√ Bahan Tenses: Past Perfect Continuous

Materi Tenses: Past Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect Continuous mengindikasikan agresi yang terjadi dan masih berlanjut dan kemudian akhir di era lampau atau untuk membahas agresi/situasi yang sedang terjadi sebelum datangnya aksi lain.

Pola dan acuan kalimat verbal dalam simple present tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + had + been + Ving + Object.


I/You/They/We had been waiting for the new regulations from the government when the situation was confusing


She/he/it had been waiting for the new regulations from the government when the situation was confusing.

2. Negative Subject + had + not + been + Ving + Object.


I/You/They/We had not been finishing our project when  the government made a new regulation.


She/he/it had not been finishing our project when  the government made a new regulation.

3. Interogative Had+ subject+ been + Ving + Object + ? Had I/You/They/We been finishing our project when the government made a new regulation?


Had She/he/it been finishing our project when the government made a new regulation?



Tidak terdapat kalimat nominal dalam past perfect continuous tense. Selain itu, past perfect continuous tense mampu digabungkan dengan kalimat simple past tense sehingga mereka menjadi kalimat majemuk. Contohnya menyerupai dibawah ini:

• The frozen food company had been producing a ton of chicken fillet for a week when we ordered a hundred packs of it.

• I had been studying for my tamat exam for three hours when my sister asked me to pick her up at school.

Kalimat simple past tense tersebut menunjukkan indikasi peristiwa yang menginterupsi peristiwa yang sedang berjalan yang mana diekspresikan melalui past perfect continuous tense.

Berikut ini yaitu acuan kalimat past continuous tense berdasarkan fungsi/kegunaanya:

1. Menunjukan durasi waktu kejadian yang sedang terjadi dan lalu akhir di abad lampau.


• We had been eating pizza since an hour ago when our parents came.

• Cindy had been teaching for three years at a famous tourism school before she moved to Chicago.

• How long had my mother been talking to you when I was in the office?

• They had been trying to draw the conclusion of the case for a day when the police called them to meet.

• Lili dan Cahya had been thinking of running away when a kind man came to save them.

2. Menunjukkan penyebab dan efek di era lampau.


• Elea was hungry because she had been driving from Jakarta to Bandung without taking a rest for three hours.

• Hans lost weight since he had been working too hard for a month.

• Sandy took TOEFL test for the second time because she had not been doing well in the previous one.

• My nephew had been crying a lot because his parents went abroad for business trip for three days.

Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect Continuous

Ketika durasi waktu menyerupai “for two hours,” “for a week” atau “since May,” tidak dicantumkan, para penutur asli bahasa Inggris lebih memilih untuk memakai past continuous tense. Sebagai pengingat bahwa past continuous menekankan pada agresi yang terinterupsi, sementara past perfect continuous tense menekankan pada durasi waktu suatu program yang terjadi sebelum acara lainnya di masa lampau. Perhatikan acuan di bawah ini:

• Luna was happy because she was cooking the pumpkin soup well. (Kalimat ini menekankan pada perasaan ‘happy’ subjek. Bukan pada penyebabnya ataupun durasinya.

• Luna was happy because she had been finishing her painting for thirty minutes. (Kalimat ini menekankan pada durasi dan penyebab perasaan ‘happy’. Kegiatan tersebut sanggup saja berlangsung pada ketika itu, atau baru saja selesai.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id

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