Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Jurusan Nuklir

  1. Nuclear renewable oil shale hybrid energy systems : configuration, performance, and development pathways 
  1. LWR fuel reactivity depletion verification using 2D full core MOC and flux map data 
  1. Experimental study of transient pool boiling heat transfer under exponential power excursion on plate-type heater 
  1. Memory efficient indexing algorithm for physical properties in OpenMC 
  1. The effect of environment, chemistry, and microstructure on the corrosion fatigue behavior of austenitic stainless steels in high temperature water 
  1. Optimization of deep boreholes for disposal of high-level nuclear waste 
  1. Investigating the educational effectiveness of a science museum exhibit on small modular fusion reactors 

  1. Investigation of sub-meter shields for a low aspect ratio D-T Tokamak fusion reactor 
  1. COMSOL finite-element analysis : residual stress measurement of representative 304L/308L weld in spent fuel storage containers 
  1. Nuclear renewable oil shale hybrid energy systems : configuration, performance, and development pathways 
  1. Investigating the educational effectiveness of a science museum exhibit on small modular fusion reactors 
  1. Investigation of sub-meter shields for a low aspect ratio D-T Tokamak fusion reactor 
  1. COMSOL finite-element analysis : residual depresi measurement of representative 304L/308L weld in spent fuel storage containers 

  1. Examination of the United States domestic fusion acara 
  1. Loss-of-flow analysis of an unfinned, graded fuel meat, LEU monolithic U-10Mo fuel design in support of the MITR-II fuel conversion 
  1. Load following operation of a pressurized water nuclear power plant/
  1. Pipe wall damage morphology measurement methodology development for flow assisted corrosion evaluation 
  1. CANDU pressure/calandria tube emergency water injection system 
  1. The finite element method applied to neutron diffusion problems. 
  1. Sensitivity study of the assembly averaged thermal-hydraulic models of the MEKIN computer code in power transients 
  211 Daftar Judul Skripsi Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia Terbaru