
Teladan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab What Does It Look Like [Bahasa Inggris Kelas Vii Smp/Mts Semester Ii Bab 1] Sekolahmuonline.Com

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Pilihlah balasan yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada karakter A, B, C, atau D

Choose the correct answer! (Pilihlah tanggapan yang benar!)

Listening Script for questions 1 to 4

Let me tell you about my older brother, his name is Wahyu Riskianto. My older brother and I have a couple of things in common. Both of us have short straight hair. My brother and I also have the same a bit round shaped faces, thin eyebrows, and black eyes. We both have a bit tanned skin since we like to play football together. With all those similarities plus the fact that we are just 4 years different, no wonder if many people think that we are twins.

My brother is an introvert person. He doesn’t talk too much to any person who isn’t close enough to him. He spends most of his time to learn and train his skill in his hobby. He loves painting and drawing picture. Usually, he draws caricatures or beautiful views. I like his art works. They are pretty colorful and attractive.

My brother is a patient and kind person, especially to me. He always helps me when I have a dilema. He is also a quite smart person. So, when I find some troubles with my school tasks, like mathematics or science, I always ask for his help. We also like to spend the time together by playing game. In short, he is the best brother in the world to me

Listen to your teacher carefully to answer questions 1 to 4.
1. What does the text tell us about?
A. An older brother.
B. The writer’s brother.
C. An introvert person.
D. A patient and kind person.

Kunci Jawaban: B
Pertanyaan ini yaitu pertanyaan yang menanyakan topik. Dalam teks deskripsi topik mampu didapatkan di bab teks Identification. Jawaban disimpulkan dari “I have an older brother, his name is Wahyu Riskianto.” Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa teks tersebut mengenai saudara laki-lakinya penulis yang berjulukan Wahyu Riskianto

2. Many people think that the writer and his brother are twins because they … .
A. are introvert persons
B. have many similarities
C. like to play football together
D. are patient and kind persons

Kunci Jawaban: B
Pertanyaan ini yakni pertanyaan yang menanyakan detail argumentasi. Jawaban ditarik kesimpulan dari “With all those similarities plus the fact that we just 4 years different, no wonder if many people think that we are twin.”

3. What will probably happen to the readers after reading the text?
A. Be inspired with the characters of the writer’s brother.
B. Be curious to know more about the writer’s brother
C. Be eager to get in touch with the writer’s brother
D. Be willing to go to the writer’s house.

Kunci Jawaban: A
Pertanyaan ini menanyakan ihwal pengaruh sehabis membaca teks. Berdasarkan deskripsi di dalam teks , yang lebih dominan mendeskripsikan sifat – sifat yang kasatmata maka dampaknya yaitu pembaca terinsirasi untuk menyontek sifat – sifat tersebut.

4. “We also like to spend the time together by playing game.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The writer’s father and mother
B. The writer and his parents.
C. The writer and his brother.
D. The writer and his family.

Kunci Jawaban: C
Pertanyaan ini ialah pertanyaan yang menanyakan perihal rujukan kata. Kata “we” mengambil alih kata dimana penulis atau pembicaratermasuk di dalamnya, sehingga dalam konteks ini kata “we” merujuk pada penulis dan saudara laki-lakinya.

Read the following text to answer questions 5 to 8

Nusa Lembongan is one of the three sets of islands located in the southeast of Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. From those three islands, Nusa Lembongan is the best one.

Having the beautiful and natural condition, this island is ready to pamper you. If you like water sports, especially diving or snorkeling, it is recommended for you to decide Nusa Lembongan as the next destination. There are several locations with underwater natural beauty which is not doubtful. Coral reefs and colorful fish are found around the island of Nusa Lembongan. They are so riveting. There are also some equipments for snorkeling and diving to rent.

Most residents of Nusa Lembongan is seaweed farmers. So, it is not be surprising if you get in Nusa Lembongan, you can see seaweed. It is being spread out in the sun. There are also some villages where seaweed cultivation becomes the main commodity. Not infrequently travelers rent a motorbike or bicycle to go around the island. Come and prove the naturalness of this island.

5. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
A. To ask people to visit the best island in Bali.
B. To show the naturalness of the islands in Bali.
C. To describe the residents of Nusa Lembongan.
D. To promote the attraction of Nusa Lembongan.

Kunci Jawaban: D
Pertanyaan ini ialah pertanyaan yang menanyakan tujuan penulisan teks. Teks ini yaitu teks deskripsi ihwal daerah. Di dalam teks ini dideskripsikan daya tarik atau akomodasi – akomodasi yang ada di kawasan tersebut, sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa tujuan penulisan teks ini ialah untuk mengiklankan tempat tersebut

6. Why is it recommended for the water sport lovers?
A. They can enjoy snorkelling and diving there.
B. They can prove the naturalness of the island.
C. They can rent motorbikes and bicycles to surround it.
D. They can see seaweed being spread out in the sun.

Kunci Jawaban: A
Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menanyakan rincian argumentasi mengapa daerah tersebut diusulkan bagi pecinta olah raga air. Jawabannya adalah alasannya adalah di kawasan tersebut tersedia akomodasi untuk olah raga air yaitu snorkeling dan diving

7. What will the readers likely do after reading the text?
A. Take the pictures the island.
B. Visit the island to enjoy its attraction.
C. Rent the motorbike to go to the island.
D. Prepare themselves for snorkeling and diving

Kunci Jawaban: B
Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menyakan mengenai pengaruh sesudah membaca teks. Teks ini mendeskripsikan pesona yang ada di tempat tersebut dengan tujaun untuk mengiklankan, maka pengaruh yang diharapkan yakni bahwa orang akan mendatangi tempat tersebut sesudah membaca teks tersebut.

8. “They are so riveting.”
The underlined word refers to … .
A. coral reefs and colorful fish
B. several underwater locations 
C. snorkelling and diving equipments
D. most residents as seaweed farmers
Kunci Jawaban: A
Pertanyaan ini yakni pertanyaan yang menanyakan topik. Coral reefs and colorful fish are found around the island of Nusa Lembongan. They are so riveting

The following texts are for question 9.

Text 1

I live with my parents and two brothers in a nice little house on the suburban area of Bogor. I really love our house. It’s not large, but very shady and pretty since my parents grow many fruits and flowers in our yard.

My house is a two-storey building. It has a living room, a family room, and a large kitchen on the first floor. All bedrooms are located on the second floor. There is also another family room on the second floor. We spend our time together there every evening.

My favourite room in the house is the kitchen. It is a very clean and everything is arranged nicely. As you enter the kitchen, you can see a table in front of you. It is on the right side of the room. Behind the table is a window. On the window shelf, there is a plant and a candle. On the left side of the room, there is a sink, refrigerator, and cabinets. There is a long counter and beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Besides the kitchen, I also like my bedroom. The kitchen, my bedroom is quite messy. I like it because I can do a lot of things there.

Text 2

My uncle’s house is so amazing. It has the view of the blue sea. The interior design is very terbaru. The living room has sophisticated furniture. The walls are painted white. It makes the room looks brighter and cleaner.

The kitchen is sparkling and well[1]designed because my uncle is passionate about culinary and does not stop to learn cooking. The bedroom is bordered with a soothing view as I open the casement. The study room is very tidy. There, I usually read and write about my experience.

The exterior design is simple but elegant. The roof is brown in color. The gate is brown as well. Every visitor is welcomed by an attractive fountain. The garden is fresh and colorful.

My uncle’s home is my dream place. It makes my imagination nourish.

  Pola Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab This Song Is Just For You (Bahasa Inggris Kelas Vii Smp/Mts Semester Ii Bagian 1) Sekolahmuonline.Com

9. What do the texts tell us about?
A. The writer’s houses.
B. Two amazing houses.
C. The writer’s parents and uncle.
D. The writer’s house and the house of his uncle.

Kunci Jawaban: D
Pertanyaan ini adalah pertanyaan yang menanyakan topik kedua teks dia atas. Kedua teks ini adalah teks deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan benda berbentukrumah. Teks 1 mendeskripsikan rumah penulis sedangkan teks kedua mendeskripsikan rumah paman penulis.

The texts are for question 10

Text 1

I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Snowy. Snowy is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy and cute. It has thick white fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Snowy does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school. Snowy plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight; maybe because Snowy does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never bites shoes.

We always spend time together at home. We do many activities as playing balls, hide and seek, or racing in the backyard. In the afternoon, I usually take her for a walk. People love to see Snowy. Snowy is really a sweet and friendly pet.

Text 2

My bedroom is spacious. It’s about four meters long and three meters wide. There is a bed across the door. A desk and a chair stand near the window. On the corner, stand three door wooden cupboards to keep all of my stuff and my clothes. On the centre of the ceiling, a twenty-watt spiral lamp gives enough light for the entire of the room and functions as a reading lamp as well. I really thank my father, the designer of this room because I have enough space and I stay comfortably in it.

  Pola Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Bab This Song Is Just For You (Bahasa Inggris Kelas Vii Smp/Mts Semester Ii Bagian 1) Sekolahmuonline.Com

10. Which of the following statements is correct based on the texts? 
A. Text 1 and text 2 have the same topic.
B. Text 1 is about an animal and text 2 is about a thing.
C. We can find the description about color in the texts.
D. We can find the description about a habit in the texts.

Kunci Jawaban: B
Kedua teks ini yaitu teks deskriptif dengan topik yang berbeda. Teks 1 mendeskripsikan wacana hewan, teks 2 mendeskripsikan tentang benda, ialah kamar tidur. Deskripsi perihal warna dan kebiasaan cuma didapatkan di teks 1 dan tidak ditemukan di teks 2

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