√ Soal Reading Comprehension Untuk Smp Kelas 2

Soal Reading Comprehension Untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas 2Dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, ada empat keterampilan (skill) yang wajib dikuasai para pelajar Bahasa Inggris, yakni listening, reading,speaking, writing. Salah satu keterampilan yang perlu latihan dengan cara terus membaca yakni reading. Berikut ialah soal Reading Comprehension untuk SMP Kelas 2.


Soal Reading Comprehension


The text below is for number 1 – 8

Read the following announcement and answer the questions.


To all first grade students, please join one or two of the extracurricular activities offered by the school below:


Activities Day Time Place
Scouts Saturday 15.00 – 17.00 School Yard
Badminton Tuesday 15.00 – 16.30 School Gymnasium
Tae Kwon Do Thursday 15.30 – 17.00 School Gymnasium
Music Friday 15.00 – 16.30 School Hall
Dancing Wednesday 16.00 – 17.00 School Hall


See your class captain for registration.


Student Organization Supervisor


Anisa Yuniarti


  1. What is the announcement about?
  2. Who writes the announcement?
  3. Whom is the announcement for?
  4. What information do you find in the announcement?
  5. When do students practice scouting?
  6. Where do students play bulu tangkis?
  7. What time does the music class start?
  8. What time does the dancing class end?


The text below is for number 9 – 13

Read the following announcement and answer the questions.


Committee of ‘Class Meeting’ Sport Competition

SMP 11



For all students of Sekolah Menengah Pertama 11, please join the ‘Class Meeting’ sport competition. It will be held on 22 – 25 June 2017.

Each class must participate in these branches of sport:

  1. Badminton (Men/Women Double)
  2. Futsal (Men)
  3. Basketball (Men/Women)

Each class can only send a team for each sport number.

Please register your teams to OSIS secretariat before 20 June 2017 at 2 p.m.


Chairman of Committee


George Adam


  1. Who writes the announcement?
  2. When will the sport competition be held?
  3. How many branches of sport are there?
  4. How many team can each class send for each sport number?
  5. Where can someone register for the competition?


The text below is for number 14 – 18

Read the following text and answer the questions.



If you are sick, you need to see a doctor. When the disease is a bit serious, you need a treatment at a hospital. What is hospital? Hospital is a licensed place where sick or injured people have medical treatment from doctors or nurses. Hospital can be categorized into two major groups: general hospital and specialized hospital.

General hospital is a medical facility which is set up to treat any kind of disease and injury. A general hospital is typically the major health care facility in its region. Usually, it has a large number of beds for intensive care and long-term care; and specialized facilities for surgery, plastic surgery, childbirth, and so forth. Therefore, general hospitals usually have many wards. Some of the common wards are maternity ward, orthopedic ward, and pediatric ward. Larger cities may have many different hospitals of verying sizes and facilities.

Specialized hospital, on the other hand, is a hospital where patients of only certain diseases of injuries can have medical treatment. Children hospital, for example, can only give medical treatment to children. Adult patients cannot be well served there. Obstetric hospital is the one specialized for pregnant women. Meanhile orthopedic hospital gives high quality service to patients who have problems with their bones.


  1. What is the purpose of the text?
  2. What is hospital?
  3. According to the passage, how many types of hospital are there? What are they?
  4. To what type of hospital does children hospital belong?
  5. Who gets treatment in an orthopedic hospital?


Kunci Jawaban


  1. The announcement is about the extracurricular activities.
  2. Student Organization Supervisor, Anisa Yuniarti, writes the announcement.
  3. The announcement is for all first grade students.
  4. The information that I can find is the extracurricular activities that can be chosen by the first grade students.
  5. The students practice scouting on Saturday.
  6. The students play bulu tangkis at School Gymnasium.
  7. The music class starts at 15.00.
  8. The dancing class ends at 17.00.
  9. The chairman of committee, George Adam, writes the announcement.
  10. The sport competition will be held on 22 – 25 June 2017.
  11. There are three branches of sport.
  12. Each class can only send a team for each sport number.
  13. The students can register for the competition at the OSIS secretariat.
  14. The purpose of the text is to describe about hospital in general.
  15. Hospital is a licensed place where sick or injured people have medical treatment from doctors or nurses.
  16. There are two types of hospital. They are general hospital and specialized hospital.
  17. Children hospital belongs to specialized hospital.
  18. Patients who have problems with their bones get treatment in an orthopedic hospital.


Demikianlah soal Reading Comprehension untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas 2. Semoga mampu berguna bagi kalian semua dan mampu menambah pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris kalian. Good luck!


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