Tabel Periodik Unsur Kimia – Dalam pembelajaran bimbingan kimia kali ini kita akan menyuguhkan nama-nama bagian kimia dari daftar tabel periodik.
Unsur-unsur kimia dari tata cara tabel periodik yang disuguhkan akan meliputi no atom, nama unsur, lambang unsur dan juga penemu dari unsur tersebut.
Pada panduan kimia terdahulu, kita telah pernah membicarakan ihwal apa itu tabel periodik dan juga faedah dari tabel periodik. Bila anda ingin mengetahuinya, anda mampu mendatangi pada panduan yang berjudul :
Berikut ini ialah tabel metode unsur periodik yang dilengkapi juga dengan nama penemu komponen tersebut :
Daftar Nama Sistem Periodik | |||
No Atom | Nama Unsur | Lambang Unsur | Penemu |
1 | Hidrogen | H | Henry Cavendish (1766) |
2 | Helium | He | Sir William Ramsay in London, and independently by Per Teodor Cleve and Nils Abraham Langlet in Uppsala, Sweden (1895) |
3 | Litium | Li | Johan August Arfvedson (1817) |
4 | Berilium | Be | Nicholas Louis Vauquelin (1797) |
5 | Boron | B | Davy & Gay-Lussac (1808) |
6 | Karbon | C | NN (prasejarah) |
7 | Nitrogen | N | Rutherford (1772) |
8 | Oksigen | O | Priestly & Scheele (1774) |
9 | Fluor | F | Moissan (1886) |
10 | Neon | Ne | Ramsay & Travers (1898) |
11 | Natrium | Na | Davy (1807) |
12 | Magnesium | Mg | Joseph Black (1755) |
13 | Aluminium | Al | Hans Oersted (1825) |
14 | Silikon | Si | Jöns Jacob Berzelius (1824) |
15 | Fosfor | P | Hennig Brandt (1669) |
16 | Belerang | S | NN (prasejarah) |
17 | Klor | Cl | Carl Wilhelm Scheele (1774) |
18 | Argon | Ar | Lord Rayleigh dan Sir William Ramsay (1894) |
19 | Kalium | K | Humphry Davy (1807) |
20 | Kalsium | Ca | Humphry Davy (1808) |
21 | Skandium | Sc | Lars Frederik Nilson (1879) |
22 | Titanium | Ti | William Gregor (1791) |
23 | Vanadium | V | Andrés Manuel del Rio(1801) |
24 | Krom | Cr | Nicholas Louis Vauquelin (1797) |
25 | Mangan | Mn | Johan Gottlieb Gahn (1774) |
26 | Besi | Fe | NN (prasejarah) |
27 | Kobalt | Co | Georg Brandt (1739)) |
28 | Nikel | Ni | Cronstedt (1751) |
29 | Tembaga | Cu | NN (prasejarah) |
30 | Seng | Zn | NN (prasejarah) |
31 | Galium | Ga | Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1875) |
32 | Germanium | Ge | Winkler (1886) |
33 | Arsenik | As | Albertus Magenus (1250) |
34 | Selenium | Se | Brezelius (1817) |
35 | Brom | Br | Balard (1826) |
36 | Kripton | Kr | Ramsay & Travers (1898) |
37 | Rubidium | Rb | Bunsen & Kirchhoff (1861) |
38 | Strontium | Sr | Crauford (1790) |
39 | Itrium | Y | Gadolin (1794) |
40 | Zirkonium | Zr | Klaporth (1789) |
41 | Niobium | Nb | Hatchett (1801) |
42 | Molibden | Mo | Scheele (1778) |
43 | Teknetium | Tc | Prrier & Segre (1937) |
44 | Rutenium | Ru | Klaus (1844) |
45 | Rodium | Rh | Wollaston (1803) |
46 | Paladium | Pd | Wollaston (1803) |
47 | Perak | Ag | NN (prasejarah) |
48 | Kadmium | Cd | Strohmeyer & Hermann (1817) |
49 | Indium | In | Reich & Richter (1863) |
50 | Timah | Sn | NN (prasejarah) |
51 | Antimon | Sb | NN (prasejarah) |
52 | Telurium | Te | Von Reicheinstein (1782) |
53 | Yodium | I | Courtois (1811) |
54 | Xenon | Xe | Ramsay & Travers (1898) |
55 | Sesium | Cs | Kirchhoff & Bunsen (1860)) |
56 | Barium | Ba | Davy (1808) |
57 | Lantanum | La | Mosander (1839) |
58 | Serium | Ce | Von Hisinger & Berzelius (1803) |
59 | Prasesodium | Pr | Von Welsbach (1895) |
60 | Neodimium | Nd | Von Welsbach (1895) |
61 | Prometium | Pm | Marinsky & Glendenin (1945) |
62 | Saramium | Sm | Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1879) |
63 | Europium | Eu | Demarcai (1901) |
64 | Gadolinium | Gd | De Marignac (1880) |
65 | Terbium | Tb | Mosander (1843) |
66 | Disprosium | Dy | Lecoq de Boisbaudran (1886) |
67 | Holmium | Ho | Soret (1878) |
68 | Erbium | Er | Mosander (1842) |
69 | Tulium | Tm | Per Teodor Cleve (1879) |
70 | Itermium | Yb | Jean Charles Galissard de Marignac (1878) |
71 | Lutetium | Lu | Georges Urbain in Paris, France and independently by Charles James in New Hampshire, USA (1907) |
72 | Hafnium | Hf | Coster & De Hevesy (1923) |
73 | Tantalum | Ta | Anders Gustav Ekeberg (1802) |
74 | Wolfram | W | Elhuyar (1783) |
75 | Renium | Re | Noddack, Tacke & Berg (1925) |
76 | Osmium | Os | Tennant (1803) |
77 | Iridium | Ir | Tennant (1803) |
78 | Platina | Pt | Scaliger (1557) |
79 | Emas | Au | NN (prasejarah) |
80 | Raksa | Hg | NN (prasejarah) |
81 | Talium | Ti | Crookes (1861) |
82 | Timbal | Pb | NN (prasejarah) |
83 | Bismut | Bi | Geoffroy (1540)) |
84 | Polonium | Po | Marie & Pierre Currie (1898) |
85 | Astatin | At | Corson & MacKenzie (1940) |
86 | Radon | Rn | Dorn (1900) |
87 | Fransium | Fr | Perey (1939) |
88 | Radium | Ra | Marie & Pierre Currie (1898) |
89 | Aktinium | Ac | Debierne (1899) |
90 | Torium | Th | Berzelius (1829) |
91 | Protaktinium | Pa | Soddy, Cranston & Hahn (1917) |
92 | Uranium | U | Klaproth (1789) |
93 | Neptunium | Np | McMillan & Abelson (1940) |
94 | Plutonium | Pu | Seaborg (1940)) |
95 | Amerisium | Am | Seaborg (1944) |
96 | Kurium | Cm | Seaborg (1944) |
97 | Berkelium | Bk | Seaborg (1949)) |
98 | Kalifornium | Cf | Seaborg (1950) |
99 | Einstenium | Es | Seaborg (1952) |
100 | Fermium | Fm | Seaborg (1952) |
101 | Mendelevium | Md | Seaborg (1955) |
102 | Nobelium | No | Seaborg (1958) |
103 | Lawrwnsium | Lr | Ghiorso (1961) |
104 | Rutherfordium | Rf | Flerov (1964/1969) |
105 | Dubnium | Db | Flerov (1967/1970) |
106 | Seaborgium | Sg | Flerov (1974) |
107 | Bohrium | Bh | Oganessian (1976) |
108 | Hassium | Hs | Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenberg (1984) |
109 | Meitrenium | Mt | Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Münzenberg and colleagues (1982) |
110 | Darmstadtium | Ds | Sigurd Hofmann, Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenberg (1994) |
111 | Roentgenium | Rg | Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Münzenberg (1994) |
112 | Kopernisium | Cn | Sigurd Hofmann and colleagues (1996) |
113 | Nihonium | Nh | Scientists from RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) in Japan (2004) |
114 | Flerovium | Fl | Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA. (1999) |
115 | Moscovium | Mc | Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, USA, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA (2010) |
116 | Livermorium | Lv | Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA. (2000) |
117 | Tennessine | Ts | Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, USA, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, USA (2010) | 118 | Oganesson | Og | Scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, Russia, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, USA (2006) |