Soal Simple Present Tense

Soal Simple Present Tense – Ini memang kami sampikan buat anda semua sebab di situs kunci balasan akan menunjukkan pembahasan lengkap bukan hanya bahan Soal Simple Present Tense ini saja tetapi berbagai dari soal Umum, Soal Sekolah Dasar, Soal MI, Soal SMP, Soal MTs, Soal Sekolah Menengan Atas MA, Soal Sekolah Menengah kejuruan, Hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Tentunya dengan hal ini situs ini akan menunjukkan kelengkapan buat anda bisa belajari pribadi untuk bahan pola Soal tersebut.

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Soal Simple Present Tense

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense untuk Kelas 7 SMP. Are you ready?

I. Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present Tense!
   (Rubahlah kata yang ada di dalam kurung kedalam bentuk Simple
    Present Tense dengan benar!)

  Soal US SMA dan Jawaban Lengkap Semua Mapel

1. The teacher (teach) ………………………………….. the students everyday.

2. Mr. Wahyu go ………………………………………… to the office.

3. The dancer (dance) ………………………………….. in the hall.

4. Water (flow) …………………………………………… from the higher to the lower.

5. My mother (not go) ………………………………….. to the market.

6. Ramza, Razan and Rajni (study) …………………. together.

7. Doctor (check) ……………………………………….. the patients twice a day.

8. The post man (come) ……………………………….. to my school.

9. My little sister (not cry) …………………………….. in the night.

10. The boys (play) …………………………………….. football in the afternoon.

II. Change the sentences into negative and interrogative!
    (Rubahlah kalimt ke dalam bentuk negatif dan interrogatif!)

1. Grandfather drinks coffee every morning.

2. The tour guide talks to the tourist.

3. Mr. Jhon speaks japanese in the meeting.

4. The boy takes a bath twice a day.

5. The technician repairs the motorcycle.

6. My parents and I have dinner in the dining room.

7. They go to the swimming pool in the afternoon.

8. The gardener waters the flowers in the morning.

9. Mrs. Rani writes a letter for her friend.

10. Tiara reads a magazine every morning.

1. teaches
2. goes
3. dances
4. flows
5. doesn’t go
6. study
7. checks
8. comes
9. doesn’t cry
10. play

1. (-) Grandfather doesn’t drink coffee every morning
    (?) Does grandfather drink coffee every morning?

  Soal Olimpiade Matematika Smp

2. (-) The tour guide doesn’t talk to the tourist.
    (?) Does the tour guide talk to the tourist?

3. (-) Mr.Jhon doesn’t speak Japanese in the meeting.
    (?) Does Mr.Jhon speak Japanese in the meeting?

4. (-) The boy doesn’t take a bath twice a day.
    (?) Does the boy take a bath twice a day?

5. (-) The technician doesn’t repair the motorcycle.
    (?) Does the technician repair the motorcycle?

6. (-) My parents and I don’t have dinner in the dining room.
    (?) Do My parents and I have dinner in the dining room?

7. (-) They don’t go to the swimming pool in the afternoon.
    (?) Do they go to the swimming pool in the afternoon?

8. (-) The gardener doesn’t water the flowers in the morning.
    (?) Does the gardener water the flowers in the morning?

9. (-) Mrs.Rani doesn’t write a letter for her friend.
    (?) Does Mrs.Rani write a letter for her friend?

10. (-) Tiara doesn’t read a magazine in the morning.
      (?) Does Tiara read a magazine in the morning?)