√ Bahan Tenses: Simple Past Tense

Materi Tenses: Simple Past Tense – Simple past tense dipakai untuk membicarakan wacana kejadian/aktivitas yang telah terjadi di kurun lampu. Durasi bukanlah fokusnya. Keterangan waktunya adalah era lampau. ‘Satu detik yang kemudian’ juga termasuk waktu lampau.

Pola dan referensi kalimat mulut dalam simple past tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + Verb 2 + Object. I/You/They/We called the apartment electricity service last week.

She/he/it called the apartment electricity service last week.

2. Negative Subject + did not + Verb 2 +Object. I/You/They/We did not call the apartment electricity service last week.

She/he/it did not call the apartment electricity service last week.

3. Interogative Did+ Subject+ Verb 1+ Object+ ? Did I/You/They/We call the apartment electricity service last week?

Did She/he/it call the apartment electricity service last week?

Pola dan acuan kalimat nominal dalam simple present tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + was/were + complement.

Was à I, she, he, it (tunggal)

Were à they, you, we (jamak)

You/They/We were employees three years ago.

I/She/he/it was employees three years ago.

2. Negative Subject + was/were + not + complement. You/They/We were not employees three years ago.

I/She/he/it was not employees three years ago.

3. Interogative Was/were + Subject + complement +? Were you/they/we employees three years ago?

Was I/she/he/it employees three years ago?

Ekspresi waktu dalam simple present tense

• …..seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years ago.

• Last day/month/year.

• Yesterday

• This morning (bila mengucapkannya sudah di siang atau malam hari sehingga pagi hari dianggap waktu lampau.)

• In 1998 (jika waktu yang dimaksud telah berlalu)

• In May (kalau waktu yang dimaksud sudah berlalu)

• At 2 p.m. (kalau waktu yang dimaksud sudah berlalu)


Berikut ini yaitu acuan kalimat past continuous tense berdasarkan fungsi/kegunaanya:

1. Kegiatan/kejadian di abad lampau.

Terkadang pembicara tidak menggunakan keterangan waktu yang spesifik atau tidak menyebutkannya, tetapi dari bentuk verb yang dipakai kita mampu mengetahui bahwa apa yang disampaikan sudah terjadi di abad lampau.


• I sang Adele’s song in front of many people in my cousin’s birthday party.

• Sherly forgot to pick up her daughter at school.

• Last time, Pio sent his regard for you.

• Yesterday, Kylie and Kim went to a beauty salon together.

• Did Ari say something when he was here?

• Our grandparents visited us last week.

• Mono didn’t take a bath this morning.

2. Kebiasaan di era lampau.

Kalimat simple past tense juga bias dipakai untuk menceritakan tentang kebiasaan kita di masa lampau. Dengan kata lain, kita sering melakukannya dulu, namun kini telah tidak kita lakukan. Biasanya kalimat tersebut memakai frase “used to.” Atau, untuk memperjelas bahwa yang sedang dibicarakan adalah kebiasaan di era lampau, kita mampu menambahkan klausa selaku informasi menyerupai “when I was a baby, when they were with us, when my sister was a teenager” dan lain-lain.


• I used to play guitar in the evening.

• They believed in myth when they were young.

• Did you learn Arabic when you were 4 years old?

• My father used to workout in the morning.

• Valdo used to cook porridge for breakfast.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id

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