14. Look at the picture!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Help mother to cook
B. Wake up
C. Clean the house
D. Study
Jawaban: a
15. Look at the picture!
Where is the activity in the picture?
A. Home
B. School
C. Social
D. Family
Jawaban: b
16. Look at the picture!
What is the activity the picture?
A. Study
B. Playing football
C. Art show
D. Discution
Jawaban: b
17. Siti diligently saving money in the school. The picture shows a saving money is…
Jawaban: c
18. Where is the Muslimsplaceof worship?
A. Mosque
B. Church
C. Temple
D. Pagoda
Jawaban: a
19. Look at the picture!
What is the name of workship place in the picture?
A. Mosque
B. Church
C. Temple
D. Pagoda
Jawaban: c
20. Hidup bersih menciptakan kita selalu sehat. “ Sehat” in English language is…
A. Healthy
B. Clean
C. Comfortable
D. Neat
Jawaban: a
21. Dayu is mopping the floor. The picture shows mopping the floor is…
Jawaban: c
22. Look at the picture!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Clean the window
B. Clean the whiteboard
C. Sweep the floor
D. Tidy up the table
Jawaban: b
23. “ Lingkungan “ in English language is…
A. Cleanliness
B. Environment
C. Comfortable
D. Shady
Jawaban: b
24. Look at the picture!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Clean a playground
B. Clean the house
C. Clean the classroom
D. Clean the school
Jawaban: a
25. Look at the picture!
What is the activity in the picture?
A. Clean a highway
B. Clean a garden
C. Clean a school’s garden
D. Clean the public place
Jawaban: a
Soal Uraian & Jawaban PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2
Answer the following question!
1. clean – We – blackboard – a
We clean a backboard
2. a – window – is – She – cleaning
She is cleaning a window
3. Smoke have …object
4. Milk have…object
5. Siti – to – cook- mother – help
Siti help mother to cook
6. breakfast – Edo – family – with
Edo breakfast with family
7. and – Beni – together – discussed – edo
Edo and beni discussed together
8. is – Dayu – the – mopping – floor
Dayu is mopping the floor
9. a – clean – playgroun
Clean a playground
10. dirty – market – The – smelly – and
The market dirty and smelly
Baca juga:
Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 2 Semester 1 Tema 1 Hidup Rukun
Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 2 Semester 1 Tema 2 Bermain di Lingkunganku
Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 2 Semester 1 Tema 3 Tugasku Sehari-hari
Soal & Kunci Jawaban PAS/UAS Kelas 2 Semester 1 Tema 4 Hidup Bersih & Sehat