Buatlah Descriptive Text Dengan Tema Bebas, Harus Ada Generic StructureDan Language Features​

Buatlah descriptive text dgn tema bebas, mesti ada generic structure & language features​ Jawaban: 1. My Car I have a car. It is my means of transportation. Almost everybody I go to work by car. Therefore, Maintening the car is very crucial. It needs to be serviced regularly. Beside servicing the engine, I have to … Read more

Arti Based On The Text, Which Statement Is True?

Arti Based on the text, which statement is true? Artinya: “menurut text (bacaan) tersebut, pernyataan manakah yg benar?” apa jawab dr soal bahasa inggris”which of the following statement is correct based on the text above? itutu artinya ‘yang mana dr pernyataan dibawah ini yg benar sesuai dgn teks diatas?’ which statement is correct based on … Read more

Based On The Text We Can Conclude That Apa Artiny

based on the text we can conclude that apa artiny Jawaban: ARTINYA: berdasarkan teks yg bisa kita simpulkan based on the text, we can conclude that the purpose of the text is…..​ Jawaban: menurut teks tersebut, kita mampu menyimpulkan bahwa tujuan teks tersebut adalah…itu terjemahnya jawaban cari sendiri ya based on the text we can … Read more