Instant Messages on Cell Phones

Sending messages via cell phones/smartphones is more practical than writing them on a piece of paper. The receivers may also read the messages as soon as possible since almost all people have cell phones or social media recently. If you write messages on pieces of paper, you need to mention the receiver’s and sender’s names. However, since you have already had the contact of your message receiver in your phone book, occasionally you do not need to write neither the receiver’s name nor your own name. Unless, you text the receiver for the first time or the recwiver doesn’t have your contact number.

In fact, when writing such messages, we usually use abbreviations and slang words, so we type the message quickly like as follows:
– ASAP (as soon as possible)
– FYI (for your information)
– LOL (laugh out loud)
– u (you)
– ur (your)
– 4 (for)
– thx (thanks)
– OMG (oh my God)
– c u (see you)
– otw (on the way)
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