Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 Semester 1

WARGA MASYARAKAT – Inilah soal & kunci tanggapan Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) atau Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS) untuk siswa kelas 5 SD/MI Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022.

Adapun kunci balasan PAS/UAS di bawah ini khusus untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi 2018.

Semoga pembahasan soal & kunci tanggapan ujian PAS/UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 ini mampu bermanfaat bagi adik-adik untuk mempelajari materi soal yg akan keluar dlm cobaan nanti.

Baca juga:

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 5 Semester 1 Tema 1 Organ Gerak Hewan & Manusia

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 5 Semester 1 Tema 2 Udara Bersih bagi Kesehatan

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 5 Semester 1 Tema 3 Makanan Sehat

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 5 Semester 1 Tema 4 Sehat Itu Penting

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 5 Semester 1 Tema 5 Ekosistem

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Matematika Kelas 5 Semester 1

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS PAI Kelas 5 Semester 1

Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS PJOK Kelas 5 Semester 1

Soal Pilihan Ganda & Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5

1. “ Motion “ in Indonesian language is…

a. Gerak

b. Organ

c. Kemampuan

d. Hewan

Jawaban: a

2. Ant motion equipment is…

a. Leg

b. Hand

c. wing

d. Stomach

Jawaban: a

3. Stomach is motion equipment of …

a. Ant

b. snake

c. Buterfly

d. Bee

Jawaban: b

4. “ Budaya“ in English language is…

a. Culture

b. Region

c. Environment

d. Woprship

Jawaban: a

5. Look at the picture below!

What is the activity in the picture?

  Nama-Nama Hari Raya Agama Khonghucu

A. Cycling

B. Run

C. Walk

D. Jump

Jawaban: a

6. Gadang traditional house is located on the …. island

a. Kalimantan

b. Sumatra

c. Bali

d. Papua

Jawaban: b

7. The biggest island in Indonesia is…

a. Kalimantan

b. Sumatra

c. Bali

d. Papua

Jawaban: d

8. The land mamal is …

a. Goat

b. Crocodile

c. Dolpins

d. Whale

Jawaban: d

9. “ Pernapasan “ in english language is …

a. Respirrator

b. Respiratory

c. Respirat

d. Respiratorry

Jawaban: b

10. The animal that have two respirators is …

a. Snack

b. Buffalo

c. Frog

d. Bird

Jawaban: d

11. Elephant breathes with …

a. Skin

b. Trachea

c. Gill

d. Lung

Jawaban: d

12. Read the text!

That morning the air was cold. Edo has a neighbor who has asthma. When the cold air grandfather Husin will have difficulty breathing. Grandfather Husin will immediately spray medicine into his mouth. After that grandfather Husin would breathe normally again. Asthma is an airway obstruction caused by allergies. The allergens are cold air, hair, fur, dust.

What is the disease suffered by Mr. Husein?

a. Astma

b. Ulcer

c. Bronchitis

d. Diabetes

Jawaban: a