What Do You Think Of Your Classroom

What do you think of your classroom


My classrom is clear but not clear so much just clear. And the decoration it has the little pot,picture,the picture of president,the whiteboard,etc.

Semoga menolong atas usulan saya perihal kelas saya.

what do you think of your classroom?​


i think my classroom is clean, all the furniture is neatly arranged, has windows and is comfortable


berdasarkan kelas masing” sih kak

apa arti what do you think of your classroom

Artinya=apa pendapatmu wacana kelasmu

Semoga membantu

Apa artinya udin,what do you think of your classroom?

Udin, apa yg ananda pertimbangkan wacana kelas mu?

atau maksud nya, Udin, menurut ananda kelas ananda gimana?

Arti dr udin what do you think of your classroom



Udin, bagaimana menurutmu tentang kelasmu?

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