Jawab Lah Pertanyaan Di Buku Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Kelas 10 Halaman 24 Teks 2 Yang Paling Atas Bantu Dong Mlm Terakhir Nya Pliss☹️☹️

Jawab lah pertanyaan di buku bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013 kelas 10 halaman 24 teks 2 yg paling atas bantu dong mlm terakhir nya pliss☹️☹️

Jawaban: Main idea atau ide utama adalah gagasan yg menjadi inti suatu paragraf. Detail text merupakan gagasan pendukung dr main idea. Main idea & detail text sama seperti


Text 1: An email from Hanna.

Paragraf 2

Main idea: Hannah tells about her school and her family.


           1. She is 16 years old.                                                                                                                                                                    

           2. She attends Thomas Edison High School in Minneapolis.

           3. She has two brothers and two.                                                                                                                4.  Her father died a few years ago, so her mother runs the house and the family business.

  √ Jawaban Lks Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 9 Halaman 25 Sampai 29 Semester 1

Her father used to be a barista.

Paragraf 3

Main idea: Hannah tells about her hobbies


She likes music.

She likes sports, especially tennis and basketball.

She loves animals very much.

She really likes to discuss with her among friends about different cultures that they have.

Her favorite subjects at school are art and geography.

She’d like to become some kind of outdoor guide when she graduates.

Paragraf 4

Main idea: She hasn’t got much interest in clothes or the latest trends, although the biggest mall in Minnesota is not far from her house.


She can reach the mall very easily.

She can go to the mall by a commuter train or a bus.

She can also go to the mall very easily by her own car.

Paragraf 5

Main idea: Other activities that she likes and doesn’t like.

Detail: She doesn’t like reading but she loves drawing and painting.

Paragraf 6

Main idea: She wants Alia to write to her.

Detail: She wants her to respond to her email quickly.

Text 2: A letter from Saidah.

Paragraf 2

Main idea: Saidah tells Alia about her school and her family.


She is a sixteen year old school student from Johor Bahru in Malaysia.

She attends an Islamic boarding school just outside the city.

Her family live in Kuala Lumpur.

Her eldest sister is a medical doctor and will get married soon.  

Her younger brother is an elementary school student in KL but he often writes to her via email.

Paragraf 3

Main idea: Saidah tells Alia about her favorite subjects.

  7 Ciri Ciri Kelas Gastropoda


Her favorite subjects are social sciences.  

She likes history very much.

They supposed to use English at all times.

Paragraf 4

Main idea: Saidah tells Alia about her hobbies and her favorite singers and actor.


She is really into songs and music.

Her favorite singer is Yusuf Islam, Maher Zain, and Siti Nurhaliza.  

She also likes watching movies.

The actor she likes best is Tom Cruise.

Paragraf 5

Main idea: Saidah tells Alia about her reading hobby.


She is really into books.  

She likes reading novels and short stories by Malay.  

She likes some writers in English, like JK Rowling and Indonesian writers too, like Andrean Hirata and Ahmad Fuadi.

Her dream when she is older is to be a writer of science fiction books set in the distant future.

Paragraf 6

Main idea: Saidah tells Alia about her interest to visit Indonesia


She heard that it has the largest number of Muslims of any country.

She just reads a book which mentions that there are some magnificent places to visit, such as, Bali, Sulawesi, Papua and Borneo.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Subjective pronoun pada Wargamasyarakatorg .co.id/tugas/8108022

Pertanyaan yg berhubungan dgn an email from Hannah pada Wargamasyarakatorg .co.id/tugas/6982689

Jawaban dr soal surat Saidah pada Wargamasyarakatorg .co.id/tugas/494952


Detail Jawaban

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Talking About Self (Chapter 1)

Kode: 10.5.1



Soal & jawaban dr tugas bahasa inggris kelas 10 halaman 24 teks 1 teks 2 teks 3 teks 4 teks 5

mana soalnya kok gak ada ???

  Pidato Bahasa Jawa Kelas 6 Perpisahan ​