Kata Kata Bijak Islam

Kata Bijak Islami, Buat Hati Tentram dan Penuh Makna - Ragam

1. “倚靠安拉 (Yikta’alay bi-Allah) (Turn to Allah and you will find His Mercy).”

Explanation: This quote emphasizes trusting in God’s mercy. It reminds us that during difficulties, seeking Allah’s help and guidance brings comfort and solutions.

Kata-kata Motivasi Islami yang Inspiratif dari Nabi dan Al Quran

2. “Lebih baik mendamaikan daripada berpuasa dan sholat (Lebih baik mendamaikan daripada berpuasa dan sholat) (Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people).”

Explanation: This quote highlights the importance of social harmony in Islam. Maintaining good relationships and resolving conflicts is seen as more rewarding than acts of worship alone.

Kata-Kata Mutiara Islami Inspiratif Bermakna, Saling

3. “Lebih baik sendiri daripada bersama orang yang buruk; dan lebih baik lagi bersama orang yang baik daripada sendiri (Lebih baik sendiri daripada bersama orang yang buruk; dan lebih baik lagi bersama orang yang baik daripada sendiri) (It is better to sit alone than in company with the bad; and it is better still to sit with the good than alone).”

Explanation: This quote emphasizes the influence of our company. It advises us to choose companions who will have a positive impact on our character and faith.

4. “Lebih baik diam daripada berbicara yang sia-sia (Lebih baik diam daripada berbicara yang sia-sia) (It is better to be silent than to speak idle words).”

Explanation: This quote promotes mindfulness in speech. It reminds us that silence is preferable to words that hold no value or meaning.

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5. “Kesederhanaan itu membawa kebaikan (Kesederhanaan itu membawa kebaikan) (Modesty brings nothing except good).”

Explanation: This quote emphasizes the virtue of humility. It reminds us that a modest and content nature brings many benefits.

6. “Kekayaan itu bukan tentang memiliki banyak harta, tetapi kekayaan adalah tentang ketenangan jiwa (Kekayaan itu bukan tentang memiliki banyak harta, tetapi kekayaan adalah tentang ketenangan jiwa) (Richness is not having many belongings, but richness is the contentment of the soul).”

Explanation: This quote redefines wealth. True wealth lies in inner peace and contentment, not in material possessions.

7. “Terdapat pahala dalam berbuat baik kepada semua makhluk hidup (Terdapat pahala dalam berbuat baik kepada semua makhluk hidup) (There is a reward for kindness to every living thing).”

Explanation: This quote emphasizes compassion in Islam. Kindness towards all living beings is encouraged and rewarded.

8. “ sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang terbaik akhlaknya (Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang terbaik akhlaknya) (The best among you are those who have the best manners and character).”

Explanation: This quote highlights the importance of character in Islam. True worth is measured by good manners and noble character.

9. “Ilmu tanpa agama itu sesat, agama tanpa ilmu itu lumpuh (Ilmu tanpa agama itu sesat, agama tanpa ilmu itu lumpuh) (Knowledge without religion leads astray, religion without knowledge is crippled).”

Explanation: This quote emphasizes the importance of both knowledge and faith. They are seen as complementary aspects of a fulfilling life.

10. “Sabar itu separuh iman (Sabar itu separuh iman) (Patience is half of faith).”

Explanation: This quote highlights the importance of patience in Islam. It is seen as a crucial aspect of faith, helping us navigate difficulties with perseverance.
