Look At The Pictures In The Warmer Section Again. Make A List Of AnyWords (nouns Or Verbs) That Are Related To The Pictures. The Words ThatYou Find Should Strat With Letters A To Z.

look at the pictures in the warmer section again. Make a list of any words (nouns or verbs) that are related to the pictures. The words that you find should strat with letters A to Z.

tolong dijwb, bsok disetor. makasi

look at the pictures in the warmer section again Look At The Pictures In The Warmer Section Again. Make A List Of AnyWords (nouns Or Verbs) That Are Related To The Pictures. The Words ThatYou Find Should Strat With Letters A To Z. Beach,it is nice and breezy
Amusment park, a  lot of people 
Mall,cool because of the aircons
mountains,cold and amazing

Look at the pictures in the warmer section again. Make a list of any words (nouns or verbs) that are related to the pictures. The words that you should start with letters A to Z.

look at the pictures in the warmer section again Look At The Pictures In The Warmer Section Again. Make A List Of AnyWords (nouns Or Verbs) That Are Related To The Pictures. The Words ThatYou Find Should Strat With Letters A To Z.

Lihat gambar di bab yg lebih hangat lagi buat daftar kata-kata (kata benda atau kata kerja) yg bekerjasama dengan

Bayangkan kata-kata yg mesti Anda mulai dgn aksara A sampai Z?

artikan dlm bahasa Indonesia look at the pictures in the warmer section again. make a list of any words (nouns or verbs) that ara relatd to the pictures. the words that you find should start with letters A to Z​


lihat gambar yg lebih hangat lagi buat daftar kata apa saja (kata benda atau kata kerja) yg ara berhubungan dgn gambar kata kata yg anda peroleh mesti dimulai dgn karakter A hingga Z


maaf kalo salah

Look at the pictures in the warmer section again. Make
a list of any words (nouns or verbs) that are related to
the pictures. The words that you find should start with
letters A to Z. beach


gua gak tau mana foto nya

look at the pictures in the warmer section again. Make a list of any words (noun or verbs) that are related to the pictures. The words that you find should start with letters A to Z

please jawab ya​

look at the pictures in the warmer section again Look At The Pictures In The Warmer Section Again. Make A List Of AnyWords (nouns Or Verbs) That Are Related To The Pictures. The Words ThatYou Find Should Strat With Letters A To Z.






Dalam menjalankan soal vocabulary builder mirip ini, kekayaan kosa kata anda sungguh dibutuhkan. Bila kita tak mempunyai kekayaan kosa kata yg cukup, maka akan kesusahan dlm menjalankan soal model seperti ini. Selain kekayaan kosa kata, kita pula perlu mengamati tema dr gambar tersebut.



Terdapat gambar Pantai, Taman bermain, Mall & Gunung. Berikut yaitu daftar kata (noun & verb) yg sesuai dgn gambar tersebut:

A = air, adventure,

B = boat, bay, bikini, bag, bar code

C = crab, coral, carousel, climate, circus, clown, camp

D = dive, dock

E = escalator, elevator

F = fish, Frisbee

G = grass

H = hermit crab, hat

I = island, ice cream

J = jelly fish, juggling

K = kayak, kelp

L = longboat, lion tamer, lift

M = mangrove, mall

N = note, number

O = ocean, orange

P = palm tree, purchase, panorama

Q = queue

R = reef, rack, roller coaster

S = sail, sale, stilts, sky, sunrise

T = tide, trolley, temperature, tundra, trampoline

U = umbrella,

V = visitor, vacation, vegetation, volcanic

W = wallet, water, weekend, wining prize

X = x ray scanner

Y = yacht

Z = zone

Pelajari lebih lanjut  

1. vocabulary builder 1 wargamasyarakat.co.id/peran/7945182

2. vocabulary builder 2 wargamasyarakat.co.id/peran/950737

3. Vocabulary builder 3 wargamasyarakat.co.id/tugas/14227677



Detil Jawaban  

Kelas : 7

Mapel : B Inggris

Bab : Vocabulary builder

Kode :7.5.3

Kata Kunci: beach, mountain, amusement park, mall

Simak lebih lanjut di Wargamasyarakat.co.id – https://wargamasyarakat.co.id/peran/10440989#readmore

  Match The Words With Their Meaning