Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris: Pola Soal Untuk Sma Kelas 12 Beserta Jawabannya Bahasa Inggris ialah bahasa yang berasal dari Inggris raya. Bahasa ini paling banyak digunakan di berbagai negara di dunia, alasannya adalah bahasa inggris telah dianggap sebagai bahasa resmi untuk dipakai di dunia internasonal. Oleh sebab itu, secara resmi Bahasa Inggris telah masuk kedalam mata pelajaran di sekolah maupun Madarasah dari berbagai tingkatan, mulai dari tingkat dasar (Sekolah Dasar) hingga tingkat menengah (SMP/ MTs dan SMA/Sekolah Menengah kejuruan/MA).

Apabila kau ialah siswa sekolah tingkat menengah (SMP/ MTs dan Sekolah Menengan Atas/Sekolah Menengah kejuruan/MA) tentu sudah banyak mencar ilmu Bahasa Inggris, mulai dari penyusunan kalimat, mengenal kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan dalam bahasa inggris Irregular Verb dan Irregular Verb, kata kerja V1 V2 V3 lengkap dengan kurikulum yang lain. Persoalannya apakah semua pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari masih dikenang atau tidak, terlebih untuk Sekolah Menengan Atas/Sekolah Menengah kejuruan/MA kelas 12 yang harus menghadapi cobaan Nasional (UN/UNBK/USBN) maupun ujian akhir semester (UAS).

Nah dalam mempersiapkan bahan cobaan ini bagaimana jika kau latihan dari teladan soal bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas 12. Jangan cemas alasannya adalah dalam soal-soal nanti, juga akan lampirkan kunci jawaban beserta pembahasan dari jawaban soal-soal tersebut. Lebih lengkap berikut adalah kumpulan teladan soal bahasa inggris SMA/SMK/MA kelas xii semester 1 dan semester 2 beserta kunci jawabannya:

Daftar Isi


Text 1 is for questions number 1-4. (Teks 1 untuk pertanyaan / Soal nomor 1-4)

Icebergs are mountains of freshwater ice floating in the ocean. They are huge chunks broken off from the great masses of land ice called glaciers.

  Puisi Bahasa Inggrisnya Itu Apa? Yuk Lihat Disini (2021)

Almost all of Greenland and Antarctica are covered by glaciers the year round. Glaciers also cover parts of Alaska. They are formed by layers of packed snow. Glacier may be thousands of meters thick. Their front ends, or tongues, reach down to the sea. At the coast the kiat of the tongues break off, plunge into the oceans, and become icebergs. This process is called calving.

When calving occurs, a loud cracking noise fills the air. Sometimes a low rumbling can be heard for hours before the ice actually breaks away. People close enough can hear the hissing of air as it escapes from bubbles bursting in the ice along the break.

Glaciers calve all year round. Just as many icebergs break off in winter as in summer. But in winter their passageway to open the sea is often jammed with masses of frozen seawater. Icebergs pile up behind this jam of sea ice. In the spring, when the ice block is broken, a whole fleet of icebergs may sail out toward the open ocean.

Icebergs from the eastern coast of Greenland drift southward. They are carried by the Greenland Current, which then swings them northward around the tip of the island. Part of the way up the coast the icebergs are caught in the cold Labrador Current and carried southward toward Newfound-land

On the way, most of the icebergs become grounded among the many islands and bays along the Labrador coast. The others float on toward the open sea. Off Newfoundland they are caught by a warm current from the south called the Gulf Stream. Icebergs that do not ground and remain in the Labrador Current often enter the lanes used by ships crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

  √ Materi Polite Expression Di Bahasa Inggris Beserta Acuan Percakapan

An iceberg starts to break up almost as soon as it is afloat. Cracks appear and become filled with water from ice that melts during the day. When this melted water freezes at night, it expands and widens the cracks. The ice is weakened, and pieces of iceberg break off and float away. The iceberg becomes smaller and smaller. Most icebergs melt completely within a few days of entering the Gulf Stream

SOAL 1: What does the text tell us about …

A. What calving is
B. What glaciers cover
C. How far glaciers cover
D. How icebergs exist
E. How iceberg is defined

JAWABAN: D. How icebergs exist

SOAL 2: In what paragraph is the definition of iceberg found?

A. Paragraph 1
B. Paragraph 2
C. Paragraph 3
D. Paragraph 4
E. Paragraph 5

JAWABAN: A. Paragraph 1

SOAL 3: Calving is …

A. The loud cracking noise in the air
B. The process of becoming icebergs
C. The coast tip falling down into the sea
D. The tongues of Glaciers reaching down to the sea
E. The plunging process of a certain part of Glaciers

JAWABAN: B. The process of becoming icebergs

SOAL 4: The purpose of this text is …

A. to describe Iceberg in rincian
B. to give readers the information of Iceberg
C. to tell about the area covered with huge Icebergs
D. to explain the process of iceberg as a natural phenomena
E. to retell natural events for the purpose of informing or entertaining

JAWABAN: D. to explain the process of iceberg as a natural phenomena

Text 2 is for questions number 5-11. (Teks 1 untuk pertanyaan / Soal nomor 5-11)

My neighbour’s children love playing hide-and-seek as all children do, but no one expected that a game they played last week would be reported in the local newspaper.

One afternoon, they were playing in the street just outside the post office. Young Ian, who is only five years old found the perfect place to hide. His sister, Janet, had shut her eyes and was counting up to ten when Ian noticed that the small metal door of the letter-box had been left open. The postman had just taken all the letters out and had gone into the post office to see if there were any parcels. Ian climbed into the letter-box and pulled the door from the inside so hard that it locked. Soon realizing what he had done, he became very frightened and started crying. Meanwhile, Janet was looking for him everywhere but could not find him. It was lucky she happened to stop outside the letter-box and hear her brother’s cries. She immediately ran to tell the postman who hurried out to unlock the metal door. Ian was now free, but he had had such a bad fright that he could not stop crying. The postman, however, soon found a way of making him laugh again. He told him that next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box, he should remember to stick a stamp on himself.

SOAL 5: What is the text about …

A. The most harmful event of game
B. The writer’s neighbor’s children playing game
C. The game played by the writer’s neighbor children
D. The dangerous game done by the writer’s neighbor’s children
E. The event of when the children of the writer’s neighbor’s were playing game

JAWABAN: E. The event of when the children of the writer’s neighbor’s were playing game

SOAL 6: Which one of the following does the story tell …

A. Janet had already finished counting ten
B. Ian locked himself purposefully in the letterbox
C. Ian was able to unlock the letterbox himself
D. Janet was the one who told the postman about the duduk perkara
E The postman got such a fright that he could open the letterbox

  √ Klarifikasi Possessive Noun Pola Kalimatnya

JAWABAN: E. The event of when the children of the writer’s neighbor’s were playing game

SOAL 7: “My neighbour’s children love playing hide-and-seek as all children do, but no one expected that a game they played last week would be reported in the local newspaper. One afternoon, they were playing in the street just outside the post office.”

The above is the…of the text

A. thesis
B. description
C. orientation
D. explanation
E. general classification

JAWABAN: C. orientation

SOAL 7: “Soon realizing what he had done, he became very frightened and started crying ” The underlined word in the sentence above can be classified into…

A. mulut verb
B. mental verb
C. relational verb
D. existential verb
E. behavioral verb

JAWABAN: D. existential verb

SOAL 8: What is the communicative purpose of the text…

A. To retell a story for entertaining
B. To describe the way things look like
C. To inform readers about events of the day.
D. To describe particular participants, Ian and Janet
E. To explain the processes involved in natural phenomena.

JAWABAN: A. To retell a story for entertaining

SOAL 9: Ian climbed into the letter-box and pulled the door from the inside so hard that it locked. Soon realizing what he had done, he became very … and started crying.

A. amused
B. bored
C. friendly
D. panicky
E. delighted

JAWABAN: D. panicky

SOAL 10: Jean : …
Mr. Thomson : my pleasure. What can I do for you?
Jean : I need to move this table to that corner…

A. Hi, help me !
B. Do you mind if I say something?
C. Excuse me, do you have the time?
D. Sorry, I hate to interrupt but I have to.
E. I’d be very grateful if you’d do me a favor

JAWABAN: E. I’d be very grateful if you’d do me a favor

SOAL 11: Nanda : To tell you the truth, I am not too bad to fix this radio
Cindy : Really? So it means I needn’t have it repaired
In the dialogue, Nanda expresses his … to do something

A. capability
B. badness
C. frankness
D. feeling
E. truth

JAWABAN: A. capability

Text 3 is for questions number 12-11. (Teks 3 untuk pertanyaan / Soal nomor 12-11)

Divorce May Mean Happier Lives for the Children

Divorce changes childhood but not necessarily for the worse. Many children from broken homes go on establish loving relationships with both their parents.

It’s difficult for children to be party to any ongoing dispute between parents.

One child spoke of the “Bermuda Triangle” – the mythical space between the homes of her parents into which socks and schoolbooks, game kit and pencil sharpeners always seemed to disappear. Another child complain bitterly that one mother refuse to let her on the weekends she spent with her dad. They hated being told secrets and carrying messages to and from between their parents. Worrying about how kids will be affected by divorce often leads parents into crooked thinking.

What matters is overcoming and dealing with those difficulties. In life we are always going to face difficulties and that we should never have problems is not a good way at looking at childhood.

Rather than wringing their hands about the harmful effects of splitting up, parents can be positive and look at strategies for dealing with problems that might arise. As a proof, a lot of parents that we interviewed stayed together longer than they have done though they were so worried about the effect of divorce on their thinking that any kind of adolescent rebellion was because of the divorce.

What we are saying is that young people can strive under these circumstances and that it’s the quality of the relationship that matter. Divorce might be a whole lot better than a really grim family situation and children can often be extraordinarily happy and contented after their parents’ divorce.

SOAL 12: The text discusses about …

A. The broken home children
B. The good possibility of divorce.
C. The difficulty the children face
D. The ongoing dispute between parents.
E. The worse childhood because of the divorce.

JAWABAN: B. The good possibility of divorce

SOAL 13: In life we are always going to face difficulties and that we should never have problems is not a good way at looking at childhood The word we in this sentence refers to …

A. the parents
B. the children.
C. the mothers.
D. the readers.
E. the writers.

JAWABAN: D. the readers.

SOAL 14: The first paragraph is the … of the text.

A. orientation
B. general statement.
C. issue.
D. thesis.
E. introduction.

JAWABAN: B. general statement.

SOAL 15: What makes parent worried about thinking of getting divorce …

A. The affects to the children after the divorce
B. The crooked thinking the parent s have.
C. The difficulty of caring of the children.
D. The inability for the mother to sent them to school.
E. The fear the parents suffer after the divorce.

JAWABAN: B. The affects to the children after the divorce.

SOAL 16: The good way to teach the children to see the real world is that they should …

A. be happy every time.
B. keep studying for their future.
C. let their father or mother remarry.
D. realize that each person must have their own duduk perkara.
E. be able to accept another partner to their father / mother.

JAWABAN: D. realize that each person must have their own dilema.

SOAL 17: Divorce might be a whole lot better than a really grim family situation and children can often be extraordinarily happy and contented after their parents’ divorce.
The similar meaning of the underlined word is …

A. unusually.
B. commonly.
C. bitterly.
D. absolutely.
E. surely.

JAWABAN: A. unusually.

com Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang berasal dari Inggris raya PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS: CONTOH SOAL UNTUK SMA KELAS 12 BESERTA JAWABANNYA


SOAL 18: Jean : why did you look so different yesterday?
Have I done something wrong to you?

Anny : yes, you are …
You told every one here my secret
I’ll never tell you anything. No more

A. really the mistake
B. accusing me a lot
C. the only person to blame
D. the fault in this duduk perkara
E. blamed to do that thing

JAWABAN: C. the only person to blame.

SOAL 19: Fred : I … a John M Echol’s dictionary
Shop assistant : Yes. It’s over there. Let me take it for you.

A. I want
B. I need to know
C. I’ve got to see
D. I wish I could have
E. What I really like is

JAWABAN: A. I want.

SOAL 20: ( into – a – fish – an egg – of – the – development ) is a wonderful thing to watch.
SThe correct arrangement is…

A. The fish of a development into an egg
B. An egg into a fish of the development
C. The development of a fish into an egg
D. A fish into an egg of the development
E. The development of an egg into a fish

JAWABAN: E. The development of an egg into a fish.


pola soal diatas dapat dipakai sebagai tumpuan pembelajaran siswa dalam latihan menghadapi cobaan Nasional (UN/UNBK/USBN) maupun ujian simpulan semester (UAS) dengan mata pelajarancg bahasa inggris kelas 12 alasannya adalah juga terdapat jawabannya. Untuk pembahasan kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 12 semester 1 dan semester 2 akan uraikan dalam tulisan kumpulan soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 12 kurikulum 2013 dan kunci balasan kelas 12 Sekolah Menengan Atas/SMK/MA dalam uraian ataupun klarifikasi kurikulum pelajarancg lainnya. Selamat menghadapi semster dan Ujian Nasional, Semoga lulus dengan nilai memuaskan!!!