What Lessons Can We Learn In The Story?

What lessons can we learn in the story?

MintA di translate & answer

Pelajaran apa yg mampu kita pelajari dlm dongeng?

1. What is the suitable title for the texs?

2. What lessons can we learn in the story?

1.  What is the suitable title for the texs?

2. What lessons can we learn in the story?” title=”1.  What is the suitable title for the texs?

2. What lessons can we learn in the story?”/> </p>
<p>1. The Legend of Surabaya</p>
<p>Ini ialah cerita rakyat yg populer dr Jawa Timur, berjudul <strong>Legenda Surabaya</strong>. Versi bahasa Inggrisnya dikenal dgn nama <strong>The Legend Of Surabaya. </strong></p>
<p>2. Don’t be too greedy and don’t break the promise you have made. </p>
<p>Artinya, <strong>janganlah serakah & jangan ingkari akad yg telah ananda buat. </strong></p>
<h2><span class=What lessons can we learn in the story?

Teks narative sura and baya

Minta jawabanya dong


do not be greedy and always keep a promoise

What lessons can we learn in the story?

Teks narative sura and baya

Minta jawabanya dong


We Can Learn To Take Care We Words And Always Helping Others

What did the budbahasa lessons can we learn from the story crying stone?​

Artinya :

Pelajaran sopan santun apa yg mampu kita petik dr cerita tangis watu?

Catatan : Maksudnya batu menangis ta?

Kalo watu menangis tanggapan nya gini…

Jawaban : Don’t be a child


Semoga membantu, & maaf kalo salah

  Teknik Melakukan Lari Cepat Menempuh Jarak 100 M Yakni…….?​