How Often Does Josua Prestise Roller Skate​

How often does Josua prestise roller skate​ Jawaban: inggris: How often does Josua prestise roller skate​ translate: Seberapa sering Josua bergengsi sepatu roda Penjelasan: maaf klo salah yakk!!! How long does Adiba practice to swim on Monday? BAHASA INGGRIS Adiba practiced swimming on monday for 2 hours semoga membantu 🙂 maaf jika salah 🙂 How … Read more

How Ia The Process Of The Production Done?

How beliau the process of the production done? Jawaban: ARTINYA BAGAIMANA PROSES PRODUKSINYA Penjelasan: How is the process of guava when ripe? Bagaimana proses jambu dikala matang? How is the process of flooding because humans often littering … and throwing garbage into the gutter jadikan yg terbaik.. What is sampling measurement of the production process? … Read more

How Many Steps Are There On The Text About ​

How many steps are there on the text about ​ Jawaban: translate: berapa banyak langkah yg ada dlm text tersebut Penjelasan: #semoga menolong:) How many steps are there in the text? Jawaban: Arti: Berapa banyak tindakan dlm teks how many steps are there in the text to live healthy step one eat vegetables and fruit … Read more

1. Where Is Bunaken National Marine Park Located?

1. Where is Bunaken National Marine Park located?a. In Manado Tuab. Around the worldc. Between Mantehage and Naind. At the north of Sulawesi island 2. How is water of Bunaken National Marine Park?a. Safe but hotb. Deep and safec. Deep and coldd. Warm but shady 3. What is the purpose of the text?a. To describe … Read more