Abstract Art Quotes

1. “Art has a voice of its own. Let it speak.” – Arshile Gorky Explanation: This quote emphasizes the power of abstract art to communicate emotions and ideas without relying on literal representation. The art itself takes center stage, inviting viewers to interpret its meaning. 2. “Nobody is visually naive anymore. We are cluttered with … Read more

Abstraction Quotes

1. ”Abstraction is not to forget details, but to see essentials.” – Edgar Degas (Artist) This quote explains that abstraction isn’t about ignoring details, but about focusing on the most important aspects of a subject. It’s about capturing the essence rather than a literal representation. 2. ”The more abstract a scientific theory, the more powerful … Read more

Absurdity Quotes

1. “The absurd is born of the confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the universe.” – Albert Camus (Explanation: This quote highlights the core of absurdism – the clash between our desire for meaning in a universe that offers none.) 2. “One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” – Albert Camus (Explanation: Referencing … Read more

Kata Kata Bijak Singkat

10 Kata Kata Bijak Singkat Penuh Makna 1. “Hiduplah seperti lilin yang menerangi kegelapan, bukan seperti ngengat yang mengitari api.” Penjelasan: Kata-kata bijak ini mengingatkan kita untuk menjadi pribadi yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain, bukan hanya mengikuti kesenangan sesaat. Lilin yang menerangi kegelapan melambangkan pengorbanan dan kebaikan, sedangkan ngengat yang mengitari api melambangkan kesenangan yang … Read more

Kata Bijak

1. ”Hidup itu ibarat perjalanan, bukan tujuan.” (Life is a journey, not a destination.) Explanation: This quote emphasizes that the experiences and growth we gain throughout life are more important than simply reaching a final goal. 2. ”Mimpi tanpa aksi, hanya khayalan belaka.” (Dreams without action are just mere fantasies.) Explanation: This quote highlights the … Read more

Kata Kata Bijak Islam

1. “倚靠安拉 (Yikta’alay bi-Allah) (Turn to Allah and you will find His Mercy).” Explanation: This quote emphasizes trusting in God’s mercy. It reminds us that during difficulties, seeking Allah’s help and guidance brings comfort and solutions. 2. “Lebih baik mendamaikan daripada berpuasa dan sholat (Lebih baik mendamaikan daripada berpuasa dan sholat) (Do you know what … Read more

Kata Bijak Lucu

10 Kata Bijak Lucu Beserta Penjelasannya: 1. ”Mimpi itu gratis, tapi parkirnya mahal.” – Anonim Penjelasan: Kata bijak ini lucu karena menyindir kenyataan pahit bahwa untuk mewujudkan mimpi, seringkali kita membutuhkan banyak usaha dan pengorbanan, yang bisa diibaratkan seperti membayar biaya parkir yang mahal. 2. ”Cinta itu seperti batuk, kalau tidak dikeluarkan, ya disimpan di … Read more