Proceedings Of The Third International Conference On Sustainable Innovation

 Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

Self Confidence, Fighting Power, and Achievement

Motivation of the IKIP PGRI Pontianak Students in 

Completing the Study in 2017/2018 Odd Semester 


Hamid Darmadi

IKIP PGRI Pontianak



This research is titled “Self Confidence of Future

Power and Student Achevement Motivation IKIP-PGRI

Pontianak Completes Odd 2017/2018 Semester Study”.

Problems in this study “How . “Self Confidence of Future

Power and Student Achevement Motivation IKIP-PGRI

Pontianak Completes Odd 2017/2018 Semester Study”.).

This study aims to obtain information and objective clarity

about: “Self-confidence and Fighting Motivation for the

Achievement of Pontianak IKIP-PGRI Students Complete

Timely Studies. The benefits of this study are viewed from

two Asfek, namely: Theoretical and Practical benefits of

using the descriptive method.The population in this study

numbered 100 people. The technique and data collection

tools used a rating scale to measure “Fighting SelfConfidence







Students Complete Timely Study”. Deep data

analysis this research uses qualitative and quantitative

descriptive methods. The results of the study showed that

the Confidence of Fighting Power and the Achievement of

the Motivation of Pontianak IKIP-PGRI Students

Completed Timely Study in the category “Enough”. As the

effect of self-confidence and independence of learning in

Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students in completing their studies

on time is relatively sufficient. Study period students

complete their study averaging between 4.5 and 5 years of

study. Fighting Power Asfek Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students

completed their initial assignments and their akhir

assignments were relatively low. There are still many

students who are late completing their simpulan assignments

(writing Thesis). The study period which should be

completed from 3.5 to 4 years stretches to 5 to 6 years.

Motivational and Spiritual Aspects Learning to take lectures

is “enough”. It was found that students were not on time to

attend classes, the lack of students asking questions in

attending lectures and lack of courage students expressed

their opinions both in presentations and in group


Keywords: Self-confidence Motivation for Students to

Complete the Study

I. Introduction

Each student basically has the urge to carry out learning

activities in order to achieve the life goals he wants. The

encouragement functioned as a motivation for the student to

achieve desire. As revealed by Hamzah B. Uno (2008: 1)

“motivation is a basic impulse that moves a person to

behave, this drive is in someone who moves to do something

in accordance with the encouragement in him”. Likewise,

Sumadi Suryabrata (1986: 72) explains, “Motivation is a 

condition in one’s person, which encourages him to do

certain activities in order to achieve a goal”.

Based on the opinions above, motivation is a basic impulse

that moves a person to act to achieve the desired goal.

Motivation starts from the feeling of wanting or not doing

an action. As revealed by McDonald’s (in Oemar Hamalik,

2002: 173) “motivation is a change in energy in a person’s

person which is characterized by the emergence of affective

and reaction to achieve goals”. In relation to learning

motivation is one of the factors that influence the process

and learning outcomes that lie in the psychological aspects

of students, as expressed by Muhibbin Shah (1995: “Many

factors influence the quantity and quality of student learning

outcomes. However, what is more essential include: student

intelligence, attitudes, talents, student interests and student

motivation “.

Reality in the field shows that students are still low or

lacking motivation in learning. For example students are

often late, skipping, lazy to do lecture assignments, not

concentrating in the lecture process, are in the classroom but

do not understand lecture material, lecturers who rarely

enter, and others like it. Confidence is the quality needed to

make someone become a person who believes in himself

and is responsible. However, self-confidence is not

something that can be taught to people from day to day, but

must be cultivated starting from childhood. Self-confidence

does not just appear in a person, but requires a certain

process in his person so that there is a formation of selfconfidence.

















development process that gives birth to certain excess

advantages. A person’s understanding of the strengths he

has and giving birth strong belief in being able to do

everything by utilizing the strengths of its strengths.

Understanding and positive reactions to one’s weaknesses

so as not to cause feelings of inferiority or feeling difficult

to adjust. Experience in living various aspects of life by

using all the advantages that exist in him.

Independence is an attitude that allows a person to be able

to act freely, do something on their own and for their own

needs without help from others, and think and act original /

creative, and full of initiative, able to influence the

environment, have confidence and gain satisfaction from his

business. Psychological and mentalist independence is the

condition of someone who in his life is able to decide and

do something without help from others. Such ability is only

possible if someone has the ability to think carefully about

something he does or decides, both in terms of benefits or 

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Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

benefits, as well as negative aspects and losses that will be

experienced (Hasan Basri, 2000: 53). Every activity carried

out by someone in order to succeed according to his desires

requires strong independence.

Brawer in Chabib Toha (1993: 121) states that

independence is a feeling of autonomy, so that the notion of

independent behavior is a self-confidence, and feelings of

autonomy are defined as behaviors that occur in a person

that arises because the force of encouragement is not

influenced by others . Kartini Kartono (1985: 21) added that

a person’s independence was seen when the person faced a

problem. If the persoalan can be solved alone without asking

for help from parents and will be responsible for all

decisions that have been taken through various

considerations, this indicates that the person is able to be

independent. Strong belief in being able to do everything by

utilizing the strengths of its strengths. Understanding and

positive reactions to one’s weaknesses are not to cause

feelings of inferiority or feeling difficult to adjust.

Experience in living various aspects of life using all the

advantages that exist in him. Independence is an attitude

that allows a person to be able to act freely, do something

on their own and for their own needs without help from

others, and think and act original creative, and full of

initiative, able to influence the environment, have

confidence and gain satisfaction from his business.

Psychological and mental independence is a condition of

someone who is able to decide something without help from

others. It is only possible if someone has the ability to think

carefully about something or not, both in terms of benefits

or benefits, as well as negative aspects and losses that will

be experienced (Hasan Basri, 2000: 53). Every activity is

carried out by someone in order to succeed.

Brawer in Chabib Toha (1993: 121) states that

independence is a feeling of autonomy, so that the notion of

self-confidence is due to the force of encouragement is not

influenced by others. Kartini Kartono (1985: 21) added that

a person had a duduk perkara with independence. If the masalah

can be solved alone without asking for help from parents

and will be responsible for all the decisions that have been

taken through various considerations. The high and low

self-awareness of fulfilling curiosity or the need for

information, one of them is by asking questions. The

importance of students asking in class also encourages

interaction between students and lecturers to be more

“warm” the learning process, students are involved directly

and personally and are more responsible for the questions


In UUGD No.14 Year 2005 said “Lecturers are professional

educators and scientists with the main task of transforming,

developing, and disseminating science, technology and art

through education, research and community service.

Lecturers have a position as professionals at the higher

education level who are appointed in accordance with the

laws and regulations “. Lecturers as transformers, develop,

and disseminate knowledge, technology, and art through

education, research and community service need to

understand the characteristics of cognitive, affective and

psychomotor students (students) integrally. Knowledge

about psychology is also needed in the world of education 

because the world of education faces unique learners seen

in terms of behavior, independence, personality, attention,

motivation and various other aspects of psychology that

differ between individuals one to another perorangan. In

students there is a psychological power that becomes a

driver for learning. The driving force comes from various

sources. Students are eager to learn because they are driven

by their mental strength and independence. Mental strength

and independence are in the form of desire, attention,

motivation or ideals. This mental strength can be classified

as low or high.

In the lecture room students consist of several groups who

have the same abilities but differ in personality and their

interests are very dependent on the presence or absence of

that independence. In the classroom there may be some

students who are able to motivate themselves because of

independence. Such students do not need much help /

guidance from lecturers to stimulate their interest in

learning, because they are able to encourage themselves.

Most students will have learning motivation if the lecturer

uses various techniques to motivate them, but there are also

a number of new students who will be motivated if the

lecturers make special efforts for them. Therefore lecturers

should understand this so that they can use various

approaches to stimulate interest in learning, and be able to

apply different principles and techniques according to the

needs of each student.

The masalah now is how to do various efforts to build and

develop student motivation and independence of learning.

Students will be motivated to learn if the surrounding

environment can provide stimulation so students are

interested in learning and independent. Lecturers must set

the learning atmosphere wisely so students are motivated to


Based on the observations of researchers lately there is a

tendency for learning motivation, interest in learning and

learning independence of students following the learning

process in a relatively low class. Students are more likely to

be passive and apathetic in following the learning process.

They are reluctant to express opinions and do not like to ask

questions, often move on their own, and tend to ignore

lecturers who present lessons in front of the class. Such

conversions will sooner or later affect the character and

behavior of students who are expected to be the successors

of the ideals of the nation.

Based on these conditions, researchers are interested in

studying more about the concept of self-confidence, interest

in learning, motivation and fighting ability of students in the

learning process by lifting the title “” How “Fighting

Confidence and Achievement Motivation for Pontianak

IKIP-PGRI Students Complete 2017 Odd Semester Study /

2018)). “

A. Formulation of Problems and Sub Research


It has been mentioned above that the common duduk perkara in

this study is “How” Fighting Confidence and Achievement

Motivation of IKIP-PGRI Students in Pontianak Complete

Odd Semester 2017/2018 Study)). “With sub-problems of

research as follows: 

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia  229 

Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

1. How are the Self-Confidence of Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students discussed through students’ self-confidence

in completing assignments given by lecturers both in

assignments in lectures, discipline in lectures, and the

activity of students reading compulsory books and books

recommended by lecturers and the ability of students to

conduct learning activities both within the Faculty and

outside the Faculty (Campus).

2. How is the Fighting Power of Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students discussed through the fighting force of

students to complete initial assignments and selesai

assignments. seen from the relative number of students who

delay completing their tasks, especially the final assignment

(Thesis, KKM and integrated PPL), so the study period that

should be completed 3.5 to 4 years stretches to 5 to 6 years

or longer to get sanctions ( DO)

3. How is the Motivation for Achieving Completion

of Study of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak students discussed

through “the motivation of students to follow the lecture

process. Student activities ask in lecture activities and the

ability of students to express their opinions in discussion

activities both in group discussions in class and discussions

outside the classroom self does not just appear (suddenly)

in a person there is a certain process in his person so that

there is a formation of self-confidence. 

B. Research Objectives

This study aims to obtain objective information and clarity

about: “Self-Confidence Fighting Power and Motivation to

Participate in Students of IKIP PGRI Pontianak Complete

their Study” 2017/2018 Academic Odd Semester “” in terms


1. Self-confidence of Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students

in completing assignments given by lecturers, both

assignments in lectures, discipline in lectures, and selfconfidence






2.The fighting spirit of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak

students in completing their initial and akhir assignments in

terms of the number of students who delay completing their

assignments on time. 

3. Motivation for Achievement Completing the

Study of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak students in following the

lecture process, and the activity of students’ ability to

express their opinions in discussion activities both in group

discussions in class and other discussions (outside the


C. Benefits of Research

This study was reviewed from two benefits, namely

theoretical benefits and practical benefits.

1. The benefits of the results of this study can be used as a 

driver of action “How Self-Confidence Fighting and

Motivation to Participate in Students of IKIP PGRI

Pontianak Complete their Study” Odd Semester

Academic Year 2017/2018 “. On the other hand the

benefits of the results of this study can be used as a

driver of self-confidence in motivating themselves to

struggle to complete studies within the time limit set. 

2. Can be used as a material for consideration to determine

what actions should be done to support achieving the

goal, by eliminating actions that are not beneficial to

foster “Self-confidence Fighting Power and the 

Motivation of Association of IKIP PGRI Students in

Pontianak Complete Study” Odd Semester Year

Academic 2017/2018 “”. 

II. Research Methodology

A. Research Populations and Samples 

a. Population.

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects /

subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics

determined by researchers to be studied and then

conclusions drawn. The population in this study is the first

semester of Pontianak Pontianak Teachers and TeachersPGRI

  Pembagian Terstruktur Mengenai Tata Cara Berdasarkan Sifat

students and the last semester of 2017/2018.

Considering the relatively large number of Pontianak IKIPPGRI












were randomly conducted in each Study Program

with the details of 5 students in the first semester and 10

students in the seventh semester so that the sample was 150


b. Sample

The sample in this study were first semester students and

semester students (VIII) who had participated in the

integrated KKM and PPL 2017/2018 academic year as

many as 150 students who had been designated as

populations were all sampled. The questionnaire circulated

to students in semester I and Semester VIII as many as 150

pieces according to the number of random samples that have

been determined. The questionnaire returned as many as

135 pieces. After checking and validating questionnaire

data, it turned out that Fifteen (15) questionnaires were not

answered / not filled in, and 20 examplar questionnaires

were answered no, complete aliases were only partially

answered. Therefore a questionnaire that meets the

requirements to be processed is only as many as 100 sheets

of questionnaires.

B. Techniques and Research Data Collection Tools

Data collection is an important step in research. The

collected data is used as material for analysis and hypothesis

testing. Therefore, data collection is carried out

systematically, directed and in accordance with research

problems. Data collection techniques are closely related to

the research problems to be solved. Therefore, the selection

of techniques and appropriate data collection tools needs to

be prioritized. In this study the data collection techniques

and tools used or considered appropriate (appropriate) with

the data to be collected are:

 1. Direct communication techniques with interview

guides as a data collection tool. An interview is a process of

oral questioning between two or more people directly. The

interviewer is referred to as the interviewer and the person

interviewed is referred to as the interviewee. Interviews

were conducted with 5 students per Study Program. The

purpose of the interview is to get data from first hand

(primary), as a complement to other data collection

techniques, to test the results of data that has been collected.

The interview was carried out in the form of a voice

recorder. The tool is used to record the answers given from

the speakers, so that they will not lose information that has

been obtained in the field. After getting the recording, the

interviewer then writes the question and answer transcript 

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Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

and then makes the data feasible as research information.

Interview is a technique of collecting data by conducting

communication with data sources. Such communication is

carried out by dialogue (question and answer) verbally, both

directly and indirectly (I.Djumhur and Muh.Surya, 1985).

2. Indirect communication techniques with

questionnaires as a data collection tool. The questionnaire

is distributed to all (150) students who become the object of

research. The purpose of questionnaires is the technique of

collecting data by asking written questions to be answered

in writing by respondents. Questionnaire is a collection of

written questions that are used to obtain information from

respondents about personal or things that respondents know.

The purpose of the questionnaire is to find complete

information about a problem and the respondent without

feeling worried if the respondent gives an answer that is not

in accordance with the reality in filling out the

questionnaire. Besides that, the respondent knows certain

information requested. In this study the researcher used a

closed questionnaire. Closed questionnaire (structured

questionnaire) is a questionnaire that is presented in such a

way that the respondent (student) is asked to choose one

answer that is in accordance with his characteristics by

giving a cross mark or checklist.

3. The technique of direct observation with the

observation guide as a data collection tool. Observation is

carried out on student learning activities in the class that are

the object of research. The purpose of observation is

observing activities, followed by recording. This consists of

several elements that appear in phenomena within the object

under study. The results of the process are reported with a

systematic and appropriate report (Nawawi and Martini

2008). The purpose of the observation is to find data and

information in accordance with the research objectives.

4. Documentation techniques with data collection

tools in the form of recordings, videos, photos of student

learning activities, photos of student learning outcomes in

the form of Mid semester scores and selesai semester test

results both in each study acara, in academic and student

grades contained in Data base of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak.

Study documents are intended to collect various types of

data from various kinds of documents that are useful for

analyzing data. Documents needed in data collection are

divided into two, namely: Primary documents Secondary


C. Data Analysis Techniques and Tools

The follow-up of this research activity after data collection

varies greatly depending on how the collected data can be

organized. In order for researchers not to stop their steps in

confusion not knowing what to do next, then when

compiling a research proposal these steps have been

reflected in the design or design plan. Content analysis is a

research technique to create inferences that can be

replicated, and valid data by paying attention to the context.

Content analysis relates to communication or content of

communication. The basic logic in communication, that

every communication always contains a message in the

communication signal, both in the form of lisan and

nonverbal. So far, the meaning of communion has become

very dominant in every communication event. 

Data Analysis Technique is a method or way to process a

data into information so that the characteristics of the data

become easy to understand and also useful for finding

solutions to problems, which are mainly problems about a

study. Or data analysis can also be interpreted as activities

carried out to change the results data from a study into

information used to draw conclusions.

The purpose of data analysis is to describe the research data

so that it is easy to understand, and to draw conclusions to

draw conclusions about population characteristics based on

data obtained from samples made with the basis of

estimation and hypothesis testing. Data analysis techniques

that are in accordance with this type of research, namely

qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data

analysis techniques. The reason for using qualitative and

quantitative is that not all data can be processed statistically

otherwise not all data can be processed qualitatively.


III. Research Results

Based on the analysis of the data that: Fighting Confidence 

and Motivation “(Analytical Study on the Ability of

Pontianak IKIP-PGRI Students to Accomplish Timeline in

Odd Semester 2017/2018) is categorized as Enough”

Specifically in accordance with the aspects of the study, this

study can be presented as follows:

1. As the effect of self-confidence and independence

of learning in Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students in completing

their studies on time is relatively sufficient. This was shown

by 100 students who were based on categorization as a

matter of belief that there were only 2 students (2%)

showing Self Confidence, 20 students (20%) Selfconfidence,

and 62 students (62%) showing high selfconfidence

and 16 students (16%) showed very high

confidence. This can be seen from the acquisition of

empirical meanings of 87.88% and the hypothetical average

of 72.5%. The subjects of this study are students who have

high self-concept in the subject of this study, among others,

one of which is influenced by environmental factors. This is

supported by Mancini (2003) saying that environmental

factors can also influence a person in managing individual

time, the environment can be used as an individual control

in motivating themselves and managing study time.

2. From the perspective of Fighting Power, the IKIPPGRI

Pontianak students completed their initial

assignments and their tamat assignments were relatively low.

This can be seen from the results of the Fighting Motivation

scale categorization of students completing their studies. It

is known that there are 26 students (26%) showing

moderate, 56 students (56%) showing high, and 18 students

(18%) Fighting Motivation. high. This can be seen from the

acquisition of empirical mean of 88.06 and the hypothetical

average of 72.5. This shows that the object / subject in this

study is able to make decisions, believe and believe in those

who are presented themselves, then also be able to express

disagreement with not hurting others but also not ignore the

rights and opinions of other members. This study also

conducted an analysis to find out how much effective

contribution of independent variables in influencing

dependent variables. The results of the analysis show that

the determinant coefficient (r2 = 0.321). This shows that the 

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Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

concept of self-confidence concept contributes an effective

contribution of 32.1% in influencing assertive behavior,

while the remaining 67.9% is influenced by other variables,

namely gender, personality type, level of intelligence, age,

and self-esteem (Rakos , 1991).

3. The results of this study indicate that there is a

significant positive relationship between Fighting

Motivation students complete the study, but there are some

limitations in this study, including: a) In filling the scale, it

is possible for subjects to tend to cover up their true

information. b) The measuring instrument used only uses a

scale, so it has not been able to capture other aspects that

influence assertive behavior in depth, both psychological

symptoms, physiologies, and invisible behavior. c) Ideally

giving instructions is done by the researchers themselves so

that the subjects better understand and give results that

represent the actual conditions, but in this study the subjects

read themselves the instructions written on the scale and not

read by researchers, so there might be differences in

understanding the concept of reading the message content

be delivered. The number of students who postpone

completing their assignments is the selesai task (writing a

thesis) after completing the KKM and integrated PPL in

their respective places of origin, so that the study period that

should be completed 3.5 to 4 years stretches to 5 to 6 years

or even longer.

4. Motivation and Spirit of Learning Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students in following the lecture process are

“sufficient”. This can be seen from the fact that there are

still many students who are not on time attending classes,

the lack of students asking questions in following the lecture

process and the lack of students expressing their opinions

both in presentations and in group discussions.

5. The learning achievements of the Pontianak IKIPPGRI











various factors such as internal factors and student

external factors, the low value of training results in solving

daily recovery questions including learning independence

and lecturer and student interaction, student interaction with

employees (employees) and contact and communication

between lecturers and students on campus there has not been

a maximu

6. The positive relationship of this study indicates

that the higher the self-confidence, the higher the Fighting

Power and Student Motivation, and vice versa, the lower the

student’s self-confidence, the lower the Fighting Power and

Motivation for the students to complete their studies.

7. The results of this study indicate that there is a

significant positive relationship between Fighting

Motivation students complete the study, but there are some

limitations in this study, including: a) In filling the scale, it

is possible for subjects to tend to cover up their true

information. b) The measuring instrument used only uses a

scale, so it has not been able to capture other aspects that

influence assertive behavior in depth, both psychological

symptoms, physiologies, and invisible behavior. c) Ideally

giving instructions is done by the researchers themselves so

that the subjects better understand and give results that

represent the actual conditions, but in this study the subjects

read themselves the instructions written on the scale and not 

read by researchers, so there might be differences in

understanding the concept of reading the message content

be delivered.

According to Stoltz (2000) internal factors that most

influence one’s fighting power are beliefs. This is because

there is hope in belief. Almost all students have confidence

that they are able to finish their studies well and are able to

continue their education to a higher level. The most

influential external factor in fighting power is the

willingness and character of one person. Students have

motivations that tend to be the same. Most of the motivation

possessed by students is from their own desire to go to

college and driven by the hope of parents who want their

children to go to high school, especially educational

institutions that are insightful Educational Institution

Education Institutions (LPTK). Besides that, it was also

driven by the students’ desire to make their parents happy.


A. Description of Discussion of Research Results

Based on the Confidence of Fighting Power and Motivation 

of Learning of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak Students in

completing the Study “Odd Semester of Academic Year

2017/2018. Based on the results of the survey, observations

supported by both quantitative and qualitative data analysis

can be described as follows:

1. Self-confidence in learning independence

Independence is the level of development of a person where

he is able to stand alone and rely on his own ability to carry

out various activities and resolve various problems faced

(Eddy-Wibwo 1992: 69) Whereas independence According

to Masrun (1986: 8) is an attitude that allows someone to

act free, do something on their own and for their own needs

without help from others, or think and act original / creative,

and full of initiative, able to influence the environment, have

confidence and gain satisfaction from their business.

Psychological and mentalist independence is the condition

of someone who in his life is able to decide and do

something without help from others. Such ability is only

possible if someone has the ability to think carefully about

something he does or decides, both in terms of benefits or

benefits, as well as negative aspects and losses that will be

experienced (Hasan Basri, 2000: 53). Every activity carried

out by someone in order to succeed according to his desires

requires strong independence. While the understanding of

learning is defined as a business process carried out by

individuals to obtain a change of behavior that is new as a

whole, as a result of the experience of the perorangan itself

in the interaction of individuals with their environment.

Learning according to Slavin in Catharina Tri Anni (2004)

is a process of acquiring abilities that come from

  Caption Gambar Kata Mutiara Permulaan Bulan April 2023, Story Wa Kalimat Motivasi Modern

experience. According to Gagne in Catharina Tri Anni

(2004), Learning is a system in which there are various

elements that are interrelated so as to produce behavioral


Thus it can be interpreted that Self-confidence in Learning

Independence is not dependent on others, students are

required to have their own activeness and initiative in

learning, acting, national and state (Abu Ahmadi and Nur

Uhbiyati, 1990: 13). Learning Independence according to

Haris Mujiman (2005: 1) is an active learning activity, 

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Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation (ICoSI 2019)  ISBN No. 978-623-7054-15-3 

which is driven by intentions or motives to master a

competency to overcome a dilema, and is built up with the

knowledge or competence possessed. Determination of

competencies as learning goals, and how to achieve them

both the determination of study time, the place to learn

rhythm learning, the tempo of learning, how to learn, and

learning evaluation carried out by the students themselves.

Independence of Learning here is interpreted as an effort for

students to carry out learning activities based on their

intention to master a particular competency. Understanding

Independence Learning students according to Stephen

Brookfield (2000: 130-133) is self-awareness, self-driven,

learning ability to achieve its goals. Independence of

Student Learning according to Merriam & Caffarella

(1999), is a process where individuals take the initiative in

planning, implementing and evaluating their learning

systems. According to Grieve (2003) Learning

Independence is a personal attribute, a person’s

psychological readiness in controlling or being responsible

in the learning process.

Student learning independence according to Knowles

(1989) is a learning process where each student or

individual can take the initiative, with or without the help of

others, in diagnosing learning needs, formulating learning

goals, identifying learning resources (both in the form of

people and materials) , choosing and implementing

Learning strategies that are appropriate for him, and

evaluating his learning outcomes. Similar opinions were

expressed by Kozma, Belle and Williams (1978), who

stated that independent learning is a form of learning that

provides opportunities for students to determine: learning

objectives, learning resources and learning activities

according to their own needs. Whereas according to Mocker

& Spear (1984) Independence of Learning is a process

where students control their own learning process and the

purpose of the learning.

2. Student Learning Achievement.

Learning achievement is the result of one’s achievement in

the fields of knowledge, skills, and behavior as indicated by

the numbers given by the instructor. There are many factors

that influence student achievement. These factors are

classified into internal factors, namely factors originating

from within the student and external factors, namely factors

originating from outside the student. Achievement “is the

result of the emphasis of potential skills or possessed by a

person whether it is a person’s capacity or ability, while that

can be seen from his behavior, including knowledge, ways

of thinking, and skills possessed by someone”

(Sukmadinata 2003: 101).

According to Shah (2008: 150) Learning Achievement is

“changes in behavior that are considered important and are

expected to reflect changes that occur as learning outcomes,

both dimensions of creativity and taste and according to

Sukmadinata (2003: 101) Achievement is” the result of the

emphasis of skill- potential skills or possessions of a person

whether it is a person’s capacity or ability, while it can be

seen from his behavior, including knowledge, ways of

thinking, and skills possessed by someone “. According to

the opinion of Shah (2008: 150) Learning Achievement is”

changes in behavior which is considered important and can 

reflect changes that occur as a result of learning, both in the

dimensions of creativity and taste and dimensions of work


It can be concluded that learning achievement is a process

of student learning activities to obtain a knowledge that all

of them can be measured by value. These values are

included in the KHS (study card). So that the value can be

seen to what extent the learning process of each student in

improving entrepreneurial learning achievement.

From the above understanding it can be concluded that

learning achievement in a process of student learning

activities to obtain a knowledge that all of them can be

measured by value. These values are included in the KHS

(study card). So that the value can be seen to what extent the

learning process of each student in improving

entrepreneurial learning achievement.

3. Student Learning Motivation and Spirit.

Motivation is a will that causes someone to do an action to

achieve a certain goal. Motivation comes from the word

motif which means “impulse” or stimulation or “driving

force” that is in a person. According to Weiner (1990) cited

Elliot et al. (2000), motivation is defined as an internal

condition that arouses us to act, encourages us to achieve

certain goals, and keeps us interested in certain activities.

According to Uno (2007), motivation can be interpreted as

an internal and external drive in a person that is indicated

by; passion and interest; encouragement and need; hopes

and ideals; appreciation and respect. Motivation is

something that makes a person act (Sargent, quoted by

Howard, 1999) stating that motivation is the impact of one’s

interaction with the situation they face (Siagian, 2004).

Motivation is a process that explains the intensity, direction,

and perseverance of an individual to achieve his goals. The

three main elements in this definition include intensity,

direction, and perseverance. Based on the hierarchy theory

of Abraham Maslow’s needs, X theory and Douglas

McGregor’s Y theory and contemporary motivational

theory, the meaning of motivation is the ‘reason’ that

underlies an action carried out by an individual. Someone

said to have high motivation can be interpreted the person

has a very strong reason to achieve what he wants by doing

his current job. Unlike motivation in the sense that develops

in society which is often equated with ‘enthusiasm’, as in the

example in the conversation “I want my child to be highly

motivated”. This statement can be interpreted as parents

who want their children to have a high learning spirit. So, it

needs to be understood that there are differences in the use

of the term motivation in society. There are those who

interpret motivation as an excuse, and some interpret

motivation as spirit. 

In the relationship between motivation and intensity,

intensity is related to how actively a person tries, but high

intensity does not produce satisfactory work performance

unless the effort is associated with a direction that benefits

the organization. Instead the last element, perseverance, is a

measure of how long a person can maintain his business.

Motivation comes from the Latin “movere”, which means

to move. According to Weiner (1990) motivation is defined

as an internal condition that arouses us to act, encourages us

to achieve certain goals, and keeps us interested in certain 

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activities. According to Uno (2007), motivation can be

interpreted as an internal and external drive in a person that

is indicated by; passion and interest; encouragement and

need; hopes and ideals; appreciation and respect. While

Imron (1966) explained that motivation comes from English

“motivation” which means encouraging or reasoning to do

an activity to reach a goal. From a number of understanding

of the experts above, it can be concluded that motivation is

a reason that encourages someone to do; complete; stop;

etc., an activity to achieve certain desired goals of the


4. Self-confidence and student learning


According to Hygiene (2014) Self Confidence is a relatively

fixed assessment of oneself, regarding abilities, talents,

leadership, initiative, and other traits, as well as conditions

that characterize human feelings (Iswidharmanjaya &

Enterprise, 2014: 20-21) . Self-confidence is a positive

attitude of an individual who enables him to develop

positive judgments, both on himself and on the environment

or situation he faces (Fatimah, 2010: 149). People who are

confident are better able to adjust to the new environment,

people who are confident will be more easily mingled and

adapted than those who are not confident. Because people

who have confidence have a strong grip, are able to develop

motivation, they are also able to learn and work hard to

progress, as well as full of confidence in the role they live

(Iswidharmanjaya & Enterprise, 2014: 40-41). Selfconfidence

































goals in his life (Setiawan, 2014: 14). Selfconfidence

starts from yourself and supports from others.

Self-confidence can change someone who is usually not

brave in facing something, with a self-confidence someone

becomes more confident and able to deal with or do


5. Characteristics of Self-Confidence.

There are 7 characteristics of individuals who have a

proportional sense of self-confidence, among others, as

follows (Fatimah, 2010: 149-150): Believing in competence

/ self-ability, so as not to require praise, recognition,

acceptance, or respect for others. Not encouraged to show

conformist attitudes accepted by other people or groups as


a. Dare to accept the refusal of others to dare to be


b. Have good self-control (not mood and emotional


c. Having an internal Locus of Control (looking at

success or failure, depending on self-effort and not easily

giving up on fate or circumstances and not relying on other

people’s help).

d. Making a positive view of yourself, others, and

situations outside of him.

e. Have a relalistic expectation of oneself, so that

when that expectation is realized, he is still able to see the

positive side of himself and the situation that occurs.

6. Characteristics of Self-Confidence 

The characteristics of someone who has a sense of self

confidence include several parts as follows

(Iswidharmanjaya & Enterprise, 2014: 48-49).

a. Responsible for decisions that have been made by


b. Easily adjust to the new environment.

c. The life handle is strong enough, able to develop


d. Want to work hard to make progress,

e. Convinced of the role faced,

f. Dare to act and take every opportunity he faces,

g. Accept yourself realistically,

h. Respect yourself positively, without thinking negatively,

confident that he is capable,

i. Confident of your own abilities and not affected by others,


j. Optimistic, calm in facing challenges and not easily


7. Fighting Power of Students to complete their lecture


According to Stoltz (2000), a person’s ability to overcome

difficulties and survive in overcoming these difficulties is

called fighting power. Stoltz reveals that, when a person is

faced with life’s challenges and difficulties, most people

will stop trying before they cross their limits.

With regard to the processing of data above Stoltz (2000)

revealed that the fighting power of a person (IKIP-PGRI

Pontianak students) is influenced by several things such as

competitiveness, productivity, creativity, motivation, dare

to take risks and make improvements, perseverance and

learning, and be able to face change and optimism. A

student with high fighting ability never lets obstacles

prevent him from achieving success. They (students) are

also quite able to withstand challenges and make use of

some of their potential. In addition, a student with high

fighting ability is easily recovered from adversity and

continues to face the next challenge. Whereas a student who

has a low fighting ability tends to use less of his potential

and tends to make things more difficult because he feels

powerless (Aziz, 2012).

Based on the problems mentioned above, it appears that the

difficulties experienced by students are related to selfadjustment.

This causes difficulties in communicating to

build relationships with others and achieve. Phoolka and

Navjot (2012), asserted that a student’s fighting power is a

predictor of success in facing difficulties, namely about how

a student behaves and controls a difficult situation in his life

and is optimistic that the difficulties in time will end too.

Fighting power is the intelligence that a student has to

overcome his difficulties in order to survive. The fighting

power of a student in this context is measured by seeing his

ability to overcome his life problems. There are no people

who succeed without struggle (Agustian, 2001). Stoltz

(2000), states that fighting power has the following aspects:

a. Control. It is a situation where a person is able to

empower difficult situations, control, control responses and

the ability to not be discouraged in facing difficult

situations. Based on the results of data analysis, Pontianak 

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IKIP-PGRI students were mostly (79%) able to overcome,

respond and recognize themselves in difficult situations.

b. Origin and Ownership (Origin and recognition).

Origin is the ability to see oneself as the main cause of the

difficulties faced, not to regret any difficulties and to be able

to assess the behavior done to correct his mistakes.

Ownership is the ability to be responsible and recognize the

consequences of difficulties. Based on the results of the

survey, observation and data analysis, Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students 77% did not regret any difficulties and be

able to assess the behavior he is doing and be ready to

correct his mistakes. Reach

c. It is a person’s ability to limit every difficulty so

that it does not affect other activities and aspects of life and

thinks that difficulties are not a disaster in his life. Based on

the results of data processing, surveys, observation and data

analysis, 79% of IKIP-PGRI Pontianak students think that

difficulties are not a disaster in life in completing their


d. Durability. About how long the difficulties and

causes will take place. Someone who sees ability as the

cause of failure tends to be less able to survive compared to

someone who associates failure with the effort made.

According to Stoltz (2000), the factors that influence

fighting power include Internal factors

1. Genetics is a congenital factor that underlies a

person’s behavior, as well as the mood and level of anxiety

a person has.

2. Education can affect intelligence, the formation of

healthy habits, character development, skills of desire and

performance produced.

3. Confidence is a very important factor in achieving

success. This belief is related to expectations, actions,

morality, contributions and how one treats others.

Stoltz (2000) adds factors that influence one’s fighting

power as follows.

1. Competitiveness. Competitiveness is closely

related to hope, agility, and tenacity determined by the way

a person faces challenges and failures in his life. Satterfield

and Seligman (in Stoltz, 2000) argue that people who

respond optimistically to difficulties will be more

aggressive and take more risks, while people who respond

to difficulties pessimistically will be passive and more


2. Productivity. People who respond to difficulties

well will look more productive compared to people who do

  Pembuatan Limbah Industri Perhotelan Dengan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (Ipal)

not respond well.

3. Creativity. Creativity requires ability to overcome

difficulties caused by uncertain situations. Someone who is

unable to face difficulties becomes unable to be creative.

4. Motivation. A person who has high fighting ability

is considered to have high motivation as well.

5. Taking a resume. A person who has a high fighting

ability tends to take more risks than those who have a low

fighting ability.

6. Improvement. A person who has high fighting

power will always make improvements to be better.

Meanwhile, someone who has a low fighting ability will be

worse because he is unable to make improvements. 

7. Perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to

constantly try, even if faced with difficulties and failures.

8. Learning.Dweck in (Stoltz, 2000) reveals that

someone with a pessimistic response to difficulties will not

learn much and perform well compared to someone who has

an optimistic response.

9. Embracing change. The ability to deal with

uncertainties and difficulties that are always changing

becomes increasingly important for survival. A person who

responds to difficulties well will be able to embrace change

by turning difficulties into opportunities.

10. Tenacity, stress, pressure and setbacks Tenacity is

needed to deal with the possibility of rising again. A person

should have a flexible and resilient emotional and physical

ability to recover from disappointment and fatigue. People

who have hardiness will remain resilient in the face of

difficulties. Whereas people who do not have hardiness will

tend to be weak due to difficult situations.

Based on the results of data processing, surveys,

observations and data analysis, it is known that the majority

of Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students have hardiness that will

remain resilient in the face of difficulties in completing their


Next Stoltz (2000) divides fighting power into three levels

as follows:

1. Quitters (Stop) It is a person who chooses to avoid

his obligations, retreat and stop. People of this type reject

opportunities and leave behind a lot of things life offers.

Quitters lives a life that isn’t too pleasant. Based on data

analysis, surveys, and observations, it is known that there

are still Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students who choose to leave,

avoid their obligations, retreat and stop in the face of

difficulties living as students.

2. Campers (Camping). Is a type that is easy to give

up and easily satisfied and tends to not want to develop

themselves. Campers are the type of people who get tired

easily in climbing and tend to find a comfortable place.

Campers tend to let go of opportunities that can actually be

achieved by directing energy and resources properly. Based

on data analysis, surveys, and observations, it is known that

there are still Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students who are easy

to give up and easily feel satisfied and tend not to develop

themselves in the face of difficulties.

3. Climbers (Climber) A thinker who always thinks

of possibilities and does not allow other obstacles to hinder

his ascent. Climbers believe that everything can happen

even if people are negative to him and even doubt it.

Climbers have high enthusiasm and are able to motivate

themselves to struggle to get the best from life. Climbers

establish a close bond of friendship and dedicate themselves

to lifelong learning and continuous improvement. Based on

data analysis, surveys, and observations, it is known that

most IKIP-PGRI Pontianak students have high enthusiasm

and are able to motivate themselves to struggle to get the

best out of their lives as students studying. 


A. Conclusion

Based on the results of the survey, observation and results

of data analysis in this study, it can be concluded in general 

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that: “Fighting Confidence and Achievement Motivation of

IKIP-PGRI Pontianak Students Complete Odd Semester

2017/2018 Study)).” Categorized as Enough “Specifically

according with the effect of the study in this study can be

stated as follows:

1. Self-confidence and independence of learning for

Pontianak IKIP-PGRI students in completing their studies

on time is relatively low. This can be seen from more than

half of the students saying the study period between 4.5 to

5 years even has more and less courageous students express

opinions in lecture events and institutional group


2. The fighting spirit of Pontianak IKIP-PGRI

students completes their initial assignments and their final

assignments are relatively low. This can be seen from the

large number of students who postpone completing their

tasks in the simpulan assignment (writing a thesis) after

completing the KKM and integrated PPL in their respective

places of origin, so that the study period which should be

completed 3.5 to 4 years stretch be 5 to 6 years or even


3. Motivation and Spirit of Learning Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students in following the lecture process are

“sufficient”. This can be seen from the fact that there are

still many students who are not on time attending classes,

the lack of students asking questions in following the lecture

process and the lack of students expressing their opinions

both in presentations and in group discussions.

4. The learning achievement of Pontianak IKIPPGRI

students is not maximal (enough). This can be seen

from various factors such as internal factors and student

external factors, the low value of training results in solving

daily recovery questions including learning independence

and lecturer and student interaction, student interaction with

employees (employees) and contact and communication

between lecturers and students on campus there has not been

a maximum.


B. Suggestions

1. The IKIP-PGRI Pontianak institution through the

Academic Field and each Study Program are expected to be

able to help students foster self-confidence and

independence of student learning through strengthening

self-confidence, by providing appropriate treatments, using

learning methods that can encourage more active students

and assertive and provide assertive pembinaan to improve

students’ assertiveness through the intensity of increasing

coaching by Academic Advisors (PA) so that they have high

self-confidence and can complete their studies on time

2. The IKIP-PGRI Pontianak institution through

lecturer lecturers of each Study Program needs to generate,

improve, and maintain a spirit of continuous student

learning, through activities that stimulate all achievements

so as to create competitiveness both within the Study

Program and within the scope of IKIP to creating

competitiveness in completing final assignments (studies)

in each Study Program, Faculty and in the IKIP

Environment itself.

3. In carrying out teaching assignments subject

lecturers need to use varied methods and use media that are 

able to generate competitiveness in accordance with the

learning objectives. Lecturers need to know each student

who is taught personally so that they can provide guidance

and direction in accordance with the growth of student


4. For further researchers, if there are other

researchers who are interested in continuing research on

Confidence Fighting Power and Learning Motivation, they

should associate it with other variables besides self-concept

such as gender, personality type, intelligence level, age,

self-esteem and the place of origin of students.

5. In taking the subject / object of research it is

recommended not only in the campus area, but can be more

extensive and multiplied so that students can learn the

behavior of Fighting Confidence and Student Motivation in

completing the Study “.



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