Soal Question Tag

Soal Question TAG – Ini memang kami sampikan untuk anda semua alasannya di situs kunci balasan akan memperlihatkan pembahasan lengkap bukan cuma materi Soal Question TAG ini saja tetapi aneka macam dari soal Umum, Soal Sekolah Dasar, Soal MI, Soal Sekolah Menengah Pertama, Soal MTs, Soal Sekolah Menengan Atas MA, Soal SMK, Hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Tentunya dengan hal ini situs ini akan memperlihatkan kelengkapan untuk anda mampu belajari langsung untuk materi teladan Soal tersebut.

Untuk Postingan kali ini kami bagikan secara langsung ihwal pembahasan Soal Question TAG sehingga dengan Soal Question TAG ini maka anda mampu langsung pelajari soal soal tersebut. Oya untuk situs kunci jawaban juga menawarkan Bank Soal yang ada di positingan ini dimana semua artikel dan materi soal yang kami update saban hari mampu dilihat di artikel Bank Soal yang suda ada di sidebar dan header dari situ ini.

Anda mampu menyaksikan semua soal-soal tersebut lengkap tinggal pilih materi soal yang anda ingin pelajari. Karena untuk Bank Soal tersebut yaitu mencakum semua isi konten di situs kunci tanggapan.

Tidak usa usang-usang maka peroleh Soal Question TAG yang kami posting dibawah ini semoga mampu bermainfaat untuk anda semua yang ketika ini ingin memelajari Soal Question TAG ini.

Soal Question TAG

Contoh soal perihal penyusunan question tags:

  1. Father went to office late last day, ….?
  2. She wasn’t happy when he didn’t came to her house, …?
  3. They were learning Physics when we came last morning, …?
  4. I can do this faster, …?
  5. He could try again if he wanted to get more, …?
  6. I will be happy if you bring me many chocolates, …?
  7. Retna eats many fresh vegetables every night to her dinner, …?
  8. They shouldn’t play a lot if they want their task to be finished, …?
  9. Mia and I wanted to shop together last Friday night, …?
  10. He had many things to be sold, …?
  11. She has done her task since 8 a.m, …?
  12. We want to make friendship, …?
  13. He canceled his vacation because of his business, …?
  14. We will come if they had finished their task yet, …?
  15. I have finished my report for 5 minutes, …?
  16. My friend and I were in market when you came to my house, …?
  17. She always keeps her attitude better, …?
  18. He lost his money when he went to exhibition, …?
  19. They didn’t choose Leda as their leader, …?
  20. I shouldn’t have kissed him, …?
  21. We might come if we wanted to know her answer, …?
  22. They have been waiting their professor for one minutes, …?
  23. I had been chosen because of my attitude, …?
  24. He will be loved soon, …?
  25. We’d rather go with him, …?
  26. I never think about it anymore, …?
  27. My mom and I like to go to beauty center in the weekend, …?
  28. My father always checks his car before he leaves, …?
  29. I would write the letter to him, if I found his address, …?
  30. She didn’t take his book, …?
  Soal Matematika Bangun Datar Kelas 6

Berikut tanggapan pertanyaan di atas:

  1. didn’t he?
  2. was she?
  3. weren’t they?
  4. can’t I?
  5. couldn’t he?
  6. won’t I?
  7. doesn’t she?
  8. should they?
  9. didn’t we?
  10. didn’t he?
  11. hasn’t she?
  12. don’t we?
  13. didn’t he?
  14. won’t we?
  15. haven’t I?
  16. weren’t we?
  17. doesn’t she?
  18. didn’t he?
  19. did they?
  20. should I?
  21. might not we?
  22. haven’t they?
  23. hadn’t I?
  24. won’t he?
  25. wouldn’t we?
  26. don’t I?
  27. don’t we?
  28. doesn’t he?
  29. wouldn’t I?
  30. did she?