10+ Contoh Kisah Bahasa Inggris Singkat Dan Artinya Terbaru

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris – Tahukah kalian bahwa cerpen bahasa inggris ini sejenis dgn dongeng terjemahan. Biasanya dilaksanakan oleh penulis profesional & mempunyai pengalaman yg banyak. Untuk membuat cerpen dlm bahasa ajaib ini, penulis mesti mengenali grammar dgn baik.

Sehingga tak ada kecacatan di dlm cerpen yg dibentuk. Selain itu, penyusunan kata serta tema yg diambil haruslah diubahsuaikan dgn bahasa yg diterjemahkan. Sehingga pesan yg ada di dlm kisah dapat tersampaikan.

Cerpen bahasa inggris akan tersampaikan jika tema yg diangkat menawan. Sudah menjadi hukum wajib bagi semua karya sastra, jika karya yg mengangkat tema tertentu itu menarik maka cerpen tersebut akan disenangi.

Macam-Macam Cerpen Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Bahasa Inggris sekarang bertambah banyak dicari untuk bermacam-macam keperluan, mulai untuk peran sekolah hingga untuk bahan bacaan diwaktu senggang. Banyak orang yg menggemari membaca sebuah kisah. Pasalnya, pembaca dapat berimajinasi & membayangkan kondisi atau keadaan yg ada dlm kisah.

Cerita pula dapat memajukan kemampuan membaca, apalagi lagi jika ceritanya dlm Bahasa Inggris. Oleh alasannya adalah itu, pembaca dapat mengasah kesanggupan Bahasa Inggris-nya melalui kisah.

Banyaknya tema, tentu saja menciptakan cerpen bahasa inggris ini menjadi buruan tatkala ingin memperkaya kosakata dgn bacaan yg menarik. Selain itu, tema-tema tertentu akan membekas di hati pembacanya. Berikut macam-macam cerpen bahasa inggris yg bisa dicicipi:

Baca Juga: Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Jawa

1. Cerpen Tentang Masa Muda

Cerpen Tentang Masa Muda

Cerpen bahasa inggris dgn tema ini akan membahas tentang kisah perjalanan remaja menuju masa sampaumur yg mungkin akan menjalani proses yg berat. Cerpen dgn tema ini akan menawarkan sisi lain dr para remaja.

Contoh :

Cerpen Tentang Masa Muda

The girl standardized her motorbike and then brought in her helmet. Not without reason. As a matter of fact, the security guard had just instructed to bring a helmet into the class because it was prone to theft.

‘weird. Helmets can only be stolen. ‘

The steps are slow. His hands were busy stirring up the contents of his bag, looking for earphones that he found immediately when opening the small bag of his bag.

He installed and then played Fire songs from BTS. He stepped back after attaching his bag to his arm and in his left hand he held his black helmet.

His eyes traced the more boisterous atmosphere of the school from yesterday. Today is the first day he officially became a student in this high school and this is also the first time he will undergo MOS.

His breath sighed as he walked into the building which was quite far from the field. His steps stopped when he saw a pair of legs stop in front of him. He regretted his habit of always looking down when walking.

Now he looked up and looked at the man who was taller than him. He glanced at the class badge on the man’s uniform’s left arm.

‘Ohh … classmates, arrogant, huh. ‘

“What class?” The girl’s eyes returned to the man in front of her who had just asked. Even though in his heart he didn’t want to answer at all, the girl still showed his courtesy.

“Class 10-1.” The answer was very brief. His classmate opened the sheet he was holding and then looked at the girl’s badge.

“You are in group 2. After placing the bag in class, you go down and march on the field. 5 minutes, don’t use it for long. “He said then left the girl himself.

2. Cerpen Tema Keluarga

Cerpen Tema Keluarga

Cerpen bahasa inggris dgn tema ini sudah lazim diangkat penulis kisah terjemahan. Cerpen dgn tema ini sangatlah penting untuk dibahas sebab penulis dapat memegang peran penting dr setiap tokoh di keluarga tersebut.

Contoh :

Cerpen Tema Keluarga

I then woke up with a severe yawn when I heard the noise from the family room.

Fix. Biaz bring this monkey child, not a human child.

I dragged my steps out of the room and saw that some children did indeed gather. Including Biaz.

A child passed by not far from where I was standing. As a result, I hit him on the shoulder.

“Eh, can you call Biaz or not? Please.” the cave said as sincerely.

The man looked frowned and then asked, “Saha – who?”

Hah, what did the child say?

“Hah?” I answered in response. I swear I didn’t feel the answer.

“I mean teh, who is that.”

I looked nodding. But, why doesn’t this child accent match his face?

I’ve heard people talk like this, but who is it? Oh yeah, bro, the canteen chicken noodle is the same as mamang, his son. Could it be that people are still friends with them again,

  Tali Darah Ibu | Cerpen Farizal Sikumbang

“You, who is the chicken noodle in my school?” asked the cave frontal.

The next time I knew the boy, I remember that I was a fan of Numero Uno, the chicken noodle, the mamang canteen.

“Who is Mamang chicken noodle’s canteen?”

I squeezed my hair, annoyed and then shouted while looking around, “BIAZ ARATA! WHERE ARE YOU ?!”

And voila, my scream succeeded in luring Biaz who was cuddling somewhere to get out.

“Damn really, Sis.” he replied, grumbling.

Gua grunted irritably, “first, you said the same, I won’t have a commotion at home. And in fact it’s now noisy. You want me to tell this to Ma and Pa if you still have friends at home?”

Biaz immediately put on a sullen face as he looked down and shook his head.

“Good. Now tell your friends, don’t be noisy.”

Biaz nodded then when he wanted to leave, I held back his arm.

“I haven’t explained the second point, bro.”

Biaz sighed, “Yes, hurry up.”

“Whose child?” I asked, pointing to the Sundanese guy on the right side me.

Biaz looked at the guy and I took turns, “You don’t know? He’s our neighbor. His house is next of ours.”

I’m gawking, since when did this guy become a neighbor of my house?

“That’s why when invited to go around, follow along. Not be like a rotten single.”

Ggrrr … I immediately removed the flip-flops that I used and then threw to a Biaz’s head.

Right at that moment, the crazy guy chuckled and smiled. “Hey, beautiful sister.”

3. Cerpen Dengan Tema Sajak

Cerpen Dengan Tema Sajak

Cerpen bahasa inggris dgn tema ini akan menceritakan perasaan seseorang lewat sajak atau puisi. Jadi bantu-membantu cerita yg disampaikan ini mirip bermonolog pada diri sendiri.

Contoh :

erpen Dengan Tema Sajak

For you, the optical illusion

I look at you again.

From far away, of course.

Because I don’t dare to approach you even one step.

The place seems to be a sign from you so I don’t need to look away and keep looking forward just to see you. Thanks.

Even though I know that’s not your reason, but for everything, thank you.

Because it’s where I can sit here.

Under a bright sky complete with sun and white clouds.

A perfect combination, right?

You are the perfect and beautiful view of the sky above the earth.

What is this?

Why are you looking down this time?

You stare at the sky as if to curse it.


What do you feel?

Do you know that my heart is sick now seeing you like this?

4. Cerpen Dengan Tema Patah Hati

Cerpen Dengan Tema Patah Hati

Cerpen bahasa inggris dgn tema ini merupakan cerpen yg paling banyak dibuat oleh penulis terjemahan. Kisahnya yg menjamah akan membuat siapapun yg membacanya akan ikut larut dlm ceritanya.

Contoh :

Cerpen Dengan Tema Patah Hati

I swear to die, I bet that Rayna is very happy this time. Who is unhappy if someone he likes now stands in front of him to express feelings?

I bit my inner lips holding back tears. It’s over my duty to look after Rifqi. Become the best friend or maybe the person who was in his mind. After that I have to go from Rifqi’s life. I approached Rifqi then smiled sweetly at him.

“Congratulations,” I said, trying to relax. Rifqi smiled broadly then hugged me. Very tight until it feels like my tears almost fell.

“May I talk to you?” I whispered in Rifqi’s ear. Rifqi nodded and then pulled my hand away from Rayna.

“I love you.” in fact finally.

Rifqi looked at me in disbelief, maybe he didn’t expect to get a surprise like this from me. But, this is the only thing I can do for the last time. Along with that, one tear fell onto my cheek. I took a breath and still tried to smile at him.

“I don’t want you to reply. I know who you are for. And I don’t want to be a barrier. I love you, but I realize if you love Rayna.”

I took her hand and hugged her softly.

“Take care of Rayna, don’t hurt her heart. Because to harbor it is not easy.” I say.

I let go of Rifqi’s hand then returned to smile on his face that was still staring at me in disbelief. In fact, Rifqi did not respond to anything. I examined every inch of his face, trying to remember every curve I always missed.

In fact, there is only tears in my eyes that are pooled and ready to fall anytime. I immediately turned around and stepped in definitely, leaving Rifqi and Rayna together with my tears starting to flow profusely.

I do not regret. Not at all. I just feel relieved, with what I’m doing now. Even though I couldn’t deny it, the ice in my heart began to break and its sharp tip caused a hole that gaped wide in my heart. And it hurts.

5. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan Di Pantai

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan Di Pantai

Biasanya, setelah liburan panjang sekolah, murid diharuskan menciptakan kisah tentang pengalaman liburannya.

Berikut ini adalah salah satu acuan cerita Bahasa Inggris mengenai piknik di pantai yg bisa dijadikan wangsit:

  Kemana Perginya Kucing-kucing | Cerpen Erwin Setia

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan Di Pantai

I have ever heard about Lovina beach in Bali and I am so interested to go there. I try to talk to my parents whether we are possible to go there. They are so excited as well and then make a plan for our holiday.

The Lovina beach is quite far from the city crowd; it is 100 km from Seminyak, Bali. I think Lovina beach is the best destination for my holiday because I will get an amazing experience there that I do not get anywhere else.

The first day, my parents and I spend our day only enjoy the environment. Moreover, I have to wake up early because I have a schedule to see the sunrise on the beach using a boat.

The sunrise is so beautiful and I think this is the best sunrise I have ever seen in my entire life. Because Lovina Beach is so popular with dolphins attractions, and lucky me I can see them hanging around.

The dolphins will surface between 6 am to 9 am. The ticket for me is only Rp50.000 but for my parents is Rp100.000 per each. I think it is so worth to buy because the experience is so priceless.

The next day, I snorkel in Lovina beach to greet the beauty of underwater life. I can see the coral reefs and colorful fishes; I really enjoy and feel relaxing.

Meanwhile, my parents choose to go to fishing and got some big sea fishes. This is the most beautiful beach I have ever had because there are a lot of fun attractions.

6. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga yg Terpisah Jarak & Waktu

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga Yang Terpisah Jarak Dan Waktu

Keluarga kerap kali dijadikan topik dlm sebuah cerita. Pasalnya, topik ini biasanya memiliki dongeng yg menarik & berbeda-beda dr satu keluarga dgn keluarga yg lain.

Salah satu conton dongeng dgn tema keluarga yakni selaku berikut:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga yg Terpisah Jarak & Waktu

Morissette is a mother who lives in a small city, St Asaph, Wales. She lives with her daughter, Emily who is 8 years old. Morissette’s husband is working far away from her in Norwich.

Meanwhile, the oldest and the second child work in abroad, in Brussels and in Dortmund. Morissette has seen her husband and two children in the past 3 years.

When her husband and children expressed their desire to go home, she always answers, “No need to go home. It is better to save money, we can communicate via telephone”. Actually, Morissette was heartbroken when she said that.

Today is Emily’s birthday, Morissette try to make a pancake just for her. When she was whisking the mixture, she asks Emily to take a jam. She receives a jam given by Emily but she felt something strange.

Morissette spontaneously turned her head because it was not Emily’s voice. That is the voice of Pedro, his eldest son who works in Brussels.

Shortly, a sweet-looking young woman entered the kitchen while holding Emily. Her second daughter, Suzy come back from Dortmund. Morissette broke down in tears because the longing that surged in her heart was now healed.

Morissette’s happiness became more complete when George, her husband, arrived that afternoon. They chat with each other and enjoy simple pancakes made by Morissette.

The moment is the beautiful gift for Morissette and Emily. For them, true happiness does not come from wealth, but from a sense of togetherness that is present when all family members can gather together even in simplicity.

7. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobi yg mampu Menghasilkan Uang

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hobi Yang Dapat Menghasilkan Uang

Cerita Bahasa Inggris yg lazimnya dijadikan tema yakni mengenai kegemaran. Namun, kegemaran yg sedang ramai dibicarakan yakni kegemaran yg mampu menghasilkan duit.

Berikut adalah pola mengenai dongeng mengenai hobi yg dapat menghasilkan duit:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga yg Terpisah Jarak & Waktu

My hobby is writing and I have been doing this since I was ten years old. My mother taught me how to write well and how to tell something into a good story.

My mother always embraces me to write something every day in my notebook. Moreover, she always reads my story with my father and I like to see them enjoying my writing.

Since that day, I love writing more. I always write whenever, anywhere, and anything. One day I feel bored to write but my parents introduced me to write on a blog. I am so excited and I am no longer bored with writing.

I often write my blog almost every day and it turns out many people love to read my blog. Of course, I feel so happy because my writing can inspire and be useful for many people.

I like to write short stories and kiat & trick about writing. Unexpectedly, several media and publishers sent me emails and offered to collaborate. Of course, I will not miss that opportunity by collaborating many media and publishers.

Starting from there I understood that if preserving and being serious about doing a hobby, you could make some money. Moreover, I can also sharpen my talents and make writing as self-actualization.

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Baca Juga: Cerita Sangkuriang

8. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan: Lebah & Semut

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan Lebah Dan Semut

Saat belajar Bahasa Inggris, kisah binatang tak pernah terlewatkan, terutama bagi belum dewasa. Pasalnya, kisah hewan cenderung gampang dimengerti & menarik perhatian belum dewasa.

Contoh cerita Bahasa Inggris mengenai binatang yakni selaku berikut:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keluarga yg Terpisah Jarak & Waktu

A long time ago, there lived so many bees. One of the bees named Bebo and his mother already dead eaten by a scorpion. Now, he lives alone and that is why he decided to wander and finally, he arrived in the vast desert.

In the middle of the desert, Bebo felt thirsty and hungry. He insisted on looking for food and water. After a long time flying, from a distance, Bebo saw water and food.

But after approaching, it turns put all he saw was a vast expanse of sand. So, with disappointment, Bebo flew down the desert again.

Afterward, he met an ant who carrying his eggs and Bebo approaches the ant.

“Hi, ant. What is your name?”

“My name is Antie. Who is your name?”

“My name is Bebo. Do you want to be my friend?”, Antie nods happily.

“Great! Let’s look for the water and food together!”

They hurried off to look for the food. After a long time down the desert, they found a spring that had clean and freshwater. Next to the spring, there is a date palm tree that has a thick and very sweet fruit.

Bebo and Antie are very happy and they immediately drink and eat until they are full. After they were completely full, they immediately looked for a place to stay.

Two days later, they found a place to live that they thought was right. They will not lack food because, on the edge of the meadow, there are many fruit trees and very clean spring. Bebo and Antie live in harmony and they also live safely, peacefully, and happily.

9. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Malin Kundang

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Malin Kundang

Malin Kundang ialah salah satu dongeng legenda Indonesia yg terkenal. Tak ayal, kisahnya diterjemahkan ke dlm banyak bahasa, termasuk Bahasa Inggris.

Berikut ialah acuan cerita Malin Kundang yg memakai Bahasa Inggris:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Malin Kundang

There lived a poor woman in a village. She lived with his only son, Malin Kundang and they live in poverty. When her son grew up, he decided to go to the big city to wander off.

He wants to try his luck there. With a heavy heart, her mother permits him to wander off. Now, his mother is back to being a lonely old woman.

After Malin’s departures, his mother always thought about her son’s condition. She ills so soften, while Malin never sent a single word to her.

A few years later, Malin has become a wealthy merchant and owns so many boats. Malin also married a noblewoman who was very beautiful.

One day, Malin Kundang wanted to see his village. It is been a long time he has not come home. Malin went to his village with his wife and many of his workers. He also brought a lot of money to be distributed to the residents.

After arriving in the village, he gave a lot of money to the residents. Then, there was one person who recognized him, his neighbor a long time ago. The neighbor then tells Malin’s mother that he returned home.

His mother immediately went to the dock to see if it was true that Malin came. Malin recognized his mother but he did not want to admit it because he was ashamed to have a poor mother.

Then, his mother felt sad and disappointed so that his mother cursed him to stone. Malin insisted on being forgiven but it was too late. Heavy rain and lighting came suddenly and Malin and his wife turned to stone.

Baca Juga: Cerita Kancil Dan Buaya

10. Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ibu yg Dihadiahkan Anak-anaknya Berkeliling Asia

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ibu Yang Dihadiahkan Anak Anaknya Berkeliling Asia

Topik ibu seringkali dijadikan bahan dlm sebuah goresan pena. Pasalnya, sosok yg satu ini mempunyai kisah perjuangan yg begitu besar sehingga mempesona setiap pembaca.

Berikut adalah pola cerita mengenai ibu yg kisahnya sudah terkenal diseluruh dunia:

Cerita Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ibu yg Dihadiahkan Anak-anaknya Berkeliling Asia

In Philippines, there lives a woman named Alcanzarey who is 62 years old. Almost for 25 years she works as a maid. She is doing her job to raise her 7 children.

Time has passed and her children growing up so well and become successful children. Her children did not know what to thank because her mother’s sacrifice was so great.

They realize that their mother has never gone anywhere while she is busy raising them. Every day, their mother just commutes from work to home.

At home, their mother cooks, cleans the house, and accompanies them studying. Therefore, her eldest son had the idea to take her mother to go to on a tour around Asia.

One of Alcanzarey’s children tells her mother’s experience through her Facebook account that inspires others to do the same. Now, Alcanzarey has retired from work and lives happily with her children.

Itulah beberapa teladan cerpen bahasa inggris dgn tema yg paling kerap diangkat. Semua orang mempunyai kesukaannya masing-masing bagi diri sendiri dr sisi penulisan, penyampaian maupun tema yg diangkat.

Untuk itu, beberapa penulis sudah menerjemahkan ceritanya ke berbagai bahasa semoga semua pembaca mampu membaca karyanya. Jadi karya nya lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas.

Semoga teladan-teladan kisah tersebut mampu dijadikan referensi atau sebagai bahan bacaan yg mengasyikkan diwaktu luang.

Cerita Bahasa Inggris