√ 8 Pola Surat Ajakan Makan Malam Dalam Bahasa Inggris

8 Contoh Surat Undangan Makan Malam dalam Bahasa Inggris – Kami mempunyai acuan-teladan surat seruan pesta yang dapat menjadi rujukan yang bermanfaat bagi Anda.

Contoh 1

You are cordially invited to attend a

Testimonial Dinner

in gaji of

Tini Travis

on the occasion of her

56th Birthday Celebration

tendered by the

Democratic Socialist Federation of the Farmtown

Friday Afternoon, April 23, 2015

At three o’clock

at the

Farmtown Luxury Hotel

Flower Avenue at 27th street


P.S. Formal Dress

Contoh 2

Join us for a rehearsal dinner

In gaji of

Joan and Sherly

Thursday, February 11th, 2016, at 8 p.m.

The gathering room of Fabulous buiding

Hosted by Sherly’s and Joan Families

R.S.V.P to fikatamada@gmail.com or 728992792928 by January 29th, 2016.

P.S. Casual Dress

Contoh 3


Please join International Professional Financial

For a Dinner Party

Friday, February 12th, 2016

7 pm to 11 pm

Sunda Kalapa Restaurant

West Java

RSVP to Priwita Tami

At 0898-1192-2929

By February 1st, 2016

Contoh 4

Please join us as we celebrate the season with

Holiday Dinner

Saturday, February 14th, 2016

At 7 pm to 12 pm

Grandhill Hotel, Diamond Room

5368 south beverly avenue

Modern Town 78

Hosted by Wijawi, Herkiley, and Associates

RSVP to wijawi.acc@gmail.com by February 1st, 2016


Contoh 5

Let’s toast!

Join us for a rehearsal dinner.

In gaji of

Keyla and Hega

Friday, February 12th, 2016

At 8 p.m to 10 p.m

At House Steak Restaurant

  √ Had Better – Pemahaman, Rumus, Penggunaan, Teladan Soal

Contact: 08987888880 (Nadine)

Please wear formal attire.

Contoh 6

To celebrate the Ramahtamah partnership of business of design and wedding organizer 2016,

the Ramahtamah Chamber of organizer in Indonesia kindly requests the pleasure of your company at an evening


In the presence of the guests of honour Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Jhon and Crown Princess Jane of Fun Land.

Day/Date: Monday, February 14, 2016

Venue: Luxury Ballroom of Bi Hotel

Program: 6 pm Welcome and Cocktails

8 pm Gala Dinner

10 pm Functions Ends

Price: IDR 300/person (include welcome drink, gala sajian, and souvenirs)

Dress Code: Semi-formal attire

RSVP: Latest February 12, 2016

Email: ramahtamah@gmail.com

Phone: 021-89798170

Contoh 7

You are cordially invited to the first society charity dinner:

Tickets are IDR 850/ person include special hidangan, welcome drink, souvenirs, recycled bag, music live performance, theatre performance, and discount voucher to shop in some malls.

Venue: Taman Indah Convetion Centre

Date: February 19, 2016

Time: 6.30 p.m till drop

Book your tickets and tables now through the organizers:

ontimepart@gmail.com or via web tickets www.ticketscharitydinner.co.id

Only a limited number of tickets are available!

Book now to avoid disappointment.

Contoh 8

Let’s give thanks!

We invite to our wedding anniversary dinner.

In honor of Jefry and Devi.

This is our first wedding anniversary. We want to celebrate it and spread love in the very best occasion on February 14th, 2016, at 7 pm to 11 pm.

The gala dinner will be held at our home.

Gelanggang street number 34, Sumbersenang, Jakarta.

The dresscode is bright color to symbolize the happiness in diverse love.

  √ 10 Pola Kalimat Epilog Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Live music is prepared aand many other performances will be there.

Note it on your calender. Be happy with us.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id