Sinopsis Twilight

 When seventeen year-old Bella Swan leaved Arizona to with her father in the small Pacific North-West town of forks she didn’t expect to like it. Bella soon made some new friends at school but when she saw a boy called Edward Cullen was sitting with his brother and sister in the Cafeteria, her expectation was changing. Edward was stunningly attractive, almost inhumanly beautiful and yet he was an outsider too. Although Edward and his family have lived in Forks two years they have never really been accepted by the townsfolk.
At first Edward was aloof and an unlikely friendship. Even as Bella falls hopelessly and irrevocably in love with Edward, she still can’t work out, exactly what made him so different to everyone else.
On a trip to the beach, Bella was told of the local legend about the “cold ones”, a group of blood drinkers who had sworn off hunting human but where still not welcome on Indian land because vampires were not to be trusted. Realizing Edward was vampire changes nothing for Bella, she knew that she still loves him even if he was not human.
Edward and his whole family were vampire. Edward himself was made a vampire when he was seven-teen years-old, although that was at the end of world war I. for Edward his love for Bella was a delight. A delight because she was the first person he had loved since he was made a vampire. The masalah was coming when the other vampire family was known that Bella was a human. They tried to catch and drink her blood. To protect Bella, Edward and his family attacked them. Edward tried to protect Bella form the enemy hardly although he head to get serious injured. In the end of the story Edward and his family was successful to protect Bella alive. They accepter Bella has their family although she was a human.
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