48We know from the text that Vania has alreadyA. accomplished the first roundB. completed the competitione.joined in the tamat roundD. reached the third round​ Jawaban: Kami tahu dr teks bahwa Vania sudah A. menuntaskan babak pertama B. menyelesaikan persaingan e. Bergabung di babak selesai D. mencapai babak ketiga sory ini terjemahan nya tapi maksud nya … Read more

What Can We Learn From The Story?​

What can we learn from the story?​ Jawaban: D. Don’t be c o c k y when we have achieved our goal (I’m sorry I spelled it because Wargamasyarakatorg are not allowed me to write that) hope it hepls:))) what we can learn from the story?​ Jawaban:apakah kita bisa mencar ilmu dr kisah tersebut? Penjelasan: … Read more

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We Have A Let Of Work Tomorrow You… Be Late​

we have a let of work tomorrow you… be late​ Penjelasan: kami mempunyai izin kerja besok Anda … terlambat ?? Rina : The meeting will be held in the morningRia : Really? We have a lot of work tomorrow.Rina : I will come before the schedule.A You mustn’t be lateB You musn’t drive aloneC You … Read more