Kata – Kata Ucapan Cinta Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pacar Modern

Kata – Kata Ucapan Cinta Bahasa Inggris Untuk Pacar Terbaru. Kumpulan kata – kata romantis cinta untuk pacar serta orang – orang tercinta dgn Bahasa inggris yg akan menyulap korelasi jadi tambah mesra. Kata gombal cinta Bahasa inggris atau mungkin kata cinta Bahasa inggris terbaru yg dikala ini mungkin sedang banyak dicari oleh kaum perjaka perjaka yg sedang mencicipi betapa indanya kasmaran.

Kata – kata ucapan cinta bahasa inggris modern ataupun istilah romantis cinta itu sendiri bisa sebagai kata mutiara cinta, kata-kata bijak perihal cinta, & Ungkapan rasa cinta romantis bahasa Inggris pada kekasih. Memang tak mampu disangkal kalau mengatakan tentang cinta. Cinta merupakan suatu perasaan yg tak bisa ditebak kedatangannya & maksudnya. Cinta pula dapat membuat keadaan menjadi lebih baik atau kondisi menjadi lebih jelek.

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Kata – Kata Ucapan Cinta Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

Inilah beberapa kumpulan kata ucapan cinta untuk pacar terbaru yg telah kami hadirkan untuk anda semua. Baca & nikmati keindahannya kata – kata yg terangkai begitu indahnya karena anda mungkin akan atau sedang jatuh cinta.


For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home

Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.

So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.

Meeting you was a fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

My heart is breaking since you went away

I’m so sad when you’re gone. Come back soon. Miss you!

My love belongs to you.

My love is ever in your service.

I love you – those three words have my life in them.

I love you more than any word can say. I love you more than every action I take. I’ll be right here loving you till the end.

love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when I am with you !

Love is the way my most happiest of my life.

I come in the name of love and now you come to bring white love that is so sweet inherent in the recesses of my soul.

You’re not me. I am not you. That is why we are united, are complementary and mutually reinforcing

I wish you the one who is able to make me always smiling.

I always pray for the good and happiness of us and therefore your name and my name are always in my prayers.

I do everything for you, because I love you, I also do not want to lose you, I hope we will always be together

Suunny morning when with you, a wonderful night when listening to your voice, a happy heart when have you forever.

There’s only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you, I LOVE YOU.

Then I realize what it is. It’s him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.

I love the way you smile at me and make me feel that nothing can go wrong.

One day I caught my self smiling for no reason then I realized I was thinking of you.

You’re my laughter and the reason people ask me why I’m smiling when I don’t even realize I am.

Every love story is beautiful. But ours is my favourite.

I love it when my heart smiles but when it does, it smiles because of you.

I love you, Because Your Beautiful

If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won’t let me be right.

You are my strength but loving you is my biggest weakness.

Love is when a woman and man sitting nearly each other while there is a very wide space beside them

You are my biggest motivation to get up in the early morning

My heart is perfect because of you are inside, and my love is perfect because I am having you

You understand why love is blind? Because your mother loved you even before she was able to see you.

Love is never logical, because a logical thing is not love.

You’re always trying to make me smile, even in your bad day.

Your eyes are soft as snow, and your loves are a heavenly place.

After I fell in love with you, I’m so in love with my life

Whenever you’re having a bad day, remember this: I Love You.

I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea.

I am in love at the first sight

I feel if I’m not to live anymore without you

Darling … I miss you when I’m sad. I missed you when I’m alone. But I most miss when I’m happy.

I know you love me when I saw your eyes shine bright when looked at me.

Itulah tadi beberapa kumpulan kata – kata ucapan cinta bahasa inggris untuk pacar terbaru. Nah sedangkan untuk arti dr kata di atas, mungkin anda dapat mengartinya di google translate. Mungkin kumpulan caption cinta romatis di atas sudah mampu anda share pada orang terkasih atau mungkin pacar yg tentunya akan membuat hari meleleh.

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