√ Soal Bahasa Inggris Perihal Interjection Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Interjection & Kunci Jawaban – Interjection is a word which is used to show a short sudden expression of emotion. Interjection atau yang disebut selaku ‘kata seru’ yaitu suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan ekspresi atau emosi kita secara tiba – tiba dan singkat. Contoh Interjection yakni hey, ouch, hello, hi, dan sebagainya. Untuk lebih mengerti penggunaan Interjection, berikut yakni soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Interjection beserta kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Interjection

Choose one of the multiple choices (a, b, c, or d) as the correct answer!

1. Which sentence that expresses unbelieving to self-fault?

a. “Wow, what a wonderful dress it is!”

b. “Oh no! My last slice of pizza falls down.”

c. “Hufft, don’t you realize that I have been waiting for you here for two hours?!”

d. “Whoa, slow down, Madam. It is not my mistake.”

2. Which sentence that expresses surprised feeling?

a. “Well, is your sister sure to have her hair cut in that style?”

b. “Uh-huh. In my opinion, he will be an awesome singer.”

c. “Oh la la! Your children are so adorable.”

d. “Umm, I do not have any idea for this trouble.”

3. “ … , I thought I have added the sugar, but I added the salt instead. Now it tastes salty!” What is the right interjection to fill the blank to express angry feeling or frustration?

a. Arrghh

b. Umm

c. Oh wow

d. What

4. “ … ! Good job, son! You always make us proud.” What is the right interjection to fill the blank to express a surprised feeling of something good?

  Soal Matematika Kelas 7 Semester 1

a. Umm

b. Oh no

c. Hufft

d. Wow

5. “Alas, he failed to pass his English exam.” What is the feeling that is expressed by interjection in this sentence?

a. Sadness or sorry feeling

b. Angry feeling to something

c. Unbelieving feeling or surprised

d. Feeling wonderful

6. “Whoa, did you see his new car? It is adorable!” What feeling is expressed by the interjection in this sentence?

a. Agree to something

b. Feeling wonderful

c. Feeling surprised

d. Feeling awful to something

7. Which sentence below that does not express wonderful feeling?

a. “Ouch, you hurt my finger!”

b. “Whoa, did you mean we will go to London tomorrow? Superb!”

c. “Hmm, I think it is a good idea.”

d. “Oh My God, what a best view that I see this morning.”

8. Which sentence below that espresses welcoming to someone?

a. “Wait, did you know him?”

b. “Hi. Welcome to my house. Please come in.”

c. “Arrgh.. Don’t ever come back to my home!”

d. “Oops, I did not mean to do that.”

9. Which one of the sentences below that does not express uncertain feeling / uncertainty?

a. “Umm.. I am still not sure about the decision.”

b. “Hold on, I will call you later about the schedule. It is not fixed yet.”

c. “Hmm.. The meeting room is .. er .. beside the manager’s room.”

d. “Heyaa! Look at these cute penguins!”


10. “ … , it is the movie that I have ever watched.” Which is the best interjection to complete the sentence?

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a. Hufft

b. Pfft

c. Oh

d. Mmm

11. Which one of these sentences that expresses hurt feeling?

a. “Ouch! You pinch me so hard!”

b. “Hffft, the movie is so boring.”

c. “Nope! I do not want to go there alone.”

d. “What? It is not my fault!”

12. “ … , I have a brilliant idea!” Which one is the best interjection of realisation to complete the sentence?

a. Hmm

b. Alas

c. Uh-huh

d. Ah

13. Which one of these sentences that expresses sympathy feeling?

a. “Hey, are you okay?”

b. “I am feeling not very well today”

c. “What? Did you go there alone?”

d. “Hufft, I hate this class.”

14. Which one of these sentences that expresses curios feeling / curiosity?

a. “Ah, I know her very well.”

b. “Gee, you always come here late.”

c. “Eh, do you know that Anna loves Julian?”

d. “Hmm, I will think about it first.”

15. Which of these sentences that expresses happy feeling?

a. “Whoa, did you meet him yesterday?”

b. “Wow, I get a new car on my birthday!”

c. “Gee, didn’t you happy to hear that she won the competition?”

d. “Hmm, I don’t agree with you about it.”

Kunci Jawaban:

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. D

13. A

14. C

15. B

Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Interjection beserta kunci jawabannya. Semoga mampu dipahami dengan baik dan berfaedah bagi kita semua. Terima kasih.

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