This Research Entitle Developmentmodel Acara Of Study Is Make

            This research entitle DEVELOPMENT MODEL PROGRAM of STUDY is MAKE-UP OF INTEREST of ELEMENTARY SCHOOLTEACHER IN ASESMEN PORTOFOLIO of LOW CLASS ( Study of Development Model Study of Tematik of Class 1, 2 and 3 Elementary School of Country Regency of Bengkayang of School Year 2007/2008). Research background of because educative competitor residing in Elementary School first class, two, and three be at intellegence IQ growth age, EQ, and SQ grow and expand very quickly. the Age child see everything nya as one perfection (holistik) study Execution in this time in Sekolah Dasar class 1, 2, 3 done/conducted separately. For a while the age child see everything that as a perfection, such study will cause indigent child think by holistik.
Year data 2000 showing that number repeat class 1 equal to 11,6% for a while at second class 7,51%, class three 6,13%, class four 4,64%, class five 3,1%, and class six 0,37%. Same in the year the broken number of class school 1 equal to 4,22%, higher a long way off in comparison with second class 0,83%, class three 2,27%, class four 2,71%, class five 3,79%, and class six 1,78%.
Research Question  or main masalah in this research is “ What will be development model tematik study in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of  Bengkayang Regency ?” with sub of research question ; 1.What will be Planning model study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of Bengkayang Regency ? 2.What Will Be Phase of Preparation of Execution of study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of Bengkayang Regency ? 3.What will be Phase of Execution study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of Bengkayang Regency ? 4.What will be way of assessment of study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher Bengkayang Regency? 5.What will be Implication of study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of Bengkayang Regency ?
This article aim to to “ knowing development versi study of tematis in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher of Bengkayang Regency”. Benefit result of this research expected by good for all party which intresting with study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class the following Elementary School : 1.Upon which information and consideration for Local Government and also On duty Education in constructing and developing ability teach teachers in study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class of Elementary School in Regency Bengkayang. 2.As reference for schoolteacher basis for made by a reference substance and guidance teach in study tematik utilize to improve ability apply Curriculum Mount Set of Education  (KTSP), in order to developing study tematik in low Asesmen Portofolio class of Elementary School 3.As opinion contribution to researcher continue studying similar duduk perkara utilize to improve and develop ability teach teachers in study tematik in low Asesmen Portofolio class of Elementary School.
            Method used in this research descriptive method. use of descriptive Method in this research fact expression, data, and condition of development model study of tematik in Asesmen Portofolio of low class by Elementary schoolteacher  of Bengkayang Regency as it is. Population in this research is 18 people learn tematik, 9 people Lead Sekolah Dasar which  is taken away from by 3 school in town, 3 marginal school of town and 3 external school town Bengkayang. Technique of Compiler of data in this research technique of direct communications, technique of indirect communications and technique of direct observation. Result of research indicate that development model study tematik in low Asesmen Portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher of Regency Bengkayang in general categorize “ enough”. If detailed by parsial as according to research question, the following inferential hence :1.Planning versi study tematik in low asesmen portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher in Regency Bengkayang In Town obtained a score nyata amount of equal to 96 ideal maximal score equal to 144 = 66,67 ; score nyata Town Periphery of equal to 48 ideal score 144 = 33,44%; and Outside the score kasatmata Town 47 ideal score 144 = 32,64%. (category less) 2.execution Preparation phase model study tematik in low asesmen portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher in Regency Bengkayang in town obtained by a score nyata amount of equal to 80 from ideal maximal score equal to 120, meaning to reach 66,67 ; score nyata Town periphery 53 ideal score 120 = 44,16%; Outside the score positif town 52 score ideal120 = 43,33%. ( category enough) 3.Execution phase versi study tematik in low asesmen portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher in Regency Bengkayang in town obtained by a score nyata amount of equal to 201 ideal maximal score equal to 360 = 55,83 ; score faktual Town periphery ; 161 ideal score 360 = 44,72%; Outside the score konkret town 162 ideal score 360 = 45,00%. (category enough) 4.Way of assessment model study tematik in low asesmen portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher in Regency Bengkayang  In Town obtained a score aktual amount equal to 62 ideal maximal score equal to 96 = 64,58 ; score aktual Town periphery 29 ideal score 96 = 30,21%; Outside the score konkret town 31 ideal score 96 = 32,29%. ( category less) 5.Study tematik implication in low asesmen portofolio class by Elementary schoolteacher in Regency Bengkayang in town obtained a score positif amount of equal to 57 ideal maximal score equal to 120 = 47,50 ; score kasatmata Town boundary 43 ideal score
Base on data analysis and research conclotion, Recommendation;
1.Planning model study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class, by Elementary schoolteacher shall be non-stoped to be looked after, teachers shall be non-stoped to improve ability of x’self in compiling annual program, ability compile semester program, ability compile syllabus, ability compile RPP, ability compile mapping and network of study theme.2.phase of Preparation of execution versi study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class Elementary schoolteacher in Regency of Bengkayang should not be stiff but having the character of flexible, require to be non-stoped to improve choice of teaching creactivity of correct interest, arranging real correct interest in order to more have a meaning of and draw to create active study, creative, effective, and please ( PAKEM). 3.In phase of execution of study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class, teachers shall be non-stoped to do/conduct activity of permulaan/kegiatan of study opening, activity of nucleus;core and activity epilog/selesai. activity of Nucleus;Core of study improvedly read, ability write, ability count/calculate, paying attention to student individually, and hook;correlate items of Iesson with its relevant other; dissimilar items. Executing conclusion activity / final concludedly items of Iesson which have been submitted/sent, fable or tell a story to student before closing Iesson, and submit messages of akhlak to student, which deal with Iesson items.4.Way of assessment model study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class of shall be non-stoped to conduct assessment which relate to  specified indicator, conducting assessment continually, conducting assessment at the time of student tell a story, and conduct assessment at the time of student read 5.implication of Execution versi study of tematik in asesmen portofolio of low class of teachers shall be non-stoped to conduct gift of duty individually to student, giving group duty, exploiting existing media, optimal of media of study exist in school, and conduct settlement of class space.6.Needing there is tryning/workshop learn tematik in low asesmen portofolio class, by special to facilitate teacher  have concentration to accept training items, is later;then expected able to apply in their place school undertake each for the shake of certifiable of Bengkayang Regency education of period to coming.
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