakan teks recount dari teks lainnya. Lalu, keterangan selanjutnya ada jenis-jenis teks recount terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni :

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1. Personal Recount Text (Teks Recount Pribadi / Personal)

Pertama, jenis teks recount ini menceritakan pengalaman yg terjadi pada seseorang. Lalu, memakai kata ganti orang pertama tunggal merupakan ciri-ciri yg sering digunakan untuk mengetahui teks recount jenis ini.

Kemudian, pengalaman yg diceritakan pun beragam. Contohnya, dapat berupa pengalaman liburan, pengalaman bersekolah, pengalaman menyenangkan atau tak menggembirakan, & lain sebagainya.

2. Factual Recount Text (Teks Recount Faktual)

Berikutnya, teks recount jenis faktual umumnya menceritakan suatu insiden yg dialami oleh orang lain. Kemudian, yg terpenting adalah insiden itu sungguh-sungguh terjadi. Selain itu, jenis ini pula dapat mengambarkan suatu pengalaman ilmiah yg menyangkut konsep ilmu wawasan yg pernah dijalankan seseorang atau suatu kalangan. Kemudian, tokoh di dlm kisah ini merupkan saksi mata dlm kejadian tersebut.

3. Imaginative Recount Text (Teks Recount Imajinatif)

Selanjutnya, teks ini merupakan teks recount yang diimajinasikan oleh penulis. Maka, mampu diartikan bahwa kisah tersebut tak betul-betul terjadi. Namun, penulis menuangkan dlm bentuk insiden atau kejadian tersebut. Kemudian, satu hal yg gampang untuk mengenali jenis ini yakni,ceritanya sering berkonsentrasi wacana tokoh dunia khayal di dunia fantasi.

Selain itu, tak jarang penulis kisah ini membuat dunianya sendiri atau masuk ke dunia khayalan penulis lain.

Contoh-contoh Teks Recount

Contoh Contoh Teks Recount

Setelah memahami seperti ciri-ciri, struktur, & jenisnya di atas. Kemudian, saatnya untuk mempelajari contoh-contoh teks recount. Selain itu, diharapkan dgn adanya contoh-contoh teks recount nanti, mampu menjadi referensi untuk mengawali membuat teks recount sendiri!

1. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Keseharian Pribadi

Pertama, menjadikan pengalaman keseharian pribadi sebagai isi kisah teks recount akan sangat memudahkan sebab pernah dialami. Selain itu, pengalaman tersebut mampu berupa insiden menggembirakan, mengenaskan, atau pengalaman yg tak pernah disangka sebelumnya. Maka, ada beberapa contoh teks recount yang berisi pengalaman pribadi sebagai konten ceritanya.

My First Time Reading A Poetry

It should be noted when I was in fourth grade, I had a poetry project. So, I wrote it myself carefully and the teacher asked me to read it in front of the class. That was my first time and I felt so gugup. Especially, when all people suddenly gazed at me because of that.

Unfortunately, I mustered up the courage to come to the front of the class. So, the tremble fulfilled my heart, even more, when the audience stared at me. Then, I took a deep breath step by step to reach some calm. After that, I read the first line of my poetry in a slightly nervous tone.

Suddenly, I heard the quiet claps from all my classmates, and my teacher congratulated me because of my bravery. From that moment, I wasn’t gugup anymore. Besides that, a big smile had put on my face. Then, I continued to read my poetry louder than before. Definitely, that was my first experience reading poetry. In addition, it was the best achievement for me in that fourth grade.

2. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Pribadi Bertemu Idola

We Met Our Idols Accidentally!

Last summer, I went to the cinema to the review film task with my friend, Carissa. Basically, we’re so happy because watching films is our hobby. Clearly, both of us love the fantasy genre so much especially like Disney Marvel or DC production. On that day, we decided to choose Spider-Man as our spectate.

The studio was crowded with fans of the Avenger series that we know as the highly enthusiastic community.  Luckily, we’ve got exclusive tickets to watch. So, we couldn’t wait to see Tom Holland’s action as Spiderman in the film! It’s because I and Carissa are the biggest fan of that young actor.

“Tom Holland?” Carissa surprised me with that mention. Yea, we know that the film is authorized by Tom Holland, our idols. But, she mentioned it to someone who sits next to us. Then, I looked toward and found something winked at us so gently. Surprisingly, he put a warm smile on his face behind the mask and glasses he wore.

Firstly, we were very shocked and oh my god he’s the real Tom Holland! Actually, I almost screamed but Carissa shut my mouth immediately. Although, she’s got a signal from Tom to keep this as a secret. Besides, we know this is not a ‘watching movie together with cast’ for movie promotion. However, Tom came secretly to watch his movie himself.

With his pleasure, he allowed us to take a picture together and got his personal autograph. In conclusion, we’re being a happy teenager that met their idols accidentally. So, that experience will never be forgotten ever after.

3. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Kejutan Yang Gagal

Birthday Surprise Gone Wrong

Last Saturday, on 30th January, I prepared a great surprise for my best friend, Tina. Secretly, I set a very fabulous plan I never did before because it would be her best sweet seventeen-day. In case, I just wanted to make it more memorable for her.

Before did my plan, I got my surprise idea from the prankster video creator that I found on Youtube. So, she celebrated her best friend’s birthday with a prank plan that made her best friend get upset. And in the end, she got a great present she never expected before, still in a little bit of prank.

Firstly, she thought that there was a distance between me and her. Secondly, I refused her to hang out together for one week and it was such a hard thing to pass. But, I kept myself patient while preparing her great present, BTS mini album.

On D-Day, I was ready to surprise her. Previously, I and my little brother are preparing a dead cockroach that I plan to put on her birthday cake. Otherwise, I remembered that I and Tina are both cockroach haters.

Then, the surprising thing is not the dead cockroach, it is the fact that it is alive! Suddenly, we were in a panic at that time. Unfortunately, I can’t see well because my eyes are full of cake cream. So, it made me crash many things and accidentally, my present for Tina fell off to the bucket full of water.

After that incident, I’m so regretful that I made these plans. This is gone wrong! I can’t believe I did this kind of thing on my best friend’s birthday. But, Tina forgave me, and it so fun to be in history. Then, our friendship got better and long after that. Isn’t that bad, isn’t it?

4. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Liburan Ke Lombok

Selain itu, contoh teks recount wacana pengalaman liburan berikut diperlukan dapat menjadi referensi dlm membuat konten cerita untuk teks recount!

Fun Vacation at Senggigi Beach, Lombok Island!

On the second week of vacation, I went to Lombok island with my family. We’ve been targeting to go there for a long time because of their beauty and extraordinary views. Senggigi beaches is one of the top lists. By the way, Lombok is my favorite island and I’m so excited about that!

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Before we went, we did a lot of preparation because we would spend a few times on the flight. Basically, the distance between my house at Bandung and Lombok is more than 100 kilometers. So, it forced me to pack more things like a camera and earphones as the most unforgettable ones.

Honestly, our travel consumed 5-7 hours by Garuda Indonesia’s service, and we’re too tired to do any activities anymore. So, we decided to stay at least one night in a hotel. Then, the early morning came and gave us its bright shine. After that, it quietly charged our own energy to get ready and have some fun!

Firstly, I sensed the fresh air said hello to my nose. So, there are a lot of local and international tourists who visited this place, maybe because of its fame. Secondly, after changing my clothes, I took many pictures before dad asked me to go swimming together. Afterward, I compete for my skill at building the sandcastles with my little brother.

In addition, the blue sea with calm waves and beautiful white sands are the special things you’d meet at Senggigi Beach. Then, they’re also street vendors and huge resorts that would facilitate your convenience. Also, I and the local tourists enjoyed having a vacation in this extraordinary place! Hopefully, both of us got another chance!

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Hikayat

5. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Liburan Ke Desa

Best Holiday at The Village

Since I was a child, I have never visited the village where my parents were born. They’re too busy with their job and I with my school. And the last holiday, we’ve got a chance to spend time together. Honestly, I can’t relate; they would have brought me to the village as our holiday destination.

For the city kid, going to the village is something strange to be listed on the list of holiday destinations. Firstly, it was the first time I went there. Secondly, I’m so strange with the unfamiliar situation that I found. The dominant cobbled streets, hard mobilization of vehicles, or the fuddy-duddy people around, are the list of annoying things there.

Thirdly, I felt so uncomfortable. Moreover, I see the posts of my friends exiting holidays abroad on Insta. So, I just want to go home and do the same things. Till I met someone who made me undo that intention and now I’m the most one who misses the village.

Let’s call him Borang. He lives next to my house in the village, and we became friends because he is nice to me. At that time, I was bored and always complained to my parents about going home. However, they only said soon and made me take a walk through the village to disappeared that thought.

In conclusion, firstly I didn’t realize that having a holiday would be so great till I met Borang. When everyone starts storytelling about their exciting holidays, I proudly share that I went to the fantastic village. Next time, I would like to spend my holiday to the village again and meet Borang, to have fun together!

6. Contoh Teks Recount Pengalaman Liburan Di Rumah

Spend The Holidays at Home

The last week would be the last holiday I had before the school from home be right back this semester. Honestly, I was lying down pensively because of this hard situation. So, there, are many plans that I arranged before being delayed, including the holiday. Actually, it would be so boring if I wasted my time only staying at home, I thought.

But, I don’t wanna waste my holidays doing nothing. So, I arranged the to-do list of events that would be held on my HFH plan. If you are curious enough about what HFH is, to be honest, it is the abbreviation for the Holidays From Home events.

Firstly, in the morning, I decided to do some exercise for my physical health. Because of the scientist said it’s good to avoid us from the coronaviruses. After that, I spent my time reading the several novels that were waiting on my list. It’s good for starting productivity.

So, I had an idea to do something like one of my holidays. Then, I bought some flower seeds and decided to do planting! I really loved planting when I was in Junior High. Also, it was so fun when you see your plants grew up bigger and higher every day. 

But, I had a lot of colleagues’ business so I don’t have time to do those things anymore. Last but not least, after planting, I spent the rest of my time watching movies or short videos on social media.

In conclusion, there are a lot of things at home we can do in this hard pandemic. The education, work, and also having a nice holiday can be done from home. If you don’t have an urgent business to do outdoors, keep your health because this pandemic is such a serious situation.

7. Contoh Teks Recount Faktual Biografi

The Crazy Police

So, this is a story of a great man, a member of the police at Tanita Raja, Brigpol Sahabuddin. Then, everyone knows him by his nickname, The Crazy Police. Honestly, it is his inspiring story that saved the dignity of crazy people in his place of duty in 2015.

Basically, Sahabuddin saw a lot of crazy people cases in his place of duty. However, the sad thing is, the nearer resident didn’t have any sympathy to lend a hand to them. Otherwise, they cursed them as the dangerous thing that must be avoided.

Thus, it made the great man, Sahabuddin feels pity for them. Then, he confessed his restlessness to the members of the Bintara Unit, that they should take seriously the crazy people cases. After that, his hope finally became true when he found a crazy person did something threatened with their erratic sense.

Unfortunately, Sahabuddin visited the crazy man and tried to ask something. But, he’s not responded well. However, he laughed and cried at the same time, successfully making Sahabuddin feel empathy about his situation. Then, with his authority. After that, Sahabuddin brought the crazy man into the Dadi hospital at Makassar to get better treatment.

For instance, one by one, the crazy people he found were transferred into the hospital. Also, a rumor about Sahabuddin saved the crazy people were announced into the various corners. Basically, he owed a lot of orders to saved the restlessness of crazy people after that. In conclusion, the duty of accepting all of them makes him called, “The Crazy Police.”

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8. Contoh Teks Recount Faktual Bencana Alam

The Man Who Saved From The Earthquake

The 7,0 scale Richter earthquake at Lombok would be one of the most horrible moments to occur in 2018. More than 500 people died and hundreds have been displaced. A lot of destroyed buildings made no choices for them besides accepting to transfer into the temporary shelter.

Syamsul Hirpan, the thirty-five man, is one of the citizens who was saved from the concrete flank of the mosque. Then, he said the earthquake happened when the congregation did an Isya prayer. At that time, he was in the first row at the very corner.

On the second raka’at, he felt the vibration begin slower to harder. Suddenly, he was realizing the danger was coming, he, with some devotees in panic and started to run out of the mosque. Luckily, Syamsul was successfully survived and out from one of the mosque’s doors.

In addition, the evacuation process was carried out immediately after the earthquake subsided. Aftershocks began and forced people around to go to the temporary shelter. Blessedly, this earthquake will never be forgotten especially for people who escaped death like Syamsul Hirpan.

9. Contoh Teks Recount Faktual Kejadian Luar Biasa

Safe From Bombing

Jakarta on 16th January 2016 several bomb explosions happened in the center of the business area in South Jakarta. One of the survivors is me. I was walking to the pedestrian near Sarinah in Thamrin Street before the bomb exploded near the police post.

Unfortunately, the bomb was exploding in the intersection where the people stopped there waiting for the traffic light. Definitely, it was only 5 minutes before the bomb exploded I passed the intersection. Indeed, I ran in a hurry because my boss asked me to go back to the office immediately. It was about 20 meters from the intersection I heard the explosions. 

Obviously, God blessed me because I was safe at that time. Immediately, I went back to the location of the bombing, calling the 119 – the fast dial for an ambulance. Suddenly, my boss called me and asked about my condition. Then, I told him that I was a little bit late. Because the police asked me for the investigation.

Also, that was my unforgettable experience from the horrible unexpected moment. In conclusion, because of the experience, I thank God and become more religious than before.


10. Contoh Teks Recount Imajinatif Tema Kerajaan

I am The Strong Queen They Ever Had

The last week would be the best day I ever had. Before the hard day after that destroyed my mind. So, it looked like the giant piles of documents fulfilling my own desk or a bunch of reports waited in the deadlines. Every time, I got stressed out about this, I always remember that day.

It began on my debut day as the crown princess. Of course, I was the only daughter of his majesty, the legal heir of the kingdom. After, my dad passed away. Then, he left me forever since six months ago and I should throne his next dignity as soon as possible.

Honestly, I don’t know anything about thrones before. But, when the sainted man announced my debut day as the crown princess, everyone was so excited about that. Actually, there is a lot of preparation to welcome me as the new future of the kingdom. In contrast, I’m not really accepted, but I must own the duty for my kingdom.

Surprisingly, everyone showed their respect to me and wished I would always bring the miracle to my future kingdom. I’m so happy about that. Moreover, when an expensive tiara was crowned at the top of my head, everyone hailed my name so proudly. But, it was such a best day I ever went through.

In conclusion, when I get tired of my daily duty, I always remember that everyone is so proud of me. Basically, my people know me as the strongest and clever queen they ever had. So, I will love them with all of my heart. And, raise the kingdom with strength from their loyalty.

11. Contoh Teks Recount Imajinatif Mengambil Latar Dari Novel Terkenal

The Second Place

When I spent my third year at Hogwarts, I thought I was the smartest student like Hermione Granger. After the death of the dark lord Voldemort, I lived my peaceful life beautifully until the new student came. However, for me, she ruined everything.

Clearly, she was transferred from the magic school next door. So, since she has been studying here, she’s been able to cast the difficult level of spells that students in my generation can’t. In fact, she is not a descendant of the famous Golden Trio. Surprisingly, how could she be so great? Besides that, she also took my title as the best student in Hogwarts.

One day, our professor held a potion competition. Above all, I wanted to defeat the new student and reclaim my title. So, I used the best ingredients were formed when I made my potions, and I chose to make a shape-changing concoction. 

And the surprise is, I turned into a rat when I tasted it! On the other hand, everyone laughed because of it. However, I was so upset to see that kid till I turned like this.

Suddenly, that girl I hated cast a magic spell and returned me into the way I was. Importantly, I regret what I did for thinking badly about her. Then, I apologized to her and realized my place now shifted to second place.

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Deskripsi

12. Contoh Teks Recount Imajinatif Dengan Pengalaman Pribadi

My First Friend

Back in my childhood, I was a nerd girl who didn’t like to socialize with others. Clearly, I was alienated by my classmate. Also, I had insecurity because of my physical appearance. Uniquely, I preferred to be friends with books rather than humans.

Because I was regularly coming to the library, so I knew who the new member was at the corner. It’s Tim Burke, I knew him as the most brilliant boy in this school. Actually, he was smart, good-looking. Also, he is one of the best playmakers on our basketball team.

But, what happened to him? So, he sat at the corner of the library, while crying? Actually, I did not really care about him. Suddenly, I offered him Snickers and tissue to make him better. Because eating snickers is the best medicine I thought. 

Furthermore, I and Tim became close friends. Honestly, I was shocked when I knew the reason he cried at the library was that he was bullied by his teammate. Then, he told everything me. In addition, it made me a little bit happy. Because I could make a friend. So, that was my story of having my first friend, Tim.

13. Contoh Teks Recount Imajinatif Singkat

My Dream Last Night

Firstly, I was dreaming about being one of the Avengers’ members who had the responsibility to save the world. Actually, I got that fascinating dream. because I imagined that I was a superhero. Basically, I hope if I was a kind of mutant or have a superpower like Captain Marvel. Unfortunately, my dream was not going well because I scared of the alien and Thanos’s crewmate who wanted to kill me badly. As well as that, I decided to jump into Dr. Strange portal and after that, I woke up kind of shocked and blessed.

Demikianlah, postingan perihal contoh-contoh teks recount di atas, begitu banyak pengalaman yg terjadi di sekeliling bisa dijadikan ide menciptakan sebuah teks recount. Selain itu, dengan referensi di atas, diperlukan dapat dijadikan pedoman untuk mulai membuatnya dengan-cara pribadi. 

Kesimpulannya, banyak mempelajari teks berbahasa Inggris memang harus menjadi suatu kebiasaan baru. Kemudian, di masa depan semua orang niscaya memerlukan wawasan akan bahasa universal, Bahasa Inggris. Akhirnya, dgn adanya bimbingan teks recount di atas, gampang-mudahan makin dimudahkan.

Contoh Teks Recount