Toni left from Bandung this morning.

What did you say?

A. I said that Toni leaves for Bandung.
B. I said that Toni will leave for Bandung.
C. I said that Toni would leave for Bandung.
D. I said that Toni had left for Bandung.

E. I said that Toni was leaving for Bandung.

Kalimat di atas memakai bentuk simple past tense, kemudian dibarengi oleh pertanyaan what did you say? dari pertanyaan tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa jawabannya mesti memakai kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech dalam bentuk kalimat pertanyaan/statement). Jika kalimat itu menggunakan simple past tense diubah ke dalam bentuk past perfect tense (had + verb 3/past participle) untuk indirect speech.
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