Usulan About The Use Of The Script “Hall Of Fame” Song To Improve The Students’ Achievement In Expressing Expression Of Encouraging

A.  Background of the study
Based on the observation of the researcher, the problems that appears are :
  1. There are so many expressions when we are speaking, but the students sometimes do not know or cannot express their feeling in English.
  2. The students have lack of creativity in learning expression in English especially expression of encouraging because of the media that used is not effective.
  3. Many students ashamed to express their expression, especially in expression of encouraging in front of class, they just express it with their closest friends.
  4. Teachers still using the conventional method in teaching about expression, especially in expression of encouraging.

B. The identification of the persoalan
     The problems of this study are formulated as follows:
  1. The students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song.
  2. The students’ difficulties in expressing expression of encouraging.
  3. The percentage of students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song.

C. Scope and Limitation
The scope of this research focuses on learning English by using song. This study focuses on the use of The Script “Hall of Fame” song to improve the students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging. The subject is limited on grade XI of Sekolah Menengan Atas N 1 LANGSA Jl . Ahmad Yani LANGSA, academic years 2013/2014.
D. The formulation of the problem.
  The problems of this study are formulated as follows:
  1. Does The Script “Hall of Fame” song improve the students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging?
  2. What are the students’ difficulties in expressing expression of encouraging?
  3. How the percentage of the students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song?

E. The objectives of the study
     The objectives of this study are:
  1. To find out the improvement of students achievement in expression through The Script “Hall of Fame” song in expressing expression of encouraging.
  2. To find out the students’ difficulties in expressing expression of encouraging.
  3. To find out the percentage the students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song.

F. The signification of the study
     Finding of this study are expected to be useful for :
1.    Teacher
This study can be used as a material in teaching English, especially expressing expression of encouraging.
2.      Students
Students can be interactively involved in learning English, beside getting new knowledge or lesson, they are also having fun.
3.    Other researcher
This study can be used as a reference for other researcher, who comes to further study about expression of encouraging and also for other researcher who take similar topic.
A.      Theoretical Framework
1.        Method, Technique, Strategy, Approach
There are three terms in teaching language according to Jack .C. Richards (1986b: 30) said, they are approaches, strategies, methods and techniques. But many of the students do not understand in depth so it can’t explain what exactly the similarities and differences of these terms. Most of them understand each of those terms. Others think differently to these terms, but not able to explain the differences. In the following descriptions, I attempt to explain the differences between learning approaches, learning strategies, learning methods, learning techniques, and learning models. Each of these terms can be explained as follows      :
Learning approach is the way teachers view the learning process, in which there are learning strategies with all this theories. Learning approaches can be divided into two approaches, and they are students centered learning (students centre approach) and learning centered approach (teacher centered approach). One of two learning approaches is then lowered into the learning strategies.
Learning strategy is a teacher of learning activities undertaken with the aim of the learning process that takes place in the classroom can achieve (goals) effectively and efficiently. Inside there is a learning strategy – planning created by teachers. In principle, the learning strategy of conceptual plans in which the decisions will be taken in the learning process. Viewed from the side of the strategy, learning strategy can be grouped into two general categories             : exposition – discovery and group learning, perorangan learning. Learning strategy is still conceptual, necessary for the implementation of certain teaching methods. Numan (1996 : 177) said that “strategy is the mental and communicate procedure learner used in order to learn and use language”.
Learning techniques is the way in which the teacher carrying out the method of learning. As an illustration, the application of the method of role playing in class that students have parents with higher average economies, different treatment techniques for parents of students with low average economy. Also the applications of methods for a class belonging to the debate on, need to use different techniques than the class of passive students. A teacher can alternate while learning techniques within the framework of the same learning methods.
2.        Achievement
Achievement a result that has been done, relate of individuality and group. Meanwhile achievement is (potential) capacity of power (to do something physical or mental) or special natural power to do something we went.
In the other hand, achievement is a success reaching particular goals, status or standard, especially by effort, skill and courage. Bloom (1993: 231) said that “the learning achievement is a result of the change of attitude which belongs to the three domains, namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.  Students’ learning achievement is interpreted as a result of attitude; change someone which is affected by pelatihan and experience oneself”.
3.        Media
Media comes from Latin and it is plural of medium which literally means the intermediary, and the media is a vehicle for forwarding of messages or information of study. Gerlach & Ely (1971 : 46) said that if the media is understood broadly human, material, or events that establish conditions that enable the pupils to acquire knowledge, skills or attitudes. In this sense, the teachers, textbooks and environment of the school is media. According to Van Els et al (1984), media are all aids which may be used by teachers and learners to attain certain education objectives. It means that in conveying or even transferring knowledge from one to another, teachers are assisted by media. Media can be considered as additional equipment which also can be called as a messenger.
Another limitation was also pointed out by the experts. One of them is The Association of Education and Communication Technology or is often abbreviated to (AECT, 1997) (in Azhar Arsyad (2011 : 3) defines media as a channel used to submitting a message or information. Media causes movements of information from one to another. A person who gives or sends the messages is considered as a source and a person who is given the information is called as a receiver. Gagne and Briggs (1975 : 57) simplify that media of study include physical tools used to deliver the content of teaching material, which consist s of books, tape recorders, cassettes, video camera, video recorder, film, slide (picture frame, photos, pictures, graphics, Television and computers. In other words, the media is the vehicle component of learning or physical resource containing instructional material in the students that can stimulate students to learn.
 Media serves the purpose of instruction in which the information contained in the media should engage the students in mind and in the form of mental or actual activities so that learning can occur. Media is a new invention which is used in order to attract the students in learning process. Beside having fun, media should be able to provide an enjoyable experience and meet the needs of individual students.
4.        Song
A song is a composition for voices, performed by singer. Song is an art from whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which govern melody and harmony) rhythm (and it is associated concepts tempo, meter and articulation), dynamics and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Song is a familiar thing and popular in our society not only in general society. Most of the people like song because it can make them feeling happy and could tell their aspirations. Beside song can be used as a motivation to student to learn something, motivation is needed to support someone and influence them to do something to get their own goal or purposes.
Grifee stated that “Song is part of music that you sing through words” (2001 : 10). It closely related to speaking, because speaking is an action of having communication with the others in using oral language. Oral language can be defined simply just an activity which combines the words together into something understandable. In general, responses to music are able to be observed. It has been proven that music influences humans both in good and bad ways. These effects are instant and long lasting. Song is taught to link all of the emotional, spiritual and physical elements of the universe. Song can also be used to change a person’s mood and has been found to cause like physical responses in many people simultaneously.
5.        The Script
The Script are an Irish rock grup band from Dublin formed in 2001.[4] The band consists of lead vocalist/pianist Danny O’Donoghue, vocalist/guitarist Mark Sheehan, and drummer Glen Power. Based in London after signing to Sony Label Group imprint Phonogenic, the band released their eponymous debut album in August 2008, featuring the hit songs “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” and “Breakeven (Falling to Pieces)“. The album peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK.[5] Their second album, Science & Faith, was released in September 2010, and contains the hit songs “For the First Time” and “Nothing“. The album peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK, and number three on the US Billboard 200.[5][6] Their third album #3 peaked at number one in Ireland and the UK, containing the hit song Hall of Fame in collaboration with Hip Hop/R&B artist
Their music has been featured in popular television programs such as 90210Ghost WhispererThe HillsWaterloo RoadEast EndersMade in Chelsea and The Vampire Diaries. Front man Danny O’Donoghue was also a coach on The Voice UK for seasons 1 and 2, before leaving the show in order to focus more on the grup band. In 2009 Industry Victoria’s Secret chose “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” as the theme for its annual parade The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2009 for the opening segment and the Enchanted Forest segment with Heidi Klum.
6.        Hall of Fame song
Hall of Fame is a song by Irish pop rock grup musik The Script. It is the lead single from their third studio album #3. The track features The Black Eyed Peas hip-hop artist The track was given its first radio play on Capital on 23 July 2012. Written and co-produced by the grup musik. The song is about following on your dreams and making an impact on the world. The song was used to advertise the return of serial dramas All My Children and One Life to Live. The song was covered on the Glee episode “All or Nothing“. “Masterchef Australia: The Professionals” used it as the theme song in the opening credits. The song was also published in the ads section for NBC’S Primetime drama, Chicago fire. The song has also been used as the theme song for “TNA Wrestling” and “WWW‘s” Hall of Fame ceremonies.
The song also became the band’s first UK Singles Chart number-one single on 16 September 2012. The single was backed with a remix created by song co-writer Jimbo Barry. The single was physically released in Germany on 11 January 2013.
7.        Expression or Utterances
Richard et al (1992: 341) state that “utterance is a natural unit of speech bounded by breaths or pauses”. An utterance is a complete unit of talk, bounded by the speaker silence. A speaker is a uttered the message. The speaker is typically the deictic centre of his her own deictic reference. These are grammatical zed in first person morphemes. A deictic expression is an expression that has a deictic usage its basic usage, though it may also have non deictic usages. Expression is also a frequently used word or phrases or it is a way to convey your thoughts, feelings, or emotions.
8.        Expression of Encouraging
Expression of encouraging is the influential thing that can persuade or inspire   somebody to do something.
      Come on you can do it!
      You’ll never know until you try
      You can find your way to do the best
      If you believe anything is possible
      Nothing’s impossible
      You’re not a quitter
      Who says you can’t be the best ?
      You’ll be fine
      Don’t give up. Try again.
      Don’t wait for luck. All you have to do is moving forward.
      I got your back.
      You’re gonna do great
      You’re nearly there
Emma : I heard from Ann, that you intend to audition for the music competition in Japan.
Ginny : well it’s not happening.
Emma  : why ?
Ginny  : you know, the competitors would probably have great voices. And me !? My voice is          nothing compare to them.
Emma  : oh come on. Ginny is not a quitter. you have to audition for this competition. 
Ginny : what if I don’t win this one and I end up embarrassing myself in front of everyone.
Emma  : that’s why you have to try. Cause you won’t know if you never try.
Ginny : okay. I’ll try.
B.       Conceptual Framework
Talking about expression, intentionally or unintentionally everyday when we are speaking with someone else we express several expression such expression of encouraging. But, in the school sometimes the students still ashamed to express their expression. They just express their expression with their closest friends. By using expression, the atmosphere is being interest. Expressing something also we can do through the song. By using the song the students can more attractive and active when they are study about expression, especially in learning expression of encouraging. 
A.  Location and Time
The research will be conducted at SMA N 1 LANGA grade XI academic years 2013/2014. The location is chosen by the researcher because there are many problems appears especially in improving the students’ achievement in expressing expression of encouraging.
B. Subject of Research
     The subject of this research is grade X1 IPA reg4 of SMA N 1 LANGSA academic year 2013/2014, which consist of 45 students, consisted of 20 boys and 25 girls.
C.  Object of Research.
In this research, the use of The Script “Hall of Fame” song in teaching expression of encouraging at Sekolah Menengan Atas N 1 LANGSA as the object.
D.  The Operational Variable of Research
The variable is the use of The Script “Hall of Fame” in teaching expression of encouraging.
E.  Research Design
The research will be conducted by applying classroom action research. According to Wallace (1998: 18) said that “classroom action research is different from conventional types of research. Action research is an observation of an activity done systematically by collecting data on everyday practice than analyzing it in order to some decision about the future practice should be”. That’s why the term action is used for method research.
There are so many possible reasons for conducting an action research. An action research is used to know about the learners and it is very motivating and challenging for the researcher. As a teacher by using an action research they can observe their way how to teaching well to improving the students’ achievement in learning English.
F.   Instrument of Research  
In collecting the data, this following instrument will be used:
  1. Students will be given a written test by the teacher that related to the expression of encouraging. Written test is used to know the students’ score.
  2. Observation sheet, it is used to observe the condition that happened during the teaching learning process.
  Metodologi Penelitian

G.  Technique for Collecting Data
In this research, quantitative and qualitative is used for collecting the data.
1.      Quantitative
Quantitative data is used in this research in collecting the data for scoring the students’ score in answering the written test which consisted of 19 items in cycle 1, and 5 questions in cycle 2. So the total question are 24 questions which will given to the students’ after the teacher explain about the expression of encouraging and the researcher will observe the improvement of students’ score in every meeting.
2.      Qualitative
Qualitative data is obtained sheet and diary note. Observation sheet is used to know the situation in the class during the teaching learning process.
The procedure of classroom action research is conducted by administrating one pre test and two cycles in one meeting of each cycle. These included four steps, namely rencana, action, observation, and reflection. At this stage, the researcher conducting the following activities :
1.    Planning
Planning is arrangement for doing something. In planning, it is considering everything that is related to the action that was done and prepares everything that is needed in the teaching learning process. The researcher prepares the lesson plan which used The Script “Hall of Fame” song in expressing expression of encouraging. The material is taken from English Text Book for grade XI and prepares the test to measure the result of the study.
2.    Action
This is the implementation of the action plan that has been created which can be either an application specific learning versi that aims to improve or refine the versi being executed.
3.    Observation
The third phase of observation activities is made by observations. In fact, slightly less precise if these observation are separated by the implementation of action as that should be observe at the same time. The observation of the action is used to observe the students’ while they are learning by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song and also investigating the situation and the problems found during the teaching learning process. The researcher records the students’ situation during the teaching learning process.
4.    Reflection
The fourth is an activity to restate what has been done. Reflection here includes : analysis, synthesis, interpretation, explanation and conclusion. The result of the reflection activity is holding revision to the planning which been implemented. This reflection is very appropriate activity performance when the researcher has finished taking action. 
H.  Analysis of the Situation
In this step, the orientation test is given. The aim of this test is to figure out the students’ level of understanding and to predict the problems of the students’ in expressing expression of encouraging. The orientation test is written test. The students answer the question test for the first time before administrating two cycles. These included four steps namely : rencana, action, observation, and reflection. 
1.1  Cycle 1
In this cycle, the students study expression to measure and their problems in expression will be analyzed:
a.      Planning
In this phase, the researcher prepares the following:
1.      Lesson Plan
The researcher prepares two lesson plans for two meetings, the first lesson plan is about pre test, and the second lesson plan for cycle 1 and 2 which used The Script “Hall of Fame” song.
2.      Materials
English book for grade XI and other relevant books, and also The Script “Hall of Fame’ song as a media.
3.      Observation sheet
The researcher choose  English teacher for grade XI in SMA 1 LANGSA as the observer.
b.      Action
After preparing all strategies and plan, the researcher teach what is expression of encouraging. If the students still confuse about the material, the researcher give the detail explanation.
c.       Observation
The observer in this research is English teacher of SMA N 1 LANGSA. The teacher will observes the students while they are learning about the expression and also investigating the situation and the problem during the teaching learning process. The result of observation is put on the observation sheet of the teacher.
d.      Reflection
In this phase, the researcher reflecting on everything she/he has done and making a conclusion. So, the second cycle will be doing by repeating the steps in the first cycle in order to solve the masalah if there is no improvement.
1.2  Cycle 2
a.      Planning
  1. Preparing and designing the test during this cycle.
  2. Giving motivation to the students.
  3. Preparing the instrument, such as the observation sheet to observe the teaching learning process.
  4. Seeing the first cycle that there are many students active during the teaching learning process. The researcher should control every students by asking everything they do not understand about the material.
  5. Redesigning the procedure of teaching expression of encouraging by using The Script “Hall of Fame” song.
  6. Preparing the test to measure the result of the study.
b.      Action
  1. The researcher reviewing the students’ achievement in cycle 1 and give some comments, opinions, and do the best in cycle 2.
  2. The researcher do the review about the importance of expression of encouraging.
  3. The researcher asking the students to share everything about the test that given by the researcher.
  4. The researcher gives the test to them in the cycle 2.
  Jenis Observasi Eksperimental Laboratorium

c.       Observation
After finishing the second cycle, the observation is done by using observation sheet. The observer will observe the whole process of teaching learning action. It is about behavior and all activities in teaching learning process.
d.      Reflection
After cycle 1 and 2 completely done, the result showed the significant improvement for the most students.
I.     Technique of Analyzing Data
In collecting the data, it will apply quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative data is used to describing the situation during the teaching learning process, it is taken from the observation sheet. The quantitative data is used to computing the students score.
The researcher will apply the following formula to know the mean of the students score for each cycle:
∑x = The mean of the students
X   = The total score
N   = The number of students
The criteria of able point:
N> 75 Able
N:< 74 Unable
The number of master students, the researcher will apply this following formula
P = The percentage of master students
R = The number of master students
T = The total of students
The category of scoring:
90% – 100% = Very Good
80% – 89%   = Good
65% – 79%   = Enough
55% – 64%   = Less
0% – 54%     = Bad
Bloom. 1993, students achievement to learning and studying. Hawthorne, Victoria, Australia : Australian             Council for Educational Research.