Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 90

Jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 90


mana fotonya udik mikir cok

kunci jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9 edisi revisi 2018 halaman 90​

halo kakak, kakak cari di google banyak kok.. gue biasa nyari di google pula kunci balasan ^^


jangan lupa jadikan balasan tercerdas & follow akun ku yaa ^^


Tolong jawab bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 90 nya

Tolong jawab bahasa inggris kelas 9 halaman 90 nya


2. Last Sunday, when Beni got to Edo’s house, Edo was in the middle of something. Eddo was doing his Math homework.

3. Last Sunday, Edo’s father got home at five. At that time, Edo was still working  on his homework.

4. Beni and Udin were actually not late to the football practice last Sunday. When they got to the field, the others were just sitting. They were not playing yet. And, the coach, Mr. Ali, was going to the sports shop to buy a new whistle.


Soal di atas adalah melengkapi kalimat dgn menggunakan past continuous tense menurut keadaan yg dideskripsikan pada dialog sebelumnya. Rumus yg digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat-kalimat di atas ialah

Subject + was/were + verb -ing + complement

Subject + was/were + not + verb -ing + complement

  Struktur Teks Biografi Beserta Ciri-Ciri Dan Penjelasannya

Pelajari lebih lanjut dialog yg berhubungan dgn soal di atas pada https://Wargamasyarakatorg .co.id/tugas/4838230



bantuin tugas di buku paket bahasa inggris think globally act locally kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 halaman 90​


bantuin peran di buku paket bahasa inggris think globally act locally kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 halaman 90​” title=”BISMILLAH ADA YANG JAWAB

bantuin tugas di buku paket bahasa inggris think globally act locally kelas 9 kurikulum 2013 halaman 90​”/> </p>
<p>•Udin was going to the football practice.His mom and dad were attending a wedding party and his brother was going out with his friends.</p>
<p>•Beni was doinh math homework</p>
<p>•edo was still working on his homework</p>
<p>•the other just sitting and chatting.</p>
<p>•was going to the sports shop to boy</p>
<p>a new whistiel.</p>
<p>Answer by: Xlicxt80008</p>
<p>skalian di follow okey_(:з」∠)_</p>
<h2><span class=Jawaban buku paket bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurtilas halaman 90-93​

Jawaban buku paket bahasa inggris kelas 9 kurtilas halaman 90-93​


Jawaban buku paket bahasa Inggris kelas IX halaman 90 yakni siswa diminta menuliskan aktivitas yg sedang terjadi di waktu lampau yg terdapat pada obrolan sebelumnya.

2. Last Sunday, when Beni got to Edo’s house, Edo was in the middle of something. He was doing his Math homework.

3. Last Sunday, Edo’s father got home at !ve. At that time, Edo was still working on his homework.

4. Beni and Udin were actually not late to the football practice last Sunday. When they got to the field, the others were just sitting. They were not playing yet. And, the coach, Mr. Ali, was going to the sports shop to buy a new whistle.


Jawaban halaman 91-93 yaitu

Lina: “Udin, why didn’t Edo go out during the break?”

Udin: “He did not go out because he was studying History for the test.”

Siti: “Beni, did you go to Dayu’s mother to learn to make stuffed tofu?”

Beni: “No, she was in Posyandu the whole day yesterday. She was doing vaccination for the babies and kids in her neighbourhood.

Edo: “I’m sorry I didn’t come to do the study-group meeting. I was helping my dad fixing the fence of my house.

Dayu: “It’s fine, Edo. So far, you have only missed one meeting.”

Dayu: Lina is visiting her relative in Yogyakarta. She left early yesterday.

Beni: I don’t think so. At eight she was still at home.

Dayu: How do you know she was still at home at eight yesterday?

Beni: I called her at eight and her mom told me she could not take the phone because she was making pastry. Her hands were full, of eggs and flour.

Siti: Beni did the homework to write a descriptive text only this morning during the break. You know what? His text is about me!

Dayu: How do you know?

Siti: I met him in the library. He told me that he was doing the task to describe a girl in our class to criticize her. And, he chose me. He was trying to say about my bad habits.

Lina: Siti, I saw you walking to school by yourself this morning. Don’t you usually go to school with Dayu?

Siti: Yes, I do. But this morning I left Dayu behind because Dayu was still mopping the floor when I got to her house. I didn’t want to be late to class.

Beni: I went to the canteen during the break but I didn’t see you there.

Udin: I was in the library with Siti, Edo, and Lina. We were looking for some text about animals and plants in the encyclopedia.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi past continuous tense pada https://Wargamasyarakatorg .co.id/tugas/6286300
