LastPass Password Manager 4.75.0 – LastPass ialah perangkat lunak untuk mengorganisir password online dgn kondusif. Program ini dapat melindungi data langsung Anda dgn mengenkripsi akun Anda pada pc/laptop.

LastPass mampu menolong anda dgn gampang menyimpan, menertibkan & memodifikasi jalan masuk login di semua portal website.

Dengan menggunakan LastPass, Anda tak akan pernah lagi lupa password alasannya data akan di simpan dlm database acara & akan dengan-cara otomatis meng-sinkronkan rincian login Anda. Program ini akan melindungi data anda dr phishing & malware.

Fitur dr LastPass Password Manager:

Log in and go

Once you save a password in LastPass, you’ll always have it when you need it; logging in is fast and easy.

Simplify online shopping

When you’re ready to make a purchase, your profile will fill all your payment and shipping details for you.

Generate strong passwords

The built-in password generator creates long, randomized passwords that protect against hacking.

Store digital records

Insurance cards, memberships, Wi-Fi passwords… keep all your notes safe and easy to find.

Share effortlessly

Some things shouldn’t be sent in a text. Conveniently and safely share passwords and notes with anyone.

Prepare for the unknown

Let trusted friends and family access your LastPass account in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Berikut ini perbedaan fitur gratis & berbayar:

Fitur Gratis

  • Secure password vault
  • Access on all devices
  • One-to-one sharing
  • Save and fill passwords
  • Password generator
  • Secure notes
  • Security Challenge
  • Multifactor authentication
  • LastPass Authenticator

Fitur berbayar

  • One-to-many sharing
  • Emergency access
  • Advanced multifactor options
  • Priority tech support
  • LastPass for Applications
  • 1 GB encrypted file storage

LastPass Password Manager Terbaru

Name : LastPass Password Manager 4.75.0

License : Freeware

Developer : Ultimate Cross-Platform Team

Requirements : Support All Windows

  7-Zip 21.02